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Posts posted by Ciaran

  1. HAd a Kirai box set missing a Seishin, so promptly emailed, got a reply from Nathan asking for address and a picture. So I sent both. But that was near over 2-3 weeks and I havnt heard anything since, should I re-email or is this the norm?


    Not the norm at all. If the the parts are caught in customs on your side of the Atlantic it could be rough... I would ask for clarification. They're a good company, they're definitely not going to hose anyone.

  2. This is precisely what I have envisioned.

    That's good considering the discussions we had about it :P

    Actually have a boardgamer seriously considering, even after just digging through my components (all bought today). Had I had time before dinner I would have run him through a demo, he definitely would have been hooked then!

    He LOVES the business model on it too.

    Then again, he's a boardgamer, and understands the necessity of keeping the SKU count down, and prefers to not have a collectible miniatures game a la War at Sea, HeroClix, etc...

  3. I believe that part of the reason why Monsterpocalypse (collectible miniatures game) is not more popular is its underlying CCG qualities, but that's just my 2 cents.

    I think that MonPoc was killed by in large by it's initial randomized release format.

    I work at a comic and game shop a night a week, and hang out there constantly. In fact, I'm headed there in a bit to see what sort of trouble I can get into.... Randomized games when they first come out are.... tough. If they pick up a following they do well, if not... dead in the water doesn't do enough to describe it. Living Games tend to be more popular because people can plan for the purchases with confidence, and not count on hope.

    I had forgotten the new LoTR LCG! It's funny, I enjoy it, and completely allowed it to slip my mind.

    I hope they move in that direction for Elder Signs, when it comes to how they do expansions for locations, etc... Could get interesting!

  4. I really wish that every puppet was unique, even the minions, which would actually make it analogous to a board game with expansions in the proper sense. When a game makes an expansion, generally you only need to buy that expansion once to enjoy all of its benefits. If they couldn't market the game to be more flexible, then the boosters and expansions should have been designed to be one-time purchases, rather than 3 of each booster and you get a bunch of extras left over.

    Not if you play living card games, like Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer Invasion or Game of Thrones. That's as much what this model is based on as the board games that have been mentioned.

    I really describe this as a Living Board Game. The people I game with understand that, and like the concept. Wyrd isn't going to make everyone happy. As the secondary market grows this complaint should mellow out a bit.

  5. So to clarify if I were cast obey on an enemy model and force it to attack an enemy model I control all the flips-that bit I get. How about these 2 specific examples:

    If I kill the model it wouldnt count for vp for slaughter as it was killed by an enemy model

    If I cause a lelu say to charge/attack Pandora does he still have to win a wp-wp duel or irresistable/harmless/fearless etc

    Cheers for all the replies...

    If you kill a model that way it WILL count for VP's, I thought you were asking a different question, my apologies.

    Yes, he does.

    Any time!

  6. I agree, hence von schill or Neph being most likely selection. Other options are still sound. If I obey a Tot using a thirteen mask say, can I use Z's Bayou 2 card, or does the action still count as the Tots? Also if I obey an enemy model into attacking another enemy model would it count as my model (for things like slaughter vp, Pandoras defence WP duels etc) or my opponents?

    Thats a neat trick with the Voodoo doll. Sat I re-conduited the same targer, would it lose more/less/the same wounds from poison?

    Bayou Two Card in that case wouldn't work. It has to be Z's duel. You were on the right track :)

    The model that you Obey is controlled by you, all duels, resists, etc... for that AP or Charge is controlled by you. It doesn't count as part of your crew for VP's etc...

    The Conduit drops two poison counters on the target at the start close phase. If there's only one (or none) on the other model, it replaces them. When that model next activates if there are poison counters still on it it takes that many wounds, and removes one. (I found it easier to explain the entire process to be sure I didn't screw something up)

  7. I suppose the only point of contention then is whether an Immune to Slow model:

    Receives the Slow token but ignores the effects upon activation, thus making her susceptible to Smother and Feed on Dreams, also causing her to lose Fast when summoned into range of her Prey.


    Simply does not receive the token. Smother forces a Wp duel, sure, but so what? She can't receive Slow tokens. She still gains Fast if summoned close to Prey as no Slow token exists to negate it.

    Okay, THAT sounds like a reasonable question.

    You're not so bad after all....

  8. I almost wonder if action mods (page 34) should officially be granted tokens with rules associated (as per page 19 of the RM). It seems this is how they are meant to be played, with multiple applications of Slow piling up or being removed by multiple applications of Fast. Same for Reactivate/Paralyze. Though it's somewhat rare to see multiple applications of anything, it's coming to a point where visual aids would be beneficial.

    New turn, add a Fast token to Perdita, removed when she chooses to spend her extra general AP. Flesh Construct, player opts to keep his control card, Franky is Dumb and gains a Slow token, removed instead of spending a general AP. Shikome enters play, add a Slow token? Nope. She's Immune. Near her Prey? Add a Fast token. You have a model suffering with three instances of Slow, gains a Fast? Still has two Slow tokens.

    One less thing to keep track of in a game where keeping track of stuff is a full time job.

    It would also go a long way toward differentiating these "action modifiers" from "specific AP" (page 33) like Instinctual, Melee Master, etc.

    That's actually how I mentally keep it straight. Slips of paper would work quite well I think.

    Sandwich, I thought it was weird at first. The more I play under the explanation the more it makes sense. It actually keeps the rules much more internally consistent, which is pretty damned awesome.

    Sure, the Shikome isn't affected by Slow or Paralyzed. It doesn't say that it's Immune to the resist duels that cause them. If an Ability adds both Slow and some other condition, it would still have to be resisted, or the Shikome would suffer the other penalty. An opponent can any number of "slow tokens" on the Shikome with no effect on her activation from those "tokens." She would still be affected by Exhaustion, and suffer the Wound if any Alps are close enough.

    It completely makes sense within the rules.

  9. You are clearly not clear with how the process of slow works.

    Models need not receive fast for every consecutive slow they receive to maintain 1 AP.

    Slow does not "Pile up" or "Stack" at all.

    There is no faux Queue for any effect.

    You made that up and then said it was clearly defined.

    If a model is slowed seven thousand, nine hundred and fifty five times in a single turn it only needs to receive fast once to negative the effects of slow.

    You might want to look again. This was taken apart in a thread with a Rules Marshall, and it indeed works the way he described.

    The only time Fast would counteract all seven thousand plus Slows is if the model activated, the Slows gave the model -1 AP, and somehow during its activation it was made Fast, regaining its AP.

    There is indeed a faux Queue for activation point modifiers, although that name makes me cringe.

    On my tablet, and not sure how to link you to the other discussion, should be easy to find.

  10. The Ortegas from the guild are probably the shootiest crew in the game.

    I have to say I agree overall. I'm a Perdita player, usually have half the models my opponents do and pound per pound do so much more damage it's ridiculous. Just get used to being out-activated. Once you know it's going to happen it's not bad at all. The Wiki and the Tacticas here have some good information to start with.

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