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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Well thanks for those suggestions. I hadn't been desperate for the rail golem bit now have one winging it's way to me. I like the sound of the clockwork traps too.
  2. Although I have said it elsewhere, thank-you again for the game (game 1). I'll be after a re-match later in the year. *grin* Good reports of what was a very good event.
  3. So, I finally got my first game with the Ten Thunders yesterday after deciding to take Mei Fang to a local tournament. The first thing I discovered was that her crew is hugely fun. As she had been my impulse buy during my Gencon shopping spree thinking that Jacob was going to be my initial 10T master of choice most of my additional purchases were geared towards him. Now knowing I want to play her as much as possible I need expansion ideas. I have Willie and Oiran (although she did absolutely nothing in the one game I tried her out). What have people found useful with her? I assume Torakage makes even more movement tricks possible? Also, are there any current Arcanist miniatures I should be considering with her? Thanks
  4. Guessing I must be the only one who sees the Wicked Dolls as right up there with any other of the best 3 ss minions. I know they only have 2 wounds but get them into combat with a non-master and their high defence will cause a real problem. I had one take teddy down to 2 wounds while keeping him out of the game for 2 or 3 turns for instance. I won't list all of their benefits but they crop up in my lists time and time again.
  5. Thankyou very much kind sir. Another year older and yet no wiser!

  6. I went with these chaps. http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/198
  7. Ok, not sure how that posted 3 times

  8. Your blog is really good. I like it.

  9. Your blog is really good. I like it.

  10. No problem at all, glad it arrived safely. Good luck for the next tournament and I'll hopefully catch you both at a future one.

  11. Is no problem, don't worry about it, I was going to be doing some conversion work on them anyway. Thanks again.

  12. Godspeed and Portishead. Good choices sir!

  13. I know. I was sure I would be retired with a supermodel wife by now. Maybe next year. Still, it was a good party though! :-)

  14. Thanks very much Fell. I'll make sure of it! :-)

  15. Thanks for the Fallout 3 recommendation. Tremendous game. Already addicted and I'm only a few hours in.

  16. Marches through profile blowing a trombone! Tooot tooot tooot

  17. Congrats on the Mini-egg!

  18. Hey fell, just to let you know the last 2 parts are now up. Hope you enjoy and thanks for taking the time to Have read it so far.

  19. Your Avatar makes me hungry

  20. Well I just had to pick someone with appropriate attire!

  21. Indeed. And a snazzy new lady j for you!

  22. Happy 109th birthday doctor warlock

  23. Thanks again Fell! You're giving me a big head. Only 3 more parts to go and then it's all over!

  24. Thanks very much! You won't have to wait long. I just wish work didn't get in the way.

  25. Now that you have the source of all my powers he should obey your every whim. Well, either that or he won't and you'll be stuck with a very small hat!

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