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Posts posted by Ciaran

  1. WarHammer Fantasy used to have a conversion for WarHammer Fantasy RolePlay. It added stats for the RPG based on the statline for each creature. That's what I'm working on.

    Admittedly, I'm not doing "straight" Malifaux, but a hybrid with the same themes. I just don't want to mess with the world the way I would want to.... If that makes ANY sense.

    As I get stuff figured out I'd be happy to share it.

  2. Great to hear you've decided to try out Malifaux, I think you'll enjoy it as something different than you've seen in the last 30 years, at least I hope so!

    So many ways to pick on you about that....

    I'll not though. I think y'all have made both a fun and compelling game.

  3. Hello from Huntersville as well!

    With so many people playing in the region we might well need to set up a tournament at the shop local here. We seem to be fairly central for people coming from both the coast and the mountains...

    Could be fun!

  4. I think in order to preserve the flavors of Malifaux we'd be best served to just tweak the system already used for the skirmish game to fit an rpg.

    In fact, it's what I'm doing now. Admittedly, that's a personal preference issue. I think that rolling dice would just feel awkward after playing Malifaux: Skirmish so much.

  5. So you essentially agree with my position. Let me engage you as another Zoraida's fan then - isn't playing her right all about the proper manners?

    There is NOTHING anyone can do to convert her, or even proxy her that destroys her place in the game. It's a table top wargame with a major modelling hobby, ultimately there is no WRONG way to play her, unless the player isn't having fun.

  6. It's the way you're being nasty about others' communication of their feelings. Perhaps they're wrong, your hands are certainly not clean either though. Yes, you have verbally directly attacked two people, and another couple indirectly. Again please just walk away from this, you're not contributing anything of substance. I'm actually bitterly disappointed about that, I had thought from what you've posted before now that you were above this sort of thing.

    Zoraida is actually my favorite character and sculpt. I enjoy playing her immensely. I love what she brings to the GAME. The fact that she's a character in a game allows me to enjoy her without trying to make something more of her gender, age and nudity. I'm able to allow someone else's choices that I don't agree with to not destroy my enjoyment of the game, the character, and the community being built up on this board.

  7. Manners? That's ironic...

    To my mind you're making mountains of molehills, and being quite disrespectful yourself in the way you're going about it.

    Is it possible to just end this part of the discussion? It's obviously not advancing anything of substance.

  8. I wouldn't go the route of Cthulhu personally. I think Castle Falkenstein might well be a better choice as the card mechanic is already internal. It also already has the steampunk, magic and weird west integral into the game.

    In fact.... that's what I'm doing in order to create a couple of one shot games with a possibility of moving into a campaign.

  9. Memories: By the way... One of the guys that has started playing locally has his (13 year old?) son playing as well. He said once his kid picked up the book it was over, he just fell in love with the setting and the rules (as sooo many people do!). For his first in store game he played someone over three times his own age who had been playing for a few months... and worked him... HARD.

    I say game on!

  10. Gav, I don't care for the conversion, I REALLY appreciate your tutorials on putty work. Your work on youtube was quite impressive and informative as well, thank you! Any chance of some more how to's? I hope the combative tone of most of this thread hasn't turned you off to sharing.

    Memories, I have a friend that won't pick up the Red Chapel Gang for the same reason. He'd love to be able to play them, he just doesn't feel the material is appropriate to be around his children. I chuckle a bit about it while respecting the rights of he and his bride to make parenting decisions for his own children.

  11. I played a game with the Ortegas in a Foggy Bog against Lillith. I got worked a bit and ultimately took home the win.

    I would suggest: "islands" that have fences, trees, etc.. on them and hills. We often overlook hills in bogs, they certainly exist in real life though!

    If these are scattered about it will allow crews to "leapfrog" through the bog and get into combat faster. Again though, we play really terrain heavy in our games.

  12. Very cool Mac!

    More trees! Fences, both stone and wood will add more variation and cover. I think more detail on the shanty is a good idea too. Some hills. Maybe an idol or two. I did one of Cthulhu for my Silurid since they OBVIOUSLY worship the great fiend!

    My group plays with a LOT of terrain usually. I prefer to break up line of sight as much as possible, it makes for much more interesting games.

    For demos and store pick up games I think what you have is a GREAT foundation!

  13. If you swing west instead of east there are a bunch of us playing in the Cornelius area.

    Literally we're averaging a couple of new players a week. Quite a few of our newest batch have a really strong background with WHFB.

    Welcome to being Wyrd!

  14. Orc, I seriously, honestly, even truly laughed out loud at your new profile pic!

    I AM looking forward to the new bag. I use foam carrier trays now, I'd like something to put them in.

    Although, I have to admit, I don't like Battle Foam's foam.... Ironic that....

  15. Yeah, agreed. I don't think I've activated all of them at the same time more than... once.

    Right afterward I had my @$$ handed to me by the surviving enemy models. There would have to be a BIG potential for gain for me to even consider it now.

    Were I playing my Ortegas against someone else playing them as well I would like them to activate the entire Family at the same time so I could mop up at my leisure....

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