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Mister Feral

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Posts posted by Mister Feral

  1. I see what you mean, very informative!

    I am in no way a competitive player, but from my couple previous Molly games I clearly had no idea what I was doing - hence going back to the drawing board to work out some form of synergy!

    If I removed the Drowned from the initial list and summoned them instead (if a Jaakuna tarpit could be pulled off), what would you replace them with?

    Here's a list of models I have;

    Philip and the Nanny
    3 Ashigaru
    3 Rotten Belles
    2 Dead Doxies
    3 Crooligans
    3 Necropunks
    3 Drowned
    3 Punk Zombies

    I was also interested in some of the shooty Outcast mercs (Sue / Convict Gunslingers). Could one of those fill in the gap left by the Drowned?

  2. I would quite to use Jaakuna and several Drowned as a basis for a [casual] Spirit Molly crew - would this be a feasible idea? I'm quite keen on the "drowned" theme that they both have.

    As far as I figured, Jaakume / Drowned synergise well together as a "tarpit", where I could also use Rotten Belles or Dead Doxies set up behind them to pull enemies into  Jaakuna's hazardous terrain ability. The Drowned could then use Riptide or Drag Under to pull enemies towards Jaakuna as well.

    Any thoughts? Would this be a feasible play style at all?

  3. I'm back!

    Its been a while but I'll keep things brief.

    In the end I chose Molly as my Master and I've played around half a dozen games since last year. Due to me buying up Minions I liked before picking a Master, my crew compositions have suffered and so has my gaming!

    To fix this I've expanded my choices with some more appropriate Minions for her; Belles!


    Switched back to Green Stuff for these bases, basically copied a pic I saw in these forums (must find and thank the original post!). I've got some Drowned assembled already and I'm also hoping to pick up Sue - for some added Mercenary firepower. I also need to order some blank bases to revamp some older models as well.

    Lots to do!

    • Like 2
  4. This is super useful advice for me!

    I had been trying Molly with Crooligans, Necropunks and Punk Zombies, but I have been losing pretty badly.

    I'm going to give Drowned, Rotten Belles and Dead Doxies a go, as well as try and pull off summoning more!

    Forgotten Marshall, anyone tried him with Molly or other slow Resser crews?

  5. Raethford for sure from the scenario in Book 2.

    If his rules were rewritten / toned down for standard play, he'd make a great duel Arcanist / Outcast master.

    Keep the loner rule to restrict crew to just Frozen Heart models and Mercs.

    If played as an Arcanist, he could have a 2ss upgrade to allow summoning of Ice Gamin (although harder to do than it is now).

    If he is taken as an Outcast, I would suggest a 1ss upgrade to allow up to 4 out-of-faction Frozen Heart models to be taken.

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  6. Toshiro loses some of his usefulness in a Leveticus crew, not being able to summon and Feudal Ties being redundant when you have to take Pariah of Bone to hire him and Punk Zombies anyway!

    Still, I'd like to try him in the crew - he'd work well as an anchor for Hollow Waifs right?

  7. Thanks!

    I have some Necropunks ready to prime and get to the same painting stage as the others shown - whilst the skin colour scheme is still "fresh" in my mind. Ironic, them being dead and all! Terrible pun is terrible.

    Thinking ahead, I keep seeing great Undead and Construct models I want to get (Flesh Construct, Yin, Teddy etc.) but I know the Leveticus crew box should be next on the purchase list.

    I am down to start with a demo game or two next week at a new local club, so I'm really excited for that. I haven't properly played anything in years!

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