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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Glad fuhatsu got an upgrade but thinking about it not sure I like it. As soon as you give him a sword the he fills the exact same place as a samurai in any list with a very similar cost. Not sure why I would go that route when you cant pick from the 3 samuari upgrades at 1ss less. Thinking they should have taken him another direction.
  2. High river and those 3 attacks on charge with mccabe sabre and reactivate is solid. I would hate to see them after a buff with him.
  3. Tapdancer, Hey got a link or at least a name for that model would love to buy him. EDIT bah found him but he is huge. So wanted him as a lone samurai
  4. Any news on what our new rider does?
  5. Sounds like another one off model. Little disappointing because I love the look of them. Sounds like 1 will make a great addition to a lot of crews.
  6. Are the terracotta guys worth a crap at hitting other models. Sounds like they have some cool tricks are they just a support model on the level of low river monks or can they fight as well?
  7. Awsome thanks for the info. Not sure I am super excited for any of them but could be some use in there. If I had some one to take the upgrade in my mccabe crew I would be a lot more excited about the low river upgrade. I like them for condition removal but that is about all I take them for. For now I think the terracotta warriors remain my most exciting new toy from new book.
  8. Aw figures dashel has not been worthwhile for me with mccabe but was hoping he would become useful. Bought a whole damn starter just for him.
  9. So if you got our new upgrade deck please let us non gen con people know what our new upgrades do please.
  10. So I am guessing mccabe/10T is not going to be able to get the dashel upgrade?
  11. So what do you take for headhunter mission. I have been having issues killing the models and then done with activation other crew walks over and picks the damn things up because they get to pick to some extent where the marker goes. Is there a 10t model that works well for this to look at?
  12. That was my issue even tho i was the one doing it I elected simply not to attack the guys new rats but I cant find any thing in the rules that give it solid answer one way or the other.
  13. That was my issue even tho i was the one doing it I elected simply not to attack the guys new rats but I cant find any thing in the rules that give it solid answer one way or the other.
  14. Ok so if i use bone assendant upgrade place in 8 inches and make attacks. I kill a model and a rat is placed in his range can he smack the new rat as well?
  15. I am a mix of excited and expecting disappointment on the sword gals. Miskai is not my fav 10t master if she can even take them and 10t is not exactly in need of more minions as we have tons of amazing minions to fill any role. Unless these are low ss cost and full faction 10t I doubt I will end up picking them up.
  16. I guess you just need to convince the other player to attack you each turn before you activate. Kind of cool Nm that does not work. You would need to take the action to get the condition.
  17. Got ya was combining 2 posts as one thought. Not sure how shen would get his infinite lasting d condition i get the idea but what gives him defensive that ends before he activates to get that rolling
  18. I dont get how a high river monk helps him get defensive. What am i missing
  19. Yep looks legit to me would drop off at end of turn. Disapointing for my excitement at what he was saying about shen.
  20. I find they are all very easy to kill so I don't play with them often myself. I do love the look of the fermented river monks. I will play with Wondering for objective running so that would be my rules fav.
  21. I am a bit worried for this book. Wyrd does not have the best track record on balancing books that did not have Open play tests but time will see on this one.
  22. Prior to the 2e and open betas all the gen con early release stuff was bought with little to no rules spoilers. Be interesting to see what they do this year.
  23. Sounds like you should give me a miss thop. I cant fathom how people get so many of those things i have not been able to get one.
  24. Curious if any one has combined these 2. McCabe has some amazing effect with cheep models smashing face turn one and if the dog or wastrel gets killed off out pops this beast. Has any one tried this for any solid results?
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