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Posts posted by Demonthresis

  1. What:  2-day, 50 Soul Stone fixed Faction tournament using Gaining Grounds 2017

    When:  Saturday and Sunday, June 24-25, 2017.  Registration at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday

    Where:  Potomac Curling Club, Laurel, Maryland 20707

    Event Website:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1834680340126883/

    Event Info:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pTua_rkRs5H_i9u3dKh_oNPRzJ9Gm5-iSs4pVobFs7s/edit

    Entry Fee:  $50, includes lunch both days to be paid in advance via paypal to Travis Weyforth


    This is the second year of the Capital City Meltdown!  Please see the event website and event info for instructions on how to reserve a spot for this fantastic tournament.

  2. On 7/18/2016 at 8:50 AM, Rurouni Benshin said:

    May I inquire as to what size the Wyrd prize kit will be?  Thank you!

    I've requisitioned a 16 person kit and it's being delivered to my house as we speak.  Okay, probably it's sitting in a sorting facility somewhere ready to be delivered tomorrow.  But you get the idea :)  Additional prizes will include store credit for sure as well as possibly some more Wyrd related prizes.

  3. What:  A one-round tournament, 50 SS game

    When:  Wednesday, July 27th at 6:00 p.m.

    Where:  Play More Games, 42 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD


    We're going to be getting together to have some fun at Play More Games in Gaithersburg, Maryland.  You may ask, what is a one-round tournament?  Well, the answer is it's a single game of Malifaux played where everyone has a good time and the standings don't really matter.  Prizes will include Wyrd Mystery Boxes and will be randomly handed out to winners and losers alike.  We call it a tournament but its really just a fun time.  Because of time and space constraints we are limited at this time to 8 players so please contact me here to claim on of those 8 spots!

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  4. What:  50 Soul Stone fixed Faction tournament using Gaining Grounds 2016

    When:  Saturday, August 20th, 2016.  Registration at 10:30, cards flipping at 11:00 a.m.

    Where:  Play More Games, 42 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg Maryland 20878

    Website:  http://www.playmoregamestore.com/catalog/gaming_events-prerelease__special_events/malifaux_tournament/302513

    Entry Fee:  $10 advance registration through above website, $15 at the door.


    This will be a three-round, fixed faction tournament using Gaining Grounds 2016 rules and guidelines.  There will be a break for lunch between rounds 1 and 2.  Prize support will include both a prize kit from Wyrd as well as additional prize support in the form of store credit from Play More Games and third-party vendors.  Pre-registration is available through Play More Games' website using the link above to help us get an idea how many tables we need to have ready for the tournament and is greatly appreciated.  Please feel free to send me a message with any questions you may have.  Also, please see the Capital Area Malifaux group on Facebook for more information about the tournament as well as all things local to the D.C. area.


    The following strategies and deployments will be used:

    Round 1:

    Strategy: Guard the Stash

    Deployment: Corner

    Schemes: Convict Labor, Take Prisoner, Leave your Mark, Occupy their Turf, Frame for Murder


    Round 2:

    Strategy: Headhunter

    Deployment: Standard

    Schemes: Convict Labor, Hunting Party, Show of Force, A Quick Murder, Mark for Death


    Round 3:

    Strategy: Extraction

    Deployment: Close

    Schemes: Convict Labor, Show of Force, Exhaust their Forces, Neutralize the Leader, Covert Breakthrough

    • Like 1
  5. It's a new month and that means new demo day!  Come on out to Play More Games on Sunday, December 17th between 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. for some Malifaux demos!  As always, no need to bring anything or have any knowledge of the game, all can be provided.  New players are encouraged to bring any miniatures and cards they may have questions with.  See you there!


    What:  Malifaux M2E demos

    Where:  Play More Games, 42 Bureau Dr, Gaithersburg, MD 20876, (240) 801-9375

    When: Sunday, January 17, 2016, Noon - 4 p.m. (unless we're having too much fun then even later)

    Why:  Because we love playing Malifaux and you should too!



    Demo ID: 12051505

  6. Prize support currently is store credit from which the majority of the entry fee will be going straight to the prize pool.  This is the first tournament our local henchmen have been able to run and therefore we don't have any soulstones with which to purchase additional prize support.  Hopefully we'll have at least one or two of the Black Friday models available for prize support.  We're also talking with a bunch of online retailers and third-party sites trying to get some extra prize support from them.

    And yes, Line in the Sand is always available, it was just something that didn't make it into the drafts of schemes because it's always there so it didn't get copied and pasted in.  I'll change that right now.

  7. What:  50 Soulstone Fixed Faction Tournament

    When:  Saturday, January 9th, 2016, 10:30 a.m. signup (11:00 a.m. games start)

    Where:  Play More Games, 42 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878 

    Website:  http://www.playmoregamestore.com/catalog/gaming_events-special_oneshot_magic_events/malifaux_tournament/302513

    Entree Fee:  $10 Preregistration using the link above, $15 at the door.


    This will be a three-round tournament played with a fixed faction.  We will take a one-hour lunch break in between rounds one and two at which point we will also have our painting contest voting.  Prize support will be store credit from Play More Games in addition to any third-party prize support.  Pre-registration will be available from Play More Games' website.  For more information please see our Facebook group "Capital Area Malifaux" for all things Malifaux in Maryland, Virginia, D.C. and more.


    Additional prize support so far from the following companies:

    Andaya Laser Cutting

    Gadzooks Gaming

    Angry Mojo Games

    Mats by Mars


    Round 1:

    Deployment: Close Deployment

    Strategy:  Turf War

    Schemes:  Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Outflank, Frame for Murder, Murder Protege


    Round 2: 

    Deployment:  Flank Deployment

    Strategy:  Squatter's Rights

    Schemes:   Line in the Sand, Distract, Vendetta, Make Them Suffer, Plant Explosives


    Round 3:

    Deployment:  Corner Deployment

    Strategy:  Reconnoiter

    Schemes:   Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Plant Evidence, Breakthrough, Entourage

  8. Come out for some demos at a relatively new FLGS in Gaithersburg, Maryland and meet some new games and maybe try out a new game (or new rules)!  We will have crews, decks of cards and measuring tapes.  All you need to bring is your enthusiasm.  Please feel free to bring miniatures of your own if you'd like help with how to build a crew or how to play with certain models.


    What:  Malifaux M2E demos

    Where:  Play More Games, 42 Bureau Dr, Gaithersburg, MD 20876, (240) 801-9375

    When: Saturday, December 12, 2015, Noon - 4 p.m. (unless we're having too much fun then even later)

    Why:  Because we love playing Malifaux and you should too!

  9. Just added myself, thanks for making this.  I own the books for both Fated and Fate Master and would be willing to try both.  Trying to put together a group to play at a new local store in Gaithersburg, Maryland called Play More Games.

  10. I've got some Gremlins I'm looking to trade.  I've got 1E metals.  I have Somer with 4 Gremlins, 1 Mosquito, 5 piglets, 1 War Pig, 1 Pig Whisperer and Ophelia and her kin (all 5 named ones).  They're in various stages of paint and assembling but they're on Wyrd swamp bases with the exception of the piglets that are unbased.  Let me know if you're interested, I could use some Outcasts.

  11. Are they still charging for the use of their tables? I used to go up to Hobbytown pretty frequently to buy stuff and I even played my first game of Malifaux there. However, they keep replacing their minis stock with non minis (the latest being replacing the Warmachine wall with Boy Scouts uniforms).

  12. (Note of caution - a "quick" game of B5 was at least four hours)

    Oh Babylon 5. Being my favorite Sci-Fi show of all time, I drooled every time I saw that card game being played. I won't make anyone here feel old by saying how young I was when the game was played, but it was one I always wanted to get into. I've always been tempted to pick up any B5 products when I see them for sale, but I never know if they're good or if I have people to play with.

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