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Everything posted by DireTrollJake

  1. Hi everyone, We have uploaded the pnp files of 12Realms: Dungeonland on the website we built for this project : 12realms-dungeonland.com The demo includes only part of the game. It is just to see the basic mechanics of it. The complete game will include campaign mode, campaign quest that you can play in 60', arena mode played in a tavern and a variety of scenarios. Until we launch the campaign on Kickstarter, early Spring next year, here is the Convention's program, where the game will be demoed and it is a chance for those who are interested to play it. 13 to 15 JAN 2017 --> AnimoreCon, Baltimore, Maryland 13 to 15 JAN 2017 --> MarsCon, Williamsburg, Virginia 13 to 16 JAN 2017 --> BryceCon, Bryce Canyon City, Utah 28 JAN 2017 --> Mini Mace, Asheville, North Carolina 03 to 05 FEB 2017 --> CaptainCon, Warwick, Rhode Island 20 to 26 FEB 2017 --> PrezCon Winter Nationals, Charlottesville, Virginia 23 to 26 FEB 2017 --> TotalCon, Mansfield, Massachusetts 24 to 26 FEB 2017 --> MystiCon, Roanoke, Virginia 02 to 05 MAR 2017 --> SaltCon, Layton, Utah 04 to 05 MAR 2017 --> Terminal City, Vancouver, BC, Canada 18 to 19 MAR 2017 --> Lantasy, Victoria, BC, Canada 24 to 26 MAR 2017 --> Mace West, Asheville, North Carolina 24 to 26 MAR 2017 --> Marmalade Dog, Kalamazoo, Michigan
  2. Dungeonland PnP is now available and Kickstarter Stretch Goals are revealed! Twisted Brothers Studio is moving fast with the design of 12 Realms: Dungeonland and they have created a PnP version of the game! This is only a demo of the game, so we do not reveal all of its features. In this mini scenario of the game, the four Heroes, Grumpy Dwarf, Red Riding Hood, Wizard of Oz and Snow White will have to go through the dungeon of the dark tower, from where all the mysterious creatures that have attacked them seem to come from. The demo game has 5 rooms for you to explore and three stages for you to clear, each with a different objective. This is not a full scenario of 12 Realms: Dungeonland. Through this demo you can understand the base mechanics of the game, without spoiling all its glory! You can find the PnP for the game in the 12 Realms: Dungeonland home page, or you can download the Dungeonland Print ’n’ Play and the Dungeonland Demo! At the same time, you can also check the Kickstarter Stretch Goals of the campaign. We designed a variety of stretch goals for this campaign, mainly including new miniatures to add in the game, as well as new cards and tiles to make your experience even more versatile. Here are the Stretch Goals designed for the Kickstarter campaign: • Basilisk (4 models + 4 Cards) • Trickster Goblin (4 models + 4 Cards) • Mushroom Knight (4 models + 4 Cards) • 2nd Side of the Tiles (Cursed Forest) • Prince Charming (1 Model + 1 Sheet + 3 Equiped Cards) • Elite : Boogeyman (1 Model + 1 Card) • Tengu (4 models + 4 Cards) • Palace Tiles / Snowing Mountains • Elite : Medusa (1 Model + 1 Card) • New Boss : Crystal Gollem (1 Model + 1 Sheet) • New Hero : Cat in Boots (1 Model + 1 Board + 3 Cards) • Mega Boss : Fire Dragon (Dragon + Sheet) • Mega Boss : Giant Ogre (Ogre + Sheet) • Palace Tiles / inside the Palace • Cinderella (1 Model, 1 Sheet, 3 Cards) • Elite : Aqua Spirit (1 Model + 1 Sheet) • Mega Boss : Cyclopse (Cyclopse + Sheet) • New Events If you haven’t already, don’t forget to subscribe to our 12 Realms: Dungeonland website to get all the news for the game as well as follow us on Kickstarter and join our Dungeonland Email List
  3. Hello Heroes! Our team is working hard in creating the best possible dungeons for you to enter and they are doing excellent work! Do you think it will be easy to cross the dungeons of the fairy tale realms? Think again, for here are the bosses you will have to face in 12 Realms: Dungeonland; the Big Bad Wolf, the Golem, the Old Haag, the Hypogryph, the Mirror and the 3 Musketeers. The Old Haag, Mirror and the Big Bad Wolf will be the bosses of the core box of the game. Each of these bosses has a special power and will for sure make your life difficult as you delve into the dungeon and try to make it out alive. Want to make your adventures more challenging? Make sure to back the 12 Realms: Dungeonland Kickstarter to unlock the rest through the stretch goals. These highly detailed miniatures are around 5 – 5,5 cm and are placed on a 6 cm base. But this is not all. Things get even trickier with the Mega Bosses! The Cyclops, the Ogre and the Fire Dragon are the Mega Bosses that you will be able to unlock through the Stretch Goals of the 12 Realms: Dungeonland campaign. These will make the fight even more challenging! The miniatures are fairly large, with a height of 7.5-8.5 cm and will be placed on a 6cm base. But this is not all! Have you purchased any of the previous games we have published in the 12 Realms universe? You will be able to use ALL your hero miniatures in 12 Realms: Dungeonland! As an add-on we will offer in the campaign a conversion kit for all the 12 Realms heroes. Each of the heroes will have their own board and starting equipment, so fetch the mini of your favorite Hero and throw them in the dungeon! The game will also have sceneries to make things even more interesting. You will find all sceneries as tokens in the core game. However, if you just love miniatures, you will have the chance to get through our add-ons list a pack that will include the pillars, table, chest, magic chest and bookcase. These will be 12 minis in total, to make Dungeonland even more beautiful. Here are some primary sketches of some of our sceneries. Since we discuss miniatures, the core box will have 45 miniatures, with 20 different models in total: 6 heroes, 8 minions, 2 elite minions, 3 bosses and 1 door scenery. Τhe campaign is scheduled to go live in December, however there is a chance of having to postpone it further to have time to complete all the sculpts. The news will be flowing for 12 Realms: Dungeonland, so make sure to follow us on Kickstarter or Subscribe to the Dungeonland website to receive our news! While you wait for the coming Kickstarter please check out our Print & Play edition of Dungeonland free of charge and be sure to join our email group with the link below. Dungeonland Rulebook! Dungeonland Skill Trees! Dungeonland Print ’n’ Play Dungeonland Email List
  4. The final front cover of the 12 realms – Dungeonland (a new twisted dungeon crawling game by Twisted Brothers Studio) is complete. You can find more about the new game and the upcoming kickstarter campaign here In 12 Realms: Dungeonland good and evil sometimes get a little mixed and if you pour in a few bad spells the brew might be jinxed. A time comes for all 12 Realms were heroes must prove their worth, affected by an evil curse they fight against their oath. In the Dark Arena they come gathering for the night, which will determine once and for all who gives the mightiest fight. In Arena mode for 12 Realms: Dungeonland heroes fight against each other in a big double-sided arena tile to prove their power over all others. Arena is played over a series of rounds and offers 2 types of battles: Free For All (FFA): with heroes fighting over each other again and again while gaining more and more gear and abilities until the final round were the winner will be determined and claim the title of the Arena Champion. Team Play (TP): Were up to 4 teams of heroes fight each other for several rounds while gaining glory and gear trying to defeat their opponents and become the great Arena Champions. In Arena heroes fight each other in the Arena fiercely while monsters invade and deadly traps spawn all over the place. Arena uses the same system as both Campaign and Epic Quest modes thus players won’t have to learn but a small amount of extra rules and some unique actions available only to Arena mode. In order to win in the dark arena, heroes will have to use all of the abilities at their disposal while thinking how to outplay their opponent and perhaps lure them into a nice trap. Traps in Arena feature a unique set of cards which determines every time where a trap will be spawned on the map thus catching the heroes off-guard, sometimes helping them defeat their opponents while others ruining their plans. Heroes will be able to advance and customize their characters with different skills and equipment every time with a ton of options while different rewards will be given for different playstyles rewarding all kind of plays. Future expansions will also feature Arena leagues where players fight with the same group of heroes over many games of 12 Realms: Dungeonland Arena with unique skills, events and activities giving amazing variety to character customization and depth to the gameplay. The odds are high in 12 Realms: Dungeonland Arena and the greatest heroes will clash for supremacy inside its deadly grounds.
  5. Spellcasting! Spellcasting in 12 Realms: Dungeonland is one of the many ways a Hero can face the challenges presented in the game. In order to be able to use magic a hero must be a spellcaster with access to the Spellcasting Tree, which is a unique skill tree only available to those types of heroes. Through the spellcasting tree they will quickly learn new spells each more powerful than the last, gaining abilities that will help them battle against the monsters threatening the 12 Realms or aid his allies in their efforts. Casting a spell works very differently than a normal attack in 12 Realms: Dungeonland In an attack the player rolls the dice and every success scored is subtracted from the opponent’s health if not canceled by the target’s defense. When casting a spell the player uses the Glyph System by rolling a set number of dice as shown on the spell’s card and has to roll a certain type and number of symbols for the spell to be successful and it’s damage or effects to go off. For example, a spell could require that the player rolls a melee and ranged symbol in order to successfully cast the spell using 3 dice. After all modifiers and abilities, if the dice results contain at least the symbols required, the spell is successful. If successful a spell will either deal a fixed amount of damage or activate an effect. The targets of the spell are also determined by its card with 4 distinct target types: Target, Blast, Big Blast and Party. Each of these target types are what determines what characters can be targeted by the spell’s damage and/or effects. Many of these powerful spells also have empowered versions where if a player’s roll results contain multiples of the symbols required for the attack the spell will become overpowered and get an added effect. For example, if when casting the spell mentioned on the previous example the player rolled 2 melee and 2 ranged symbols he could perhaps activate an overpowered version of that spell resulting in more damage perhaps. In future expansions the Glyph System will be expanded even further with 6 types of spellcasters and different spells and Glyph Dice for each of them, making each spellcasting character unique and allowing cross selection of spells for added options and replayability. Also in future sets the spells different overpower effects will be able to generate different results when casting a spell giving even more options to players. With many skills and abilities at their disposal a true spellcaster can shape the magical energies ito their own benefit and vanquish all who oppose him. Now, let’s take a look at some of the beautiful artwork for upcoming heroes and baddies!
  6. Yeah, the forum auto-formatted it all black for some reason on a black backdrop. I fixed what I could, need to mess with the original post and figure something out..
  7. Yet another update for you guys and gals! This week we have... Dungeons! From the dark forests and high cold mountains to the deep dungeons and dark tower cellars in the world of 12 Realms there is always adventure lurking in the corner. In 12 Realms: Dungeonland games are played on maps consisting of a number of tiles forming what is called “The Dungeon”. These tiles will depict beautiful artwork and bring the world of 12 Realms to life like never before by giving the players an amazing feeling of exploration and adventure. In the base set the double-tiles will feature stunning artwork, with the dark forest on one side and the various dungeons of the dark tower on the other. Heroes will travel through these tiles facing great challenges and moving towards their goals. Maps in 12 Realms: Dungeonland are all generated using the Exploration System. Heroes begin their adventures on the starting tile of its adventure and every time they move off a tile an exploration card is drawn from the pile showing the players which tile to use to expand their dungeon. Then the players connect the tile to the existing ones and move forward to face whatever perils it may hold. Each tile can be connected in more than one way to the existing tiles, giving the players many options and almost certainly guarantying that no dungeon will ever be the same. On each adventure heroes will only use the one side of the tiles appropriate to their current location. With many different tiles for each side, dungeons will be unique, allowing for unlimited replayability. With further expansions adding more tiles and new locations the world of 12 Realms will come to life with the heroes travelling far and wide to defend their land against the evil that threatens it. ____________________________________________________________ Arena! The Arena will take place in a Tavern In 12 Realms: Dungeonland good and evil sometimes get a little mixed and if you pour in a few bad spells the brew might be jinxed. A time comes for all 12 Realms where heroes must prove their worth, affected by an evil curse they fight against their oath. In the Dark Arena our heroes are gathering for the night, which will determine once and for all who gives the mightiest fight. In Arena mode for 12 Realms: Dungeonland heroes fight against each other in a big double-sided arena tile to prove their power over all others. Arena is played over a series of rounds and offers 2 types of battles: 1. Free For All (FFA): Heroes will fight each other again and again while gaining more and more gear and abilities until the final round were the winner will be determined and claim the title of the Arena Champion. 2. Team Play (TP): Up to 4 teams of heroes fight each other for several rounds while gaining glory and gear trying to defeat their opponents and become the great Arena Champions. In Arena heroes fight each other fiercely while monsters invade and deadly traps spawn all over the place. Arena uses the same system as both Campaign and Epic Quest modes so players won’t have to learn but a small amount of extra rules and some unique actions available only to Arena mode. In order to win in the dark arena, heroes will have to use all of the abilities at their disposal while thinking how to outplay their opponent and perhaps lure them into a nasty trap. Traps in Arena feature a unique set of cards which determines where a trap will be spawned on the map catching the heroes’ off-guard, sometimes helping them defeat their opponents while others ruining their plans. Heroes will be able to advance and customize their characters with different skills and equipment every time with tons of options at their disposal while different rewards will be given for different playstyles rewarding players for different styles of play. Future expansions will also feature Arena leagues where players fight with the same group of heroes over multiple games of 12 Realms: Dungeonland Arena with unique skills, events and activities giving amazing and variety to character customization and depth to the gameplay. The odds are high in 12 Realms: Dungeonland - Arena and the greatest heroes will clash for supremacy inside its deadly grounds. And now for the part you actually came here for, more pictures! Some better shot-by-shot images of the models, and some samples of the dungeon tiles as well. Wizard of Oz Werewolf Grumpy Dwarf Bandit Dungeon Tiles And that's all I've got for ya this week. Take care everyone, and remember to shoot me a message if you would like to be added to our Dungeonland E-Mailing list!
  8. As promised, here’s our second weekly update for the game! Not too wordy, just a bunch of awesome pictures and previews of what’s to come, and most importantly more models!!! Last week we gave you an early look at one of our heroes, Little Red Riding Hood so let’s follow that up with a one of her companions: First up, we have Grumpy Dwarf ready for battle. He doesn’t look too happy, and who could blame him with all of these baddies around? Speaking of baddies, before moving onto our next hero take a look at this bandit sculpt. Also, here are some images of just a few of our Dungeonland baddies’ cards. Last of the model previews, but certainly not least we have the magic man himself, The Wizard of Oz! Please feel free to discuss, and also shoot me a PM with your email address if you’d like to be added to a mailing list when the kickstarter get’s ready to launch! Until next week.
  9. [[Note, not sure if there are rules against this, please let me know if so!]] MAGE Company continues expanding 12 Realms and a new world is under development and will be launched on Kickstarter October 2016. 12 Realms was originally designed as a co-operative fantasy game where known heroes fight against the Dark Lords who invader the Realms. After the first campaign (check here), more follow expanding the base game, adding new characters, scenarios, components, mechanics, building a new world: Ancestors Legacy, Ghost Town, and Bedtime Story.12 Realms: Dungeonland expands the fairytale world. That’s a new standalone game, a dungeon crawling game where powerful magic has mutated the lands of the 12 realms, invading on their tales and attempting to change them forever. Evil spreads everywhere, twisting and mixing the tales in sinister stories where the ending is never good. Horrific villains have come back for their revenge on the Heroes of the tales, this time more dangerous than ever. The source of this magic is unknown and yet whispers of an ancient evil spread through the lands. The once green fields and lush forests are now dark and dead as nothing grows anymore and all the beauty of the realms is gone. With more tales being affected by the dark magic every day the heroes of the tales combine their powers to save the 12 realms and banish this evil once and for all. 12 Realms: Dungeonland is a strategic dungeon crawl game for 2-4 players.(Below - Playable Character, Red Riding Hood's model preview) The players take on the roles of famous folklore characters like Little Riding Hood and Prince Charming, each with a unique ability, attempting to travel across the tales and stop the great villains that have returned by dark magic to change their endings to bad ones and cast the realms into eternal darkness. In their quest to fight the great evil the heroes will be faced with great challenges including completing daring objectives and facing off against great evil. To face these daring challenges the heroes will have at their disposal powerful weapons, skills and ancient magic. They will travel across many tales gathering clues about the source of this mysterious evil, while fighting for their lives in stunning tiles, using a unique combat system featuring a set of completely custom dice. Through their adventures the heroes will gather experience, hone their skills or acquire new ones, using a very innovative skill tree system offering tons of customization and options, collect gold and find powerful artifacts to aid them against the foul magic that has spread through the lands.(Below - Event cards can manipulate the flow of the game)The heroes will face strong Villains and their minions with a new A.I. system that allows the bosses to react to certain circumstances while utilizing amazing abilities that will challenge the heroes might and resourcefulness. Offering a clean and easy to learn system while having deep strategic decisions and a ton of replayability makes 12 Realms: Dungeonland the perfect game for new and experienced gamers alike. The battle for the 12 realms has just begun and yet the time grows short as more and more tales are being corrupted by this foul magic. Will the heroes be able to find the source behind it and stop it before it’s too late, or will the tales be lost forever into twisted evil versions of themselves?(Below - Custom dice provide a very unique game play)Stay Tuned for more weekly updates!!
  10. The hilarious jokes aside, what are you looking to get for him?
  11. I am looking to part with my collection. Most templates are punched and loose in a box and cards are in a binder. (3 of the OP kit models are unopened) Starter Set Green Dragon Black Shadow Dragon Silver Dragon Wyvern Harpy Sun Elf Wizard Frost Giant Hobgoblin Troop Ballista Wraiths (2 pack) OP Kits: White Dragon Bronze Dragon Brass Dragon Hieracosphinx Interested in trading for Malifaux plastic kits (besides Marcus) and LE stuff for Malifaux. Also interested in nice terrain, especially kits and looking for more hirst arts molds. Or just show me what hobby stuff you have for trade (Besides miniatures outside of Malifaux).
  12. Ohhh, just got back from Electric Forest today...saw Lindsay Stirling live yesterday. What an ironic surprise!
  13. Demo Day - Jackson MI - 02/26/2015 - Nostalgia Ink Date: 02/26/2015 Thursday Time: 1pm-5pm City/State: Jackson, Michigan Location/Store: Nostalgia Ink No Size limit Contact me at Diretrolljake@gmail.com for any further information!
  14. Ugh, and I just finished painting and basing mine...
  15. Hey man, Henching now and was curious what your "Alt Certs" looked like. Diretrolljake@gmail.com if ya don't mind :D

  16. Yeh, I intend to. Gas money pending, I think we may actually come for the league...don't quote me on that, will also need to see if he can be free Tuesdays for 3 weeks.

  17. Just wanted to say thanks for showing Mike the ropes. I think you snared him, my demo was a bit less informative, being out of the game for almost a year. He's all in.

  18. Dear Jacob, you are pretty awesome!

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