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Posts posted by AntiZombie

  1. Antizombie, I love your toybox. You should figure out how to mass produce them!

    It's like i told D graz. I have a loyal army of slave frogs but they are just useless with an exacto. I doubt anyone would swap them for children so currently i am out of luck and have a surplus of poor frog labor.

    Now if only i could trap another flying monkey...

  2. If your just running demos Ebonstar has it. 3 pawns 1 sidekick max. Two neutral work benches and a mellow amount of terrain. Starter works great for demos. I would do:

    1: Lady J, Judge, deathmarshal, austringer, silurid

    2: Seamus, bete noir, rotten bell,punk zombie, december acolyte.

    If you want you can even stack the decks.

    It's also ok to not include all the rules. Such as not being able to discard the animation card for a free action or move, or ignoring upgrades ect. Keeping things simple is the best way to go for a first game. Following the quick start games in the pattern book works very well too. It's their first game, they just have to have fun not know all the rules.

  3. What would you like to know?

    I have done a rather indepth review of the old demo rules, playtested for the company and demoed for them at gaming conventions. For a little more details check out my blog January posts in my sig.

    Also as far as release dates go it should be shipping out preorders in the next two weeks. You can keep up to date on their face book page ( soda pop miniatures)

    Personally i love the game. It is a final fantasy tactics style game with good miniatures. The box set includes about 52 beautiful unpainted miniatures and the complete gaming set up for it including nice boards for the dungeons.

    The miniatures are quite fun to paint as well. Some pretty spiffy expansions will be released for it as well.

  4. 1: yes, when you take the pins and needles action you flip only one card. Then you add cards from your hand to match the cost.

    2: Correct then you make 2 normal attacks in the same manner you would make any attack. Oppent chooses to dodge for one, then you flip the judges combat value. Then you make the second attack and the opponent can choose to dodge that and you flip the combat value worth of cards.

  5. I actually really like all the colors. You look around and are all like, oh well thats just another skinless horse and scary guy riding around. But then your like Woah! that horse has blue muscles, i wish i had blue muscles. Maybe i could be that cool if i shredded my red trench coat .... wait id have to buy one first.

    But for reals, i enjoy the color scheme. Bright, and stark. Good job.

  6. Hey i can just give you a good flesh recipe. Tan flesh -> dwarf flesh -> elf flesh. To get the burned areas you can either pink out the tan flesh or use dark flesh. Just a gradual build up of those three colors will give you a nice flesh tone. Or you can just do a real dark to light flesh tone fade from dark flesh to elf flesh.

  7. Hey guys found myself with a few extra puppet wars puppet. Each one is 6$ shipped. If you buy more than one each one after the first will be only 5$



    convict gunslinger


    I also have the following puppet for trade only The above puppets can also be in the trade. The puppets i am looking for are: Mature nephlim, Moleman, guild hound and sorrow x2 but mostly i NEED an ice golem will trade in your favor.

    Puppets i have for trade:

    Samurai punk zombie

    December acolyte

    witchling stalker

    bayou gremlin


    shoot me a pm with offers.

    Peace out,


  8. You all should come to the con, its a great time for all. Plus you get to see me in my absolutely most frantic. I am told its funny to watch :)

    wish i could. I really miss living in michigan. That upper midwest area is actually quite the gaming mecha :). We were playing warmachine BEFORE it was cool.

  9. Some absolutely great looking stuff in this thread, cut it out, you're making me want to paint puppets more than I already do. And I already have a small pile of Malifaux stuff to paint and convert.

    Seriously though, really nice work and very complimentary color schemes you've picked out, keep up the great inspiration to us all and of course thanks for sharing.

    Hey diehard thanks for the comment. Had a rough day today and this just picked me right up :) . i will be sure to post the other puppets i get done ( OMG there are SOOOOOOO many....)

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