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Posts posted by odinsgrandson

  1. Interesting.

    - He is missing two brush blending (Mike McVey's water gradient technique).  That's a real shame, because I actually use it for a different effect than these other techniques that he is using.

    - He is also clearly better at one of them than the others, and that colors his results a lot.  To be honest, I've seen some pretty spectacular pieces made with pretty much every blending technique, so his comparison falls flat for me.

    - The best painter I know if Marike Reimer, and she uses all techniques for blending, plus one of her own (we'll call it the Smoosh Technique; it involves putting two different shades of paint on the same brush).

    • Like 1
  2. This is my very first foray into religious artwork- so long as we aren't counting Paladins, Clerics, Menite scrutators, avenging angels of destruction, ancient Greek religious icons... well, you know- stuff.

    This is a statue by Angela Johnson that I painted up (she also sculpted a larger than life size version in bronze that'll be in the Thanskgiving Point gardens).

    Overall, I was really taken by the expression she got on him, and I really wanted to make that work in the painting.  It isn't all the time that we see a Jesus be so expressive.




    I also posted him up to CMON for those of you who care to vote.  I'm honestly really wondering what the meta is like for religious art over there.

    • Like 2
  3. Kingdom Death: Monster is finally making its way into the hands of backers. I’ve had a chance to play it, and I can say that the game, and game pieces are quite good. It is gritty, tough and each time your tiny colony survives a nemesis, you feel a real sense of accomplishment.

    Now, while I don’t have any of the new minis from the game painted up, I do have one of Kingdom Death’s resin figures done.

    Here is the “Chosen.” While he does not yet have any rules, reading over the fluff blurb on him, I’m pretty sure that he’ll make it into a Kingdom Death expansion sometime (probably as a nemesis).


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  4. Here are a couple Wyrd minis that I got to paint up just a little while ago.

    These are both the metal versions of the characters.  Wyrd has been switching their line to plastic, and with some very nice results, but it is also nice to go back and paint up the metals ones too.

    It isn't like Wyrd had a poor range before their move to plastic, you know?  In fact, in a few instances, I really miss the old metal versions.

    Anyway, here they are- the Dead Rider and Governor's proxy





    Edit- mis-tagged the mini, so changed the name.

    • Like 1
  5. I painted up this Logan Grimnar a little while ago.  He's the old metal version- from before he was moved to Resin, then later re-sculpted and put on a flying wolf drawn chariot-boat-thing.

    I'm still fond of him on foot, and the dynamic pose this mini has really works for him.  Ultimately, the challenge on this mini was helping all of the various tiny details to pop, and still keep his face a strong center of interest.  I think I accomplished this through my use of color (the warmest spots are on his face).

    I believe that my only regret here is that we didn't get a photo of the freehand on his shoulder before we mailed him off.

    Anyway, here he is.


  6. This is a unit of Grotesques that I painted up on commission a little while ago.

    I don't know why GW didn't make a plastic kit for these guys- the cool pose the resin mini has looks superbly silly when you have four or five of them in the unit.

    So, part of this commission was to re-pose some of them (I had some other Dark Eldar bits to help with this, because I've added quite a few things to this force over the years).

    Here they are:



    • Like 2
  7. Here was my main entry for the Gencon MHE competition this year.  Every year, I spend a lot of time painting a few minis, then enter any gaming miniatures I have that fit the categories.

    He got a gold award from the main competition, received a judge's choice award, and took home the 4th place Dark Sword trophy.

    I really love this mini- the biggest trouble I had painting him up was that Jim (owner of Darksword) owns a fantastic version of him painted by Zach Lanier.

    A lot of the decisions that I made on him kept this sort of meta-thinking in mind (ie, when Jim and Jess were judging the contest, I didn't want them to be comparing him to Zach's mini too much).

    I think I came out with an interpretation of this mini that is all my own.

    I've also posted him to Coolmini, for anyone who cares to vote.




    • Like 2
  8. Here is my entry for 2015's P3 Grandmasters (the Privateer Press painting competition held each year).
    Overall, I was rather pleased with how she turned out.  I felt that the green added something different that the character wouldn't have if she were painted any other way.
    She nearly wasn't completed in time for Gencon.  I had actually planned ahead quite well, and would have had her finished handily, except that I got sick enough to stop working on her for almost six weeks in a row (just one minor sickness followed by another).
    In the end, I'm very glad I stuck with her, and I'm quite pleased with how she turned out.  She received a gold.
    For those who care to vote, I've posted her up to CMON.
    • Like 4
  9. This is a miniature that a friend of mine gave me- he owned it for a number of years before that, and just wasn't about to learn how to paint minis.
    I'm not completely sure where it comes from.  He had a few other minis that looked like they might portray characters from Lord of the Rings, but I haven't seen her in the Mithril catalogue.
    Looking over her, she looked like she might portray Joan of Arc or something along those lines.
    She originally held a sword in her hand, but since I could not find that piece, I made her into a standard bearer with a flag from GW's Lord of the Rings range.
    Anyway, here she is:
    • Like 1
  10. Over the years, I've done a few re-paints of figures that I've gotten from gift shops or other non-gaming minis.
    Here is a fairy statue that I found at a thrift-shop.  She wasn't in great shape when I picked her up, but all she really needed was a loving paintjob to bring out the good things in the sculpt.
    For this one, I went with a limited color scheme with only browns (and orange is light brown).  I feel she turned out pretty nice.
    • Like 1
  11. Thanks.


    The black has a little red in the darker parts of it.  I find this doesn't show up so much, but it contrasts just a little more with the blue highlights and makes the area just look more interesting.

  12. Those look cool man, I just ordered my copy a day ago and can't wait to get painting.  It's clearly obvious what some of the mini's are supposed to be (action heroes, etc). How in the hell did they get away with that, without getting sued for using "the likeness" of copyrighted material?  Anyone know? I'm sure if I tried to make a game and did that, I'd be sued.


    It isn't that hard, it looks like.  Here's what they did:


    - They did not use any of the names, and do not admit that they made any tribute characters at all, ever.


    - When the were confronted about two characters, they altered them.  The two in question were based on characters from Quentin Terrentino films (Jules and the Bride).  The two were changed so that they didn't match the characters they were originally based on.


    - With the way they're doing it, no one would think that they're actually licensed (ie- the names are all different).  I suspect that for most copyright holders, it isn't worth it to go after them (ie, it would cost more than they would get).  


    - They also might be relying a little on the obscurity of the game market all together, and aren't being noticed until after they've finished delivering their Kickstarter.  You might notice, almost every tribute character is Kickstarter Exclusive, so if they got a Cease and Desist order, they wouldn't actually have anything they'd need to cease doing.


    Also, not every company feels the way GW and Lucusfilm do about their copyrighted materials.  A lot of them don't really care if people make silly knock-offs.

  13. Here's a force that I painted up for a client a little while ago.
    It seems that a lot of Circle Oboros forces have a seasonal theme to them- and there's definitely a beauty in the Winter that starkly differentiates from the studio color scheme.
    Anyway, here they are:
  14. Here is the plastic commissar that I painted a little while ago for a client to go with a Praetorian force.
    Honestly, the old metal (and later resin) commissars are close to my heart, but I was surprised that I found this guy to be a worthy successor.  The mini takes to being painted quite well.
    Anyway, here he is:
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