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Posts posted by magicpockets

  1. If you were allowed to end your movement inside another model, technically you could push until you were directly on top of the other model and then stop, as you'restill "moving towards" whilst you're "inside" the other model's base.

    But as soon as you are at that point, you are then moving away, not towards, and since you cannot legally end a move on top of another model, towards ends when you are in base contact, spirit or not.


    And the award for most pointless post of the day goes to.... :)

  2. I've asked this before and will dig up the post. Basically they're not public knowledge like melee ranges and can only be checked when they could affect something.

    I get the intention but nothing stops you moving 1mm and going "just checking if it affects my model", moving 1mm and going "just checking if it affects my model"

    EDIT ---

    Here you go

    my post > http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?27220-Measuring-Auras

    Resolved post > http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?22153-Measuring-beginer-s-question

    And make sure to click "thanks" - I got better things to do than teach you how to play Malifaux... :ninja:

  3. So, played a 30ss game last night and took Levi, 6x Canine Remains (1x for waif and 2x for Sybelle), Molly, Necrotic Machine, 2x Belles. Strat was shared claim jump.

    Hard to comment on the game as we were both trying new models and a LOT of mistakes were made, but I've now got some first thoughts on Molly - she's cr*p. Sure the +3wk on Levi is nice, but not 9ss "nice", and being able to summon a Belle with corpse counters in cool but hard to get off as it's suit dependant. Did notice her sacrifice spell works quite well as a slow to die action (that could be fun in slaughter), but aside from that was very unimpressed. For 9ss I'd rather take broken Bette, or even unbroken Bette

    A question did come up though - why has the Necrotic machine got an ability which makes a living model undead? I can't see where that's useful.

  4. for me you are having to select to target ryle to be able to move him as in you have to choose for it to effect him i think with a rule like this i would play it more to the character of the model rather than the way that might benifit the controler more. But then thats me.

    Target is a game term and is deliberately used/not used in certain rules to account for interactions like this - it's the same as an insignificant model targeting Hamelin - there are still way around as where the rules don't specify "target". So of course play it how you like, but the rules are pretty clear on how it's meant to be played.

  5. Okay, so I think Jo's post above is fair enough but this seems a bit of a kneejerk reaction. I did miss the other thread evolve but reading it now it seems a bit dramatic, especially as the other rules pack got revised after your feedback.

    Good luck with the event and if I can't get a hotel Bristol way on I'll likely come up, but new faces are better than the same faces. Plus you don't want me to beat you all again....

  6. Wow, missed this thread - wtf? I'll likely come down to this rather than the Liverpool event as it'll be a great chance to play new people - just need to check hotels and the like first.

    Also, can someone send me the first rules pack so I can chuckle at what caused everyone throw toys out of prams?

  7. I'd be very surprised if Wyrd didn't revise the bury mechanic some time soon, so it might be best not to rely on it for your Levi crew.

    I'm not relying on it, just having fun breaking it. And already noticed the +3wk from Molly to give to Bette and the SS Miner too. And tonight I'll be giving them armour from the Guardian too :)

  8. Thanks to Maelstrom my latest additions have arrived this morning and will get a game with them tonight against Mike's Guild (probably Hoffbot AGAIN). Not really seen anything amazing here yet (although I've noticed I need lot and lots of crows) but will play them out and see how it goes.

    Here's the latest conscriptions (bottom row are duplicate models to what I've already got) -


  9. The only time you cannot do this, is if the black joker has been flipped (as this gives a chance for you to deal 0 damage to yourself).

    It doesn't matter if the Black Joker has already been flipped. It was ruled ages ago in an awesome post (unless there's been another ruling about Gremlins - I don't read much Gremlin stuff) that what has been flipped doesn't mater. With a full deck there is a "chance" you could fail, and that's all that matters.

    Search "Rainman" for the ruling iirc :)

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