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Everything posted by poweranimal

  1. Inspiring! Where did you get that Lost Love model from? I've been searching for over an hour now on miniature sites... no luck :-(. Really love Kirai!
  2. So if Levi kills a model with (can't remember the name of spell, but the one that replaces the model with a steampunk.) Do I have the chance of negating that by summoning Bette or does the spells effects finish first?
  3. 1.) I know that a summoned model has "slow" during its first turn in but that doesn't stack with an already slow character like the flesh construct right? 2.) The Flesh Construct has an ability where I can discard a card to remove slow, can i use that to get rid of the summoned slow? and if i get rid of a joker he receives fast that turn instead? ^ It came up during a game I played yesterday. We didn't let it happen because we felt it was kinda cheap but I wanted to put it out there just to check. :-D. 3.) Do summoned models produce corpse counters once they die?
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