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Mister Feral

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Posts posted by Mister Feral

  1. I actually got the willpower to try painting my Malifaux again. I had a lot of problems assembling the Shadows of Redchapel set and after an aborted and now-stripped painting attempt I gave up until I could figure out a new colour scheme that would work. I slapped some basecoats on a Nurse this morning to see if my new intended colour scheme works.
    A very early WIP, literally a few basecoats and a pinch of shading on the cloth;
    That'll do I think, cannot go wrong with purple and cream! :)
  2. I like seeing WIP pictures, it's nice to see how paintjobs develop. It's also handy for people to make suggestions on what's been done so far. Having said that, I have nothing to suggest. ;)


    The bases look great, I love the leftmost one leaping over the rock - very much a classic action pose!


    I see what you mean about the large surface area of the coat. I'm the opposite to you in that respect, I love painting large smooth surfaces, and generally disdain excessive amounts of fiddly detail. Freehand is a good idea but I personally would leave that for the more elite and flashy models. I imagine Death Marshals to be very rugged yet simple when it comes to coats! 

  3. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and similar experiences!


    I'm going to ditch the resin base idea and build my own base inserts for the Wyrd-branded bases I got in the box. I'm thinking something simple like cobblestones for my Resurrectionists. My idea is to pin each model's foot onto a cobblestone carved from spare plasticard, position and stick those to the base. After that, fill the gaps on the base with putty cobblestones. Hopefully that should keep the models secure.


    I'm expecting a 0.50mm pinning set and some plastic Nurses to turn up tomorrow, to test my idea! If it works, then I'll brave trying to fix my Rotten Belles again.


    Tombanjo, I already use a handheld pin vice anyway. :)

  4. I'm having serious problems assembling my plastic Rotten Belles!  :wacko:


    The arms and legs are just too thin. All my models use resin bases so the models just keep breaking off after I superglue them on. I tried to drill out holes for pinning but my usually right-sized drill bit is too big for the limbs.


    How have you guys and gals assembled yours? Have you had to pin yours? If so what size drill bit is good? How do you keep yours from not breaking at the slightest amount of handling?


    I've never had as much a problem assembling models as these.  :angry:

  5. Sanding filler, I'll have to make a note of that for future reference. Any particular brand? (I'm UK-based too so I imagine I could get my hands on it!)


    Critique? I don't think I can come up with anything to be honest. Lady Justice is looking great so far, I especially like the green-brown in the recesses of her top. :)

  6. Great work on Barbaros, smooth highlighting and nice and clean painting.


    Since you asked for painting advice, I find mixing in a dab of purple into the final shades for non-humane skin works really well. Although I wouldn't want you to go over what you've done already, models like Barbaros and the corpses on the bases would be good candidates for such a technique.


    Hope that helps. :)

  7. The bases for Teddy and the Daydreams, how were those done? Custom made or pre-made resin bases? I've been looking for resin bases in that style but haven't found anything!


    Your painting is great all-round, you clearly can work across the various factions and genres that Malifaux blends together so well. Your Neverborn are my favourite although the blue flames on Samuel's base are good as well. :)

  8. The blind eye? Simple stuff, after painting the skin it was merely several thin glazes of Blood For The Blood God [GW Technical paint] then re-highlighting the eye white.


    The glossiness of the BFTBG / Glazing Medium mix caught the light of the camera, which is probably why it glows!


    Glad you like Two-Face! I've started to paint one of his Arkham City thugs whilst I wait for my Malifaux delivery (please turn up tomorrow, please turn up tomorrow...).

  9. Thanks for the kind words!


    I got the idea for the teal from generally doing some "colour research" but looking at various Malifaux 2E art for ideas (little rulebook and the internet comes in handy!).


    I was going to change the hair to a deep crimson but I went with the "neutral" teal because too much red on the head / face would of overpowered the colour scheme.


    I'm literally waiting for tomorrow so I can get my Seamus crew through the post. I'm banging on about it but I'm excited! :)

  10. It was easy enough to superglue back on after the base had dried SinDrome, no damage done! :)
    First Malifaux model is now done and dusted!
    Convict Gunslinger:
    This model was an utter [RETRACTED] to photo for some reason!
    I'm pleased with it, turned out a lot different from how I started initially but now I've got a solid grasp on the sort of colour palette I want to use for the game. Guess I'm aiming for a mix of dark teal, greasy NMM, dark leather and of course blood and gore!
    Now to wait until my plastic Seamus crew turns up, to say I am excited is an understatement.  :o
  11. Work continues on the Convict Gunslinger:




    Skin and trousers done! Ignore the hair, it came out wrong and doesn't work with the colour scheme. Do I go back to vibrant green or try something else?


    When trying to take a picture of the back of the model, since the base was still wet from initial wet-blending to get the base tones down I accidentally broke the model off the base! Not a problem, that can be easily solved after the base has dried. Still, meant I can show you the crackle medium I used to add effect to the base!




    Definitely want to get this model done in the next couple of days. Why only because my plastic Seamus crew is winging it's way to me for sometime next week! Cannot wait!  :D


    That's all for now, all comments and suggestions for wacky hair colours would be grand!


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