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Everything posted by karn987

  1. *Slides into place just behind Edonil and stares down at him*
  2. Yup, you need LoS to both targets. Look at the wording of the spell: To target a model you need LoS to the model.
  3. Wow... seriously impressive! I really don't know what else to say.... very well done! *applaudes*
  4. Nice write up! I love that the Boosters showed up while play to haha But that box is awesome! Simple yet effective. Nicely done!
  5. Muhahaha. I'll simply say stuff has been in the works for a while now and we have TONS of ideas and things to do. You shall see soon enough though I'm sure! Puppet wars is not going anywhere but up! Something(s) awesome this way comes
  6. Same here. Can get a nice set of them from any art store and most office supply stores. The cards are prelaminated (shiney I know ;D) so no need to worry about that.
  7. Nicely done! Love the bold contrast of the vest.
  8. Nope! You can play the same Masters vs each other. Both players could even go so far as to have the exact same lists.
  9. Happy new Year to all! May your new year be filled with buttons and stitches!
  10. *gets a big rock* >.> @Omen: Yup! A Puppet with Short Legs can still make a Run action.
  11. Nope! I have it to. And the snow is butchering the forums for me to, causing all the text to go into random sizes and even a few are changing fonts! Ahhh the magic of Christmas
  12. The Rat knows his stuff! Doesn't matter if you have 1 Movement or 2 or 3 Movement, you can split them up however you want, performing action(s) between them within the limits. So you could do the following say if your puppet had Sprint: Move 1 Action Move 1 Free Action Move 1 Free Action etc etc
  13. Wow very nice man! Makes me jealous of my simple bag. Love the wood working on this, bravo!
  14. Natchnebel has it right guys. This is an old old question. Emotional Trauma happens first because it's when you fail the Wp duel, so that would be before you finish resolving the action. Think of it like this: *Wp Duel to Resist ***Fail Wp Duel ******Emotional Trauama ******Any other effects that trigger on failing Wp Duel (ex: Emotional Stress) ***Resolve the rest of the action So if it was Self-loathing, they'd take the 1 Wd from Emotional Trauma + Emotional Stress (which could break through the Hard to Kill barrier) then you would resolve the spell, so in this case... making the damage flip. Pandora is very good about dealing with those pesky Hard to Kill models, she's death by a thousand cuts.
  15. The Wiki will help you with this! Point your new players to the Wiki and they shall be learned! Seariously though, we created and work on the wiki to provide players of all levels with information, tactics, and advice on how to play and play against every model in the game. Each article gives you more then enough information to understand what a model does, how they fit into their crews, and how to use them. So please, consider at least finding information on models and crews a solved issue as we've been working hard on this for over half a year now. LINK: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/
  16. Intention: The intention is that Neglected will stop Disassemble from working IF the attack would deal 0 Rips after Neglected is used. So if Alyce hits the Belle, the Belle would suffer 1 Rip but Neglects it down to 0 and thus is not Disassembled. Errata: To go along with this, we have a wording up date for the Belle to make sure this is reflected in RAW, the words in color are the changes for convenience: Neglected: When this Puppet would suffer Rips from an Attack, you may discard a to ignore one Rip before they are applied. Ps: Thank you to Ratty for the Banners!
  17. *whistles Innocently* We've got it figured out, just spot checking one or two things! I anticipate I'll have it for you today
  18. My pleasure! If you have any feedback, please let me know! Would be handy to come up with an official demo script, so if someone wants to edit it for Grammar etc to, have at it!
  19. Sorry! Got way to busy over the last few days. But here is the first draft of the Demo Script I used. It needs to be tidied up and shortened here and there. It's rather exhaustive but had most players knowing what to do on the 3rd or so Animation Round and letting them run free after that. If anyone wants to try and condense it etc, post up a modified version and I'll be happy to way in on it where I can. Any way, happy gaming! The high level view is: Explain the board. Including Impassible Terrain Tokens, all kinds of WB, and the map making aspect of the game. Explain how turns work and that a turn is 5 Animation Rounds. Explain how to Win and Lose Puppet Wars, making sure to emphasize the WB's. (I like my favorite explanation of this: "The way to win Puppet Wars... is not to lose. Winning couldn't be simpler, but losing is a bit trickier" then explain the loss conditions). Briefly mention that the Pattern book contains alternate win/loss conditions. Place Starting Masters and have them draw their hands, explain hand size (ie Hand size = 4 + # WB Controlled) Jump into an Animation Round. Be very careful to explain each step as you go through, especially when it comes to Animation Requirement of a Puppet. This is also a very good time to explain special cards (Ace's and Jokers). Show an example of how this works. Once players understand and have chosen what to do, flip over their cards and explain who goes first and why. Now walk through what a Puppet can do during an Animation (2 moves, 1 action, any # of different Free Actions) and point them to the Standard Action sections on the Quick Ref and in the rules (page 20). Explain each action if needed and gloss over the Action Value for now. Have the first player place their Puppet, explaining how it works and the options for placing them on the board. Explain the movement loss from placing adjacent to the Master occupied WB. Make sure to point out this is another reason WB are so valuable. Have that player perform their Animation and take an action (which will most likely be Run but could be Leap, if it is Leap then explain how actions work in full detail. Otherwise just explain the significance of a (0) action cost.) Now explain Exhaustion and have them place the marker on their Puppet. Explain at this point that this is normally done when they start the Puppets Animation but for ease you had them do it after. Walk through the next players Animation, guiding them along again looking for a chance to explain actions in more detail. Once all players have Animated, explain that is an Animation round and that you do this 5 times in a turn. Also explain you don't draw till after the 5th Animation Round and that is also when you remove Exhaustion. Make sure to also touch on when you shuffle your deck. This is a good point to explain that Animating a Puppet on the Board is exactly the same as Animating a Puppet from the Toy Box. Tick the counter over and go into the next round. Make sure players understand they have all the abilities and actions on their Puppets to use as non mini's gamers often got confused by this. Walk them through a few if needed, this works out perfectly if Misaki was to be one of the first Puppets to Animate. Explain the Mine! action now and point out the Nuetral WB's near by and how important they can be. But don't force the players after them. One of them will go for it soon enough. Keep going like this till you get to Combat. Once you reach a good chance for Combat, explain how it works and how it is exactly like every other action in the game except you flip more then 1 card at the start based on the Puppets Combat. Make sure to explain Dodging and try to encourage them to Dodge. Explain Rips and Tearing apart a Puppet now, but don't get into Upgrades yet. Keep an eye out for a chance to Explain the Blocking Rule and do so as simply as you can. Around the 4th or 5th Animation round once their hands are getting depleted, stop them before they flip their Animation Cards and explain the 3rd option, taking the card into their hand. Be sure to explicitly state they don't get to Animate a Puppet if they do this. After the 5th Animation round, walk them through the end of turn steps. Before beginning the next turn explain the other 2 options you have when its your turn to Animate a Puppet, ie discard the card to move 1 Puppet once or to do 1 free action. Make sure to highlight this does not Animate them so no Exhaustion or Rip from it. Let them play till a Puppet dies or they have a question. Explain Upgrades now. Cover it all now, especially how opponents can steal them. Explain Upgrade Limit and try to highlight some of the humorous combinations. Set them lose and watch. Answer questions as they go and explain anything you may have missed as it comes up. Let them play the game to completion if possible, generally doesn't take more then half an hour from this point on. Once they are done, explain list building. Be absolutely sure to state that their are NO factions and that your list can combine any Puppets. Explain Sidekicks and Pawns now if you haven't before. Also talk about the various list sizes. Highlight Multiplayer and that this was a game built around the theme of multiple players but works just as well with 2 players. As for Tips: Don't preset the deck. It is best to let things flow as they come, gives you a good chance to show off all the mechanics and explain such things as discarding the Animation card to move a puppet or do a free action etc. Encourage Combat early and be sure to highlight the brutality of the game. State very clearly this is not the type of game where 1 model can dominate the field entirely and that Puppets will be killed. Make sure to dole out all the options player have slowly over the first few Animation Rounds. Hitting them with all their options at once is a very big mistake and leads to glossed over looks much of the time. This is very important for 2 parts, Taking your Animation Card into your Hand, and discarding it to Move a Puppet or do a Free Action. Make sure to explain how well the game works at Multiplayer as this is a major selling point for the game and was a big part of the design concept. When asked to describe the games complexity, the phrase "Simple core rules but the complexity lies in the Puppets and the huge variety of them" nearly always does the trick. If they go through the Demo, they will see just how simple an Animation Round really is and how every Action is built on the same core mechanics. Talk about the humor of the game and the atmosphere it brings. This was often done by explaining that the Mine! Action had to be stated in a high pitched voice, making sure to say you are kiding but its for the fun of it. Ie don't force them to do it. Highlight the trading of puppets between players for how to get everything they may want. Point out the Website. It's extremely well done and that alone has sold a number of players. Mention the board designer and toybox creator.
  20. Luckily it's not really a board game It's a Hybrid game remember, inbetween a board game and a mini's game. It capitalizes on the best of both worlds in many ways but the trade off is the price point of it. But even still, if you stop thinking of the price in terms of a board game and look at what you get.... you get a great deal on this thing. Think of it as a Mini game when you look at it, because it does expand a lot like one. It's also cheaper then a lot of mini game's buyin costs. Especially if your just looking to get started with the core pieces, it's actually a very good price. But I do understand that some people look at it and all the extra pieces with the mentality of "gotta have them all or it's not the game"... well that's not true. The Core set is enough for 2 players to play with for quite a while. Each expansion you buy not only pushes you towards being able to play with more people, but also dramatically enhances the number of possible toybox layouts. So while I'm by no means telling anyone your wrong for balking at the price, I am just asking you take another look. You get a lot more then you really think you do and the mentality of "this is to expensive for a board game" is the wrong one to have. It's a hybrid game, it's as much a Mini's game as it is a board game. When you take that into account... this is actually a great price boarding on kinda cheap (it's about the price of buying into Malifaux and you get a lot more for your money). So I do hope you give it another look, it really is a blast of a game and the price is deceptive. It's not that expensive and it's cheaper by far then getting 2 players into just about any Mini game.
  21. SOMETHING BIG THIS WAY COMES! That's right! We are at it again! We're spinning up a new initiative that we hope will benifit every player from the veteran to the beginner. Keep your eye out for an announcement about it! But for those of you who have supported and continue to support the wiki, we thank you all very much! It wouldn't be what it is now without all your help! So truly, thank you all!
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