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Posts posted by harbinger

  1. Could not have come at a worse time...just after Wyrd released the sheer amount of plastic crack they have for Malifaux players this coming weekend.

    Dammit....just got the Paddle Boat as well. Ooooohhh my wife is gonna kill me. Hopefully it will be billed as something I can explain away as a Xmas gift for someone in the family!


    I always claim gaming is just a stress reduction expense and the family benefits by a calmer me. "you see baby.. Im doing this for you and the kids."

    I always get the eye roll as response but shes never called me on it :P

  2. Any chance of a pic of the gaming mat?

    Also, are the signs for the buildings attached or separate. I'd like to be able to have some fallen off/broken, as I have distressed and want an run down ghost town.

    Sadly no pic for the mat :/ The master is in transit right now to start production. Soon as the test sample gets back Ill take one of it (should be about 2 weeks.) Yeah I should took pics of the master but been so busy for the last week finalizing things, it totally slipped my mind.

    I can see your idea point on the signs. Unless specifically requested otherwise, the Upscale and Frontier will be attached (I want keep to the no assembly required idea.) Ill leave distressed unattached.

    ---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

    That'd be awesome actually! Going to try to go for something like this:

    No problem :) Ill add facing all way to roof line on yours (no charge.. the tiny bit of balsa for that wont be noticed for me.) What movie is that from? I like the style for future inspiration...

  3. I will probably be trying to convert the church into a clocktower because I have too many jerk freikorps friends who are going to From The Shadows right to the top of it lol

    Pic on the PB website when you get it done please.Im looking forward to seeing how turns out. The way the steeple on church is built this wont be hard to do. Actually.... want me to enclose the bell area for you so the stain will match?

  4. This was just the type of project I've been waiting for! More than happy to back it! Bummer on missing out on that play mat, but, what are you gonna do?

    Thanks for making such an awesome, affordable terrain fund!

    Welcome aboard!!!

    Yeah I would loved to been able give out more mats but two things.. First Im totally eating the price of them out my pocket. Second, the initial test run is only 53 units. %0 to pledgers, 1 for myself, 1 for business partner, and 1 for my local game store. Im happy with the design and confident it would hold up to play, but want get reports after 2 months use by multiple gamers before declare is commercial and add it to my line up.

  5. Looks promising. Backed!

    Good luck with the campaign. I would really love that boat.

    Welcome aboard!!

    I want to take a moment and share something off the first pledged report. At this point; sets will be played on in US, Australia, (unspecified) Europe, Canada, Sweden, United Kingdom, Croatia, Germany, France, Netherlands, Japan, and the Philippines. I am floored.

    We have also reached the 50% funding mark in 4 days!!! I am up on toes doing the Snoopy dance... and if any you let that slip to my war vet group, Im packing up my Kaeris crew and coming to hand out a Malifaux stomping on your own new table :P

  6. no zFiend, just contribute again and choose no perk then add it in. I keep a separate spreadsheet that I update as each person pledges, since it sorts by name I can instantly tell when someone has come back and added something like shipping. The only time I need notified is if someone is getting a add on building or pitched roofs. Sadly the platform doesnt allow for an automated way to handle the add ons.

    Dont feel bad about forgetting the shipping, quite a few international has and then come back a day latter and done so. I keep a list and will shoot out reminders to those that miss it.

  7. If we dont hit 50k, how much for a riverboat anyway?

    I want the riverboat. It sings a siren song to me

    Ive had a couple emails and facebook comments suggesting the same thing. I would love to do that (though the cost wont be cheap.. its lot of materials) but do have a reservation. I dont want people that pledged with hopes of getting it for free to feel like Im double dipping by asking for more money. I truly do want to see the paddle boat out there on tables, I have no doubts that exposure would make breaking into the industry a guarantee for me as it is going be both unique and impressive. If had to do over, I would of offered it as a perk from day one instead of a stretch goal.

    ** 4 free distressed sets remaining

  8. Messaged.

    You just popped my crowd funding cherry good sir!

    In for the whole town set.

    Plus, just made it in time for the free Mat. Yayayayayyaayayayayay!!

    Interested to see what the bigger buildings look like distressed...

    welcome aboard!! and yeah you cut it close on the mat ;)

    And actually your not only one anticipating the large buildings distressed. The salon is going be especially nice I think.

    ** 4 free distressed sets remaining

  9. Hi all, saw this campaign posted on DakkaDakka, backed it, then decided to register on here. I don't play Malifaux (yet - probably will soon), but I've been on the lookout for terrain for Wild West Exodus. I posted a link over on their forums, hopefully will draw some traffic and new backers.

    I have a question about the stain used on the balsa wood - is it easy to paint over (I'm thinking of adding some ink washes to give some variation in the wood colors). Also, there is a grey and brown finish shown - is it possible to mix and match the finishes (I backed the town level - could I get half grey and half brown buildings for example or does this create a logistical nightmare for you?)

    Thanks for your support and welcome to Wyrd forums!!! if think you can hang out here and not get addicted to malifaux your seriously mistaken :P This game gets under your skin fast.

    The the buildings come pre-stained as seen in the video. The colored examples you see are whats possible if the customer paints, and techniques are explained in the ebook guide that comes with your order. To get the exact color you see on the distressed; they would be stained a grey... you do a simple white highlight then wash with a black (I use a home made version of citadel) Thats exact process used in the pic your referring to, finishing the models is pretty easy if dont want the natural stained color.

    The actual distressing of the wood to give the ghost town effect is done by hand before staining, and as nagash13 said is time consuming on our end, hence the charge. You dont know how lucky you are to have joined the malifaux community when you did... if would like your set distressed shoot me a PM here on the forum :)

    Of note though... while I could do that to just certain buildings (or whole set if you like) it can not be mixed on a single building do to difference in stain colors. I have worked out a paint technique that will appear half way between the normal and the ghost town look; Im pretty sure I know exactly what your aiming for. Let me know and Ill do a more mild distressing and include the painting techniques in the terrain guide. Its tab bit more work painting it because pick out individual planks instead broad dry brushing but gives a nice "weathered" effect to show aged effect.

    The stain takes acrylic paint very easy and hardly any effort required to get a look your happy with. Trying to ink over the stain doesnt work.. Ive tried and it repels the color. But painted (and I use sample size house paints.. very cheap.. from Home Depot) take ink/washes with no problem.

    ---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

    I just took look at the funding project and we have hit the 1/3 mark in less then 2 days. I credit all of you for this; would never happened without this community :) :) While I might throw out smilies on a forum from time to time; it is not often a actual smile creeps across the face of a old Devil Dog... you all have done it.

  10. @harbinger: For the purpose of promoting this, could you put together a reasonably sized image that shows all you get in the starter set, and another that shows all you get in the town set? Takes a bit of looking to realize how much you get without a simple guide.

    Ignore the over the top flashiness and the dragging it out with "but that's not all", but something that just lays everything out clearly like this:

    always said Im not a marketer ;) Great idea, enjoy the bonus gallows with your order

    ---------- Post added at 04:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

    Links posted on Dakkadakka. Trying to generate a little more interest. Hope you don't mind.

    by all means!!!! It only helps all you the more this gets around. For any contributors with a facebook page, share that you contributed on it and I am able to track any referral from it that also pledges.There will be a gift at end for person with highest referrals that also contribute.

  11. I'm a little confused about the special deal your offering wyrd forum backers I see upscale frontier and distressed which option is standard and which options do we have? btw I backed for the whole town I cant wait and I didn't even see the post about the textured mat until just a few seconds ago

    Thanks for your support :) I am going to have to look at way I worded the funding page. My intention was to show the terrain guide would explain ways to finish the buildings and those 3 pics was visual examples.

    The buildings come in upscale or frontier; which refers to way they are physically built not finished. Distressing was just an example of what a person could do with the buildings once received them. For Wyrd forum members I am willing to have a number of sets "distressed" before they are shipped. Would make a nice ghost town theme. This will only be done to frontier style (style with the low sidewalk.)

    If would like to jump on that just shoot me a message here on the forum :)

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