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Posts posted by MagickalMemories

  1. Our host site upgraded their security and somehow fragged the site. TrademasterAdam worked on it for about a week. He's got the site running now, but all the bells and whistles aren't up quite yet. He's working on it, though.

    At our previous host, we had this issue a couple times a year. This is the first real problem we've had in a couple years - since starting with this new/current hosting service.

    If something like this ever happens again, check the discussion areas of DakkaDakka. We're likely to post something there before anywhere else (I just happened across this thread, in fact).




    Not only that, but I would introduce it to my reglar group and attempt to make it our ONLY RPG. Coming from a guy who has played D&D as his *exclusive* RPG for 30 years, this means something.

    I was looking for Malifaux RPG threads when I found this one. I desperately want a Malifaux RPG, and I want to be in the playtest group.

    There are a lot of things Wyrd could do, all or most of which have been touched here.

    I would love to see some sort of random card mechanic introduced (one deck for the whole game to prevent "stacking the deck" by individuals) and, of course, Sould Stones should play a huge part in things.

    Please, Wyrd! Give the players what they want.


  3. I like the addition of the apron... plus, you did a good job on it.

    I'm a relatively conservative father. My daughter's 12.

    I don't see a need for topless women in my gaming, and -as she's a potential gamer, herself- I don't see a need to expose her to unnecessary nudity.

    Re: Executioner

    Topless men are not sexualized in the way that topless women are. It's an apples to oranges comparison. That said, I wouldn't be bothered if someone resculpted his bulk because they were bothered/offended by it, nor would I be bothered if the GSed a shirt on the guy.


  4. Besides, there will never bee little gobo pirates in Malifaux. No pirates. Nope .. nadda, ever. Same with ******. :)

    The Twisted line may very well grow in the future as I turn some of my attention back towards that down the road as we like to do fun pieces (I've got one in particular I've been wanting to have done for a long while), but till then, have to be content with what it is.

    Surely, though -and I'm speaking of "official events," like tourneys- You guys wouldn't begrudge us a bit of proxying. Would you?

    Say, maybe, someone converted pirate hats on all their gremlins and used Wupwecht as Som'er? Maybe with a custom made card, portraying Wupwecht, instead of Som'er? Surely, you guys would be cool with that. Yes?

    I'm also seeing Donna, Cauldron Witch as a stand in for Zoraida (her boobies are more under control LOL).

    I'd love to use those imps as Sorrows, too!


  5. Pandora is still insane.

    Granted, I'm a new player, but still...

    In one activation, she killed 5 Steampunk Arachnids (she had 2 linked sorrows) and threw a wound on a Steampunk Executioner.

    The girl's nuts, I tell you!

    So, sure... she doesn't get to get up in the opponents face on turn 1 anymore. Does that really mean she needs "help?"

    If anything, I think she might still be too powerful.


  6. I found something I couldn't resist picking up for friendly games.

    I'm going to use these for Ramos' summoned Steampunk Arachnids:


    Reaper Tool Bots from their Chronoscope line. Mine even came with Reaper's version of 30mm bases like Malifaux uses!

    When they form up into a swarm:


    Good times


  7. Currently, I sit at 6. Two on each forearm & 1 on each shin. The Octopus on my right shin is about 10 - 11 inches long, and the mountain scene on my left shin is 5.5" in diameter. They are all "Black & Gray" tattoos.

    A local tattoo shop is doing discounted tats for a charity this weekend. I was going to get the Malifaux Voodoo Doll [minus the blood pool] from the first page in the rulebook (I LOVE that art), but it was too big & complex for the event. So, I'm getting something I've wanted for a while, instead; the word "MOM," but the O is a pink ribbon (Mom's a 2 time breast cancer survivor & inspiration).

    The artist was kinda stoked about the idea of inking that voodoo doll at some point, though.


  8. I would like to confirm, not deny, my PROFOUND desire to playtest such an RPG, should it ever become a reality.

    Personally, I'd like to see it use a dice AND card mechanic.

    Something I thought of today:

    Instead of just receiving experience points for stuff, you receive 2 kinds of "xp." For clarity sake, we'll call them Alpha Points (AP) and Beta Points (BP).

    Alpha points are relatively rare. Only the toughest, strongest, wiliest opponents have any AP value to them. Most give BP.

    BP are what you use to advance in levels.

    AP can be exchanged on an (X) to 1 basis (X BP per AP exchanged). So, if needed, they could be used in a pinch to help you hit that lat few points to level.

    BP may NEVER be exchanged for AP, though.

    You can trade up, but you can't trade down.

    Perhaps Soulstones that your character carries are good for a set amount of AP, as well.

    AP have a value in game play.

    For a set # of AP, you can do things like the following:

    - Cheat Fate (Draw a card & add or subtract that # to/from your roll)

    - reroll a die

    - Cast a spell (different spells have different AP costs)

    Personally, I don't know that an RPG with ONLY a deck of cards would work. I mean, Role Players LOVE their dice. Also, sad as it is, the DM would have to keep his eyes on ALL of the players, to ensure that they're only cheating fate, and not the DM. KWIM?

    Would love to see this game!


  9. Forgive me, if this has been hashed out. I did a search for "Malifaux" and "RPG," but nothing came up.

    Same result just using "RPG."

    I'm wondering if there has been any discussion of branching out into the RPG world with Malifaux?

    Being a new player, I'm studying the rulebook. Every time I hit some fiction, I stop to read it.


    The worlds that it paints are just fantastic; both Malifaux and the in-game "real world."

    I'm seriously a hardcore D&D fan. Old school D&D. I run a regular game, and it's 2e AD&D, because I don't like anything else. I would convert this group to a Malifaux group, if there was a decent RPG published or if I could get in on a beta/playtest.

    I'd do it in a heartbeat, and I'm certain my group would convert right along with me!

    I'd love to know any rumblings about this, whether pro or con.

    Alternatively, has anyone tried converting the Malifaux setting to d20 or some other RPG system?


  10. been getting tattood for years now and i still dont understand why people have to shun other peoples decisions when it has ABSOLUTLY no effect on them.

    @beans looks good man...i woulda got it huge like the two bottom parts going down onto my shin ahhaha

    There's a popular saying I've seen around...

    "The difference between people with tattoos and people without tattoos is that people with tattoos don't care if you have tattoos."


  11. Wow, looks like you're set up for a bunch of crews! Glad to hear that Malifaux caught your attention, and great to have you in the forums here as well. Hope you enjoy it!

    I used to spend tons of time over at Bartertown back when I played a ton of 40k, oh...12 years ago. Actually in some ways I had more fun trading there than I did actually playing the game :D

    Ah! An old timer.

    At 14 years old, were the oldest and most stable game trading site on the net.

    [/plug] LOL

    Looks like you were one of the early ones.

    You should come visit us again. It's even MORE fun, now.


    Yeah. I really am looking forward to getting that lot in my hands. I can't wait to dig into the rulebook.

    Thanks for the welcome, everyone!


  12. I'm Eric.

    On other gaming related sites (Dakka Dakka, Bartertown and many others) I go my "MagickalMemories," too.

    I'm an Admin over on Bartertown, which is where I traded for my first Malifaux minis.

    I've long liked the look of Wyrd's minis but, since my game group only plays 40K, I didn't have anyone to play against.

    On a trip to MiniatureMarket, a local game store, I watched one of the employees play a game against someone who was kind of new.

    I immediately knew I wanted to learn. I really like the dynamic that the cards add.

    So, after some furious trades, I have the following on the way:

    Malifaux Rulebook

    Death Marshals Box Set

    Legion of Sorrow Box Set

    Lilith's Brood Box Set

    Undertaker's Lot Box

    Order of the Chimera Box Set

    Resurrection Fate Deck

    Arcanists Fate Deck

    Guild Fate Deck

    Neverborn Fate Deck

    Between those and the Seamus crew I have now, I'm certain I'll find a flavor that grabs me.

    Oh, the painting I'm going to have to do! LOL

    I look forward to learning the rules and, hopefully, getting together with some of you who are local to me (already spied the thread to find gamers).


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