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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. Hopefully the links will be restored at some point, though I wouldn't hold my breathe. No new development in 2 years and lackluster development prior to that, isn't a good sign. This one might be going the way of the Terraclips line. To bad as I really enjoyed playing the first version rules of the game, and loved the larger plastic models from the second.
  2. Funny you should mention Levi, he received the longest play testing of 2nd edition thanks to some heavy lobbying. It took that long to tone him down to where he is now, had he released when originally planned (in book 1) he could have been much, much worse. Models that introduce entirely new mechanics, or focus upon an already shakey mechanic, or that just plain break the rules, require substantially more play testing than other more straight forward models. It also requires a very different play tester than you tend to get with open solicitation and/ or open beta's. The Avatars were similar and in the end the play testing showed that while some could achieve a remarkable level of balance, others simply couldn't be shoe horned into the standard mold. A variation of Yool1981's number 3 point could be said to have been the largest obstacle in the Avatars development. Had all the rules for Avatars been delayed to the book in which they would appear (after play testing) instead of appearing in the first book (likely before they were developed), the design space wouldn't have been so restricted.
  3. @yool1981, out of curiosity how long would you consider to short or to long for play testing? The costs you listed are valid, however, speak more toward poor planning than anything else (especially 1 and 3). Rushing to release models is one of the things that affects a games balance more than anything else. In a game with this many unique and interesting interactions each new model introduces potential issues orders of magnitude larger than just that single model. Take for example Guild Austringers, or Rotten Belles, or Slop Haulers, or any other so called auto-include or crutch models, every new model has to be considered with those, as well as a multitude of others. Of these models the Austringers have exerted the most relevant influence on their factions model design. Sure play testing wont uncover everything (especially once it hits the international community), however, in virtually every play test I have been a part of, most of the more egregious issues that made it to general release were discovered during them. This is why "vetting" the play testers and focusing the testing is so important. This is also why signal to noise ratios need to be carefully monitored during these things. I do agree that providing timely errata's or corrections is crucial as well, however, there are many examples of companies dragging their feet to do these things. Hubris is a bitch. I agree with Lunarsol that understanding the core mechanics and resources of the game is crucial for play testers. I have seen to many play testers that didn't really understand how these things related to a models design. I also agree that understanding the Math is very important, especially when developing at the high or low ends of a Stat (where success or failure can be virtually guarantied). I am extremely hesitant of relying solely upon the math though, "card" math is very complex and doesn't always pan out in reality (I cant recall the number of times I have drawn a hand full of extremely low cards despite the math telling me that it was a virtual impossibility across the seven card draw). In the end "balance" is really a two pronged attack; first you must seek to release at as close to balanced as possible (typically through longer development cycles), and second you have to address any issues that turn up in a timely manner (even if that means issuing temporary fixes until something better is finalized). Wyrd has had a mixed history with both of these, some things they did well, others not so much. In recent-ish history, they seem to have done a much better job of doing both of these things. I hope the trend continues.
  4. I would agree that 2 is probably the most you would want to hire. Hiring a third one would compete with two normal Bayou Gremlin's that can be used for triggering the Bushwhacker's Boost Their Confidence ability. Only hiring one, limits the potential of that ability, since that one Bushwhacker would have to shoulder the entire brunt of damage (meaning only 2 instances per turn if a Slop Hauler can heal them consistently turn after turn). Additionally, feeding the Bushwhacker's control card addiction can be difficult in a lot of crews.
  5. Rgarbanzo not that I dont agree that it is a great experience when you can pull all that off with them (should probably add that your opponent would also have to be empty on the control hand to insure that the model would be killed), but the target you present is one where most of the Gators hiring competition would shine as well. Again this is where I think the fatal flaw of the Bayou Gators in most situations and crew builds lies; they just dont do enough that other gremlin/pig models cant do more consistently and/or at a cost savings.
  6. Sammy can do some good work in a Som'er build running the Summon Factory while he runs as a super solo.
  7. I wish the Terraclips sets would have followed this lego set style of development, i.e. smaller specific stand alone sets that could be integrated into the larger more generalized sets.
  8. I think Puppeteers did actually perform in traveling shows historically, so could see some of this working quite well for a Colllodi crew. I could also see some application of this terrain for Som'er and the Bayou Gremlin's as well.
  9. This is why I prefer the Story Encounters more than the Standard Encounter game of Malifaux.
  10. To be fair, Wyrd has done all three of these over the course of Malifaux's evolution. Personally, I am not a fan of option one or two. Hamelin from 1st edition Malifaux is a sterling example of how devastating method one can be for the game. Method 2 annoys for the simple fact that it doesn't actually do anything for the actual imbalance, it simply reduces overall options and forces the purchase of the "hard counter" model. Additionally, it irritates because the "Hard Counter" is typically a Mercenary (so everyone can benefit without having to create a dedicated model for each faction) that doesn't usually fit well with the "character" of the rest of the crew. I much prefer the Errata method and see the upgrades (especially 0 costed ones) as a cheeky method of issuing Errata's without actually admitting they are errata's. I am not a fan of using Upgrades to fix models or interactions, as I think they reduce choice more than add to it (if it is an auto include in virtually every situation then it isn't really a choice at all). I do think though, that you have missed one very effective method of dealing with imbalances. Play Testing. Deep, methodical play testing, not open play testing where the signal is usually drowned out by the noise, but closed, targeted play testing utilizing vetted play testers. Having participated in a number of play tests, it often seems like the majority of the participants are more interested in the "neatness" or "cool" factor than actually balancing anything. Additionally, often times the second and third order effects of those "neat" interactions are never considered. My biggest gripe with Wyrd is the rapidity of play testing cycles and the frenetic pace of development. I would love to see substantially more time devoted to play testing, and a much slower development cycle (one which allows issues to shake out from the current batch before adding more interactions in to the mix). There are many examples of how these two factors have contributed significantly to imbalances within the game. Hopefully this will settle down when/ if Wyrd releases the Otherside, assuming it is a Miniatures game that can remove some of the pressure. Over all I dont consider Malifaux a particularly well balanced game, especially when played with the Standard Encounter (symmetric Strategies and restricted Scheme Pools with one option always viable). This is particularly true for the player that has access to more options (multiple Masters with large hiring pools), and/ or more experience within the system. That is not to say that I find any other system better in terms of Balance, only that I dont think Malifaux's strength is in the competitive environments where it really matters. For me Malifaux's strength has always been in the story and character of the game, not the competition. Most of my favorite games of Malifaux were low scoring nail biters that resulted in a narrow loss, than games where I had won completely by turn three.
  11. Neat looking set though where are the Penguins (or perhaps Klauwns since the forum is still filtering the correct spelling)?
  12. I would echo Jonahmaul's recommendation for Gadzooks Gaming. Just found them myself and purchased several of the single models that I needed for my metal crews. Not everything is available however, their prices are very reasonable and not prone to the whims of ebay. Hopefully they will continue to provide this service as there is a definite market. Will definitely buy from them again should the last model I need become available.
  13. Mason (one of the stewards of the game) wrote an article about creating adventures for TtB in this months Wyrd Chronicles. Aside from that and the advice given above (all great btw), all I would add is be prepared for the idiosyncrasies of the non-fated static resolution system. At the low end, the Fated are "action heroes" and can make a mockery of most combats involving Enforcers and below. It is the opposite at the high end (Henchman or above),where the Fated will really struggle to do anything significant against non-fated. In short the strength of the system is in the story, not the combat mechanics. Beware the munchkin.
  14. Hog Whisperers can be good for handing out Reactivate to those Piggies as well as providing some more movement shenanigans via Soeey!. Sammy Lacroix could be worthwhile to hold one of Ulix Upgrades and also provide some Stuffed Piglet summoning (suit dependent though the material component is enemy Scheme markers so that is a plus). A Gremlin Taxidermist might also be worth a look for providing Flight for the Piggies and also Stuffed Piglet summoning. Other than those, Ulix seems pretty self sufficient without many or any other gremlin's.
  15. I would agree, using the Scion of Black Blood to strip the Concussion condition is a huge point sink and likely wont perform enough work to make it worth it in the end. As always though, if you can manage a great hand (two low cards to discard for the Scion's condition strip and three high cards for cheating the damage) and great Flips (to assure a cheatable damage flip), this could be devastating.
  16. He does have Take A Swig that allows him to perform a healing flip for 1 AP and the Loudest Squeel on both Df and Wp duels triggering on a . He is definitely kitted to be a great Scheme runner though comes with a very high (for gremlins anyway) hiring cost. I tend to think of everything in the faction as how many Bayou Gremlin's and/or Piglet's could be hired instead. Even with his kit, I dont know if he replaces 2 Bayou Gremlin's and a Piglet, but admittedly the Brew Master is not one of my usual Masters.
  17. Was going off memory on the Watcher, should know to confirm with the cards before posting. Not sure why this has gone on so long, we do agree on many of the models you listed up above. Aside from the Hunter, I included each of those options with Lucius in one post or another. Honestly with a pair of Guild Austringers in the mix, I dont think it really matters who is leading the Guild crew. They really are that painful for Gremlin's to face.
  18. Dashels aura also requires the model to have LoS to your target to take effect so if you are shooting models you can't see it isn't helping. Austringers without focus do 1 damage on their weak which isn't that great. Gracie doesn't need to charge, she just engages a huge chunk of you firebase turn 1 by walking. The killing starts turn 2. I don't think gremlin gunlines are unbeatable, I just don't see Lucius as the answer to them. The LOS for Dashel's "Fire!" Aura can be provided by the second Watcher model in the list. Their weak damage being 1 is regrettable, however it isn't like they dont have the tools to consistently get cheatable damage flips against Bayou Gremlin's without having to focus. And yes Som'er can potentially remove the Control Hand but again Lucius has a lot of tools to stop that from happening as well. In regards to Gracie, well re-read my earlier post, it isn't difficult to keep the fire base running while also denying the ability to shut the entire thing down via engagement. Gracie doesn't have the board presence to completely shut down a fire base that is spaced apart. Additionally, the Austringers can always disengage for 1 AP and still attack that turn. We will have to just agree to disagree on Lucius being a good counter to Gremlin Gun Lines as neither of us is likely to change the others mind. I actually like the suggestion of adding Changelings to the mix. My question to you would be what would you suggest instead?
  19. I see your thinking (good catch btw) however I think this one is a bit vague and debatable. Regardless 1 less Raptor strike per turn isn't enough to really discourage the efficacy of the crew build or strategy in combating the Gremlin Gun Line.
  20. Commanding Presence isn't limited to once per model, or activation, or turn unless it was Errata'ed somewhere. It is an always on Passive Ability of Lucius that can be used any time he completes a Walk action. He could generate 3 extra Raptor Strikes by Walking and using Commanding Presence three times, even if there was only one Austringer on the table (within 18" and LOS).
  21. You seem to already have made your mind up that the Gremlin Gun Line is unbeatable so further discussion is likely futile, however... You dont need or have to focus the Austringers every turn, only if you want to go the full 18" on the Raptor strikes (say to strike at the Slop Haulers that keep everything functioning at peak efficiency). 12" that doesn't care about LOS is plenty far and plenty useful on a standard Malifaux table (with the recommended amount of terrain), especially when coupled with front loading the deployment zone. With the Austringers higher SH the Bayou Gremlin's are flipping at a 2 point deficit, and when benefiting from Captain Dashel's "Fire!" will also be facing a on the Attack flip (this is why you don't always want to focus Austringers). Even considering the Bayou Gremlin's Bayou Two Card ability, they are still at a significant deficit in the Duel. This is even more so if Lucius has a Control Hand. Denying him that requires Som'er to activate before him, be within 18" of Lucius, and have LOS, and win the opposed Duel on a model that has a 1 point lead on the resist, and the same abilities as Som'er for cheating and Soulstone Use, as well as being able to also discard a Control Card to force a on the Attack flip which Bigger Hat Than You is. As for how I am getting up to 7 Raptor strikes per turn, Lucius and a Watcher are the key. One of the Watchers camps where it can see the Austringers (no reason for this one to have to move from initial deployment position). It then just uses View From Up High turn after turn, allowing Lucius to see the Austringers regardless of where he is on the actual table. From then on he can just stroll around the board (staying within 18" of the Austringers) with Walk Actions triggering Commanding Presence up to 3 times per activation (a Guard Sergeant is a worthwhile addition to the crew to add a to the Horror duel) and allowing another 3 Raptor Strikes at a range 12 from the Austringers who can make 2 Raptor Strikes a piece and dont require LOS to the target. You are correct about Lucius' Hidden Sniper needing LOS unless the target is also within range of a Scheme marker, however, that is there more to punish the Gremlin Scheme runners (who are likely to be within range of a Scheme marker to trigger the no- LOS) than really do the heavy lifting. It is nice that it is also a 0 action as well, so he can stroll about the board with 3 Walks, potentially triggering Commanding Presence with each, to get a good view of a target to use Hidden Sniper. The crew does have potential for Scheme running, though it is more of a later game sprint than full game marathon. It is also designed to severely limit the scheme running of your opponents crew by denying the middle zone of the table, where most schemes tend to focus. Also consider that points can be rearranged to allow Lucius to attach the Legalise upgrade (for reassignment of clustered Scheme markers) and scheme runners, the core of Lucius (free) plus 2 Austringers (12 SS) plus Dashel (9 SS) plus Watcher (4 SS) is the real key to it functioning, leaving 25 SS for other toys to aid the core (Say alarge pack of 3 SS Guild Hounds). Engaging the core to shut down the shooting is much more difficult than you make out. First, Lucius remains very mobile throughout. Second, the Austringers can always use Quick Retreat to disengage (without the need for cards) and still perform a raptor strike once per turn. Deliver Orders is another option for Disengaging while also allowing a Scheme marker to be dropped. Lucius could also potentially remove the Austringer from Engagement by using What Lackeys are For to drop a Scheme Marker upfield and replace the engaged Austringer. Your example of Gracie moving up field to engage turn 1 has some merit, but consider that it will require her to activate late (after the Austringers) as well as Reactivate (incuring damage) to get to them that quickly. If Gracie doesn't activate late (after the Austringers) the reacitvate will leave her alone and afraid within range of the Austringer's for at least an activation. Gracie also only has an engagement presence of 4", meaning separating the Austringers by 5" leaves one of them un-engaged. You also seem to depend upon out activation for Gracie to do her thing, that is not guarantied when facing this list, since the Lucius crew can target un-activated models first and isn't at a huge model deficit. Lastly, remember those Guild Riflemen you are so down on? Well they can further punish Gracie for coming to engage the crew via Stand and Fire (if they are Focused, considerably likely given Gracie's need to go after the Austringers), leaving Gracie with as little as 3 wounds (2 from Reactivate, 3 from Stand and Fire damage) to survive away from a Slop Hauler (and also likely away from those Suit granting Auras the Gremlins can provide). Gracie is good but she is also a 10 point investment that is fairly certain to not offer a good return on investment in this situation. Pressuring Som'er's summoning is facilitated by killing his Bayou Gremlins (and if you kill them all then he cant summon anything but Piglets, and that requires him to hit a trigger on a melee strike and kill the target model); forcing him to focus on replacing losses and removing his activation options. If the Austringers kill the Slop Hauler early, then Som'er will not be able to replace losses as fast as the Lucius core can remove them or really keep the factory functioning. The summon factory requires a lot of effort and resources to perform consistently and typically nets only 1-2 Bayou Gremlins per turn. The Lucius core has some great tools to deny those resources and gum up the works. I am not sure why you are so down on Guild Riflemen, they aren't that bad really. They can deliver some impressive damage in this list. I definitely wouldn't recommend clustering them closer than 3" from a Guard model though. Keep in mind all of this is not just theory, Som'er is my main crew with Lucius being a frequent diversion from the Gremlin's (both of them have been for years). I have played with and against these lists many times.
  22. Here you go; Cool Mini Or Not Articles for Painting Look at the drop downs on the left hand side of the screen. Lots of good stuff there. Try Techniques first, though the "models step by step" section also has a lot of good stuff.
  23. As you point out, the key to all this is they have to be able to "Cheat" in order to use Bayou Two Card at all. Given their low Sh that is not likely (especially against the more elite models with higher Df) unless they have a way to get to a neutral damage flip. Bayou Two Card is one of those abilities that lends it self very well to what I term the Perfect Storm, when the lowly Bayou Gremlin succeeds well enough to garner a cheatable Damage flip on some big burly tank model, while also having the required trigger Suit, and cheats the Red Joker in, while also flipping another Severe damage card, resulting in a one shot (or near one shot) of said (typically lynch pin) model. It is similar to the other gremlin gun line "tactic" of maxing the negatives on the damage flip in the attempt to ferret out the Red Joker. When it works it is memorable, the other 99 times when it results in only 1 damage it is easily forgotten. Perhaps it is just my experiences but Bayou Two Card has never really been that worthwhile an option for the Offensive actions of Bayou Grmelins (now Som'er on the other hand...), most times the odds are against you for improving duel standing. On Defense it is much better. This is the exact list I would take against my own Gremlin Gun Lines led by Som'er and benefiting from Encouragement; Guild - 50ss Crew Lucius -- 7SS Cache +Secret Assets - 2ss Captain Dashel - 9ssGuild Austringer - 6ssGuild Austringer - 6ssGuild Rifleman - 5ssGuild Rifleman - 5ssGuild Rifleman - 5ssWatcher - 4ssWatcher - 4ssLucius, the Watchers, and the Austringers form the real core of the crew and provide plenty of LOS ignoring, range 12+ strikes (up to 7 per turn). I include the Guild Riflemen to provide some retaliation and deterrent for Charging Piglets that might try to harass the crew. Dashel is there to provide access to 0 AP Focus actions for the Riflemen and a for their SH actions. With the Watchers guarantying LOS for Lucius to the Austringers and/or the target, he can be mobile while still aiding in the Gremlin reduction program via Commanding Presence. The Austringers Distract trigger can also offset Som'er's Bigger Hat than You, Survival of the Fittest tactic by depleting his Control Hand after he works to build it back up. The only thing I might add is the Dampening Field upgrade to Lucius or Dashel to provide some pretty hard counters to the typical Gremlin strengths of Healing and Support auras. I might also drop the Guild Riflemen for something else, say a Neverborn Doppelganger (for another 2-3 Raptor Strikes per turn), Abuela Ortega (Charge protection and another Raptor Strike per turn), or perhaps a pair of Freikorps Trappers (to harass the Gunline form turn 1), or Hans (if I want to try and strip upgrades from Som'er), if the mood suits me. Even an amped up Summon Factory is going to struggle against this much pressure being applied consistently.
  24. Vallejo is definitely good stuff but I prefer Reaper Master Series. One of the main reasons you touch upon in your post, Reaper takes a lot of the guess work out of painting by selling Triads of colors (easily expandable by mixing the three shades in various quantities to create more in between gradations). Biggest advice I would give you is to take a stroll over to the Cool Mini Or Not website and search their painting tutorials. A lot of those guys seem to use Vallejo and have written some great toots on how to paint the difficult colors (White, Black, Red, etc.), materials (leather, satin, sheer, etc), and NMM. Frequently they will even include the Vallejo paints they use.
  25. Couple of things; Merris doesn't make all Gremlins immune to Blasts, just the ones in her small Aura. If she is protecting a huddle, then kill her (Austringers do it in two Moderate Damage Flips) to more than likely remove the entire huddle thanks to Immolating Demise 4. Bayou Gremlins that use Reckless to move up field and engage quickly will also be at 2 Wounds, if they use Dumb Luck as well they will more than likely be dead. Sure they have high Red Joker damage when they trigger Dumb Luck but that is one card in the deck. Also consider that the Bayou Gremlins have a fairly low Sh value, they will most likely be flipping at a deficit on the attack, likely also meaning a negative on the damage flip (unless using Encouragement causing them more Wounds), so no cheating in high damage cards. Comparing their Red Joker damage against Samael's damage track is not really relevant in that he has a Severe that ties their Red Joker (without Dumb Luck), beats it by 1 if the model also happens to be Burning, doesn't cause him damage to use, or require the Red Joker to get to that potential. Samael is also much more likely to inflict his damage consistently due to his higher Sh value and access to Use Soul Stones. For a Bayou Gremlin to be as effective as you are making out, turn after turn requires Lenny or cards from Som'er's hand for Do It Like Dis! and a Slop Hauler for healing, none of which (aside from Som'er) is free for the crew. It will also likely require Som'er to deplete the control hands and rebuild his own (via Dead Gremlins), along with providing access to the Encouragement upgrade. They are good for a 3 SS model but no other models outside of the faction suffer as much to do what they do or requires as much support to do it consistently. I would consider the Guild Austringers much better. As for Bayou Two Card, well some times it pays off and other times it truffles up a worse card, either way it is the models Cheat so cant be changed. Players tend to remember the "perfect storms" more than the normal results. My experience is that Bayou Two Card is highly over rated in most instances. I actually mentioned him earlier as a remedy and pretty hard counter to Gremlin Gun Lines.
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