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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. I would agree with this. I have been playing Som'er from very near the start of the game and I still find neat and new things I can do with him (and most don't require new models either). He is great for competitive play because of his versatility (both for you and your opponent...so many options to prepare for), but very difficult to master.
  2. That is rather interesting as it was asked by Henchmen previously and it was implied it wouldn't be a requirement.
  3. Out of curiosity where did you see this announcement?
  4. Some of the female Multi part kits had elongated extremities (it looked as if the feet were intended to be separate pieces from the legs). I believe the issue was fixed but haven't seen the newer sprues (mine are from the TtB backer kit). I have not noticed any scale difference between the Multipart kits and Malifaux models (other than the elongated limbs already mentioned which is easily fixed and any Malifaux models which have been identified as somewhat out of scale with the rest of the range).
  5. Host your pictures on one of the other "free" photo sharing sites like Photo Bucket and then just copy the link here.
  6. This topic was discussed earlier in another thread and it contained some great ideas. Here is the Questions about the Infamy: Ship of Zipp the Sky Pirate link.
  7. I wish I would have bought more of the Gremlin Puppets...they are bigger than some of the new Gremlin models being released (looking at you leaping-from-snapping-gator gremlin, my god it is tiny and made of so many small pieces).
  8. I wouldn't be so sure. Remember the demand for the Nightmare Edition Lord Chompy Bits over the public release edition? That new plastic model in the crew box sure does bear an uncanny resemblance to it. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Relic Knights Hannah eventually replaced by a model that bears an uncanny resemblance to the TtB Kickstarter Hannah. At that point new players will stumble upon these old threads and wonder what the hell everyone is talking about, asking for pictures and such. I don't know if I would call it viable. Neither edition is really complete. The original version is difficult to get, particularly in regards to the Booster packs. The Unstitched Edition, however, suffers from not having models for stats for all the previously released material (though the play test did make strides toward fixing this nothing was ever really finalized). I agree though a third edition is not really required, simply a completion of the effort. I would envision future boosters building upon the core concepts similar to the way the Zombicide or Super Dungeon Explorer series have. As I have stated previously I would like to see a version that incorporates Terraclips for some random board formats so the game can be kept fresh (again most of the board games Puppet Wars would be competing against have a similar feature). This would also provide an additional marketing angle for the Terraclips line (yes I know Wyrd has put that line on permanent hiatus but they do still own the rights and this could be a great way of revitalizing that line as well...which also suffered a bit from poor marketing i.e. they only released the large generic "lego" sets instead of the smaller themed ones). With games like these the more you can cross market with your other products the more likely people are to buy in. Including Malifaux Stat cards for a Lady Justice and Seamus Crew (with link to the free mini rulebook) is easy and cheap, but to the consumer implies more value for the singular purchase. Incorporating Terraclips with the game (for altering board layouts and introducing new rules/ scenarios) would achieve a similar goal, allowing cross marketing with Malifauxx, TtB, and TOS. As for getting more attention from non-wargamers, perhaps Puppet Wars could be sold in non-traditional outlets, i.e. Hot Topic, Spencers, or bookstores (I still argue these would have been great outlets for the EBO franchise). The largest obstacle seems to be the availability of staff to revitalize this project. Lets hope the recent hiring flurry of the last year allows someone to be freed up for the effort in the future.
  9. Honestly I never understood why previous versions of Puppet Wars didn't include at least enough Malifaux cards for two basic crews (Seamus and Lady J being the most likely as their base crews are almost the same minus the totem). Seemed like an obvious an inexpensive inclusion that could increase the appeal of the game (making that high price tag a bit more palatable). While I am sure a lot of the Kickstarter backers would be upset by that, the more I have to look at my players Relic Knights Hannah, the more I feel like this should be done. The general release edition just doesn't look "Malifaux" in my opinion. Tell you what if I can get your support for returning Gremlin Noses to the faction I'll pledge mine for the Kickstarter Edition Hannah to see a wider release (say via the Guilder program).
  10. Nathan here is that nudge you requested. Hopefully this tool can become a reality. Know you all have an awful lot of brands in the fire currently.
  11. The latest Chronicles have also featured a fair amount of Puppet art.
  12. Puppet Wars models were deemed legal proxies for Malifaux (and have been for some time), fairly certain it is in the Gaining Grounds Docs. The differences in Height shouldn't matter as all models have a Ht state that makes it a moot point. One thing to consider though is the Plastic Puppet Wars models (from the more robust Unstitched box) are larger than the Metal models form the original game. Another point to consider though is not all the models from the original game were remolded for Unstitched so some while not be avialable in plastic, and the metal stocks are fairly depleted (one of my LGS's might have a few of the old boosters still available if you are interested). While I have almost given up on further development for Puppet Wars, I still hold out some hope that we might see a return (the new Chronicles sure did feature an awful lot of conspicuous Puppet Art after all). I just wish they would complete what was already available in the original game for the Unstitched edition. While I greatly prefer the original rules (much more cerebral and enjoyable in my opinion) I do prefer the larger plastic models to the metals (and yes I own both editions (along with multiple copies of the metal Pawn Boosters, I know I have a problem!). Neither game was ever really finished. As for would a relaunch help it? Well I think the market is at a place where Puppet Wars could flourish if re-relased. in A lot of ways Puppet Wars was ahead of its time. When it was first published though it came with a high price tag (particularly for the time, and considering the virtual requirement for the purchase of additional Pawn Boosters), poor marketing (the box told you almost nothing about the game and was also fairly bland), and poor quality (at least in terms of the box itself which often fell apart in transit to the LGS). Unstitched was a much better offering but by that time Puppet Wars (and Wyrd in general) had acquired a bit of a stigma for any of their games not named Malifaux. Player expectations didn't help much either (particularly with the first edition which was thought to be Malifaux lite, it definitely was not!). I think if Wyrd did re-launch the game, with access to at least what was previously available in metal and offered some "new" content (like doors, stairs, and a Terraclips tie in with customize-able board layouts should the Puppets wish to "explore" Zoraida's wondrous shack beyond the one room) it could do well enough to sustain it. The only unfortunate issue now though is that it would compete against Krosmasters and Super Dungeon Explore now. As always I remain cautiously optimistic that it might just return some day.
  13. Are you on the northern side of Central Ohio? There is some interest in the game in Cleveland and one of the LGS's stocks all the available materials.
  14. I do miss the Gremlin noses...wish they would come back, they just don't look as good without them.
  15. While I like Crew Faux it doesn't support the Story Encounter mode of play (i.e. where players have different Strategies not the "Story Encounters" that are featured in some boxes). Really wish it did as I enjoy that mode of play much more than the symmetrical Strategies found in the "Standard Encounters" or Gaining Grounds options. As for a future edition...all I am hoping for is a dramatic improvement in the LOS and Elevation rules (hell I'd be happy if they just went back to the 1.5 edition ones which weren't that bad honestly). I miss playing on multi-tiered boards.
  16. Well Som'ers henchman is Lenny who was produced singly in metal so he shouldn't be an issue. Som'ers totems are the same and were also available singly in metal. My local shop may have both of those, I can check if you are interested. As for Wong...well your best bet is going to be Gadzooks Gaming, they sell disassembled crew boxes for those of us that owned the previous metal editions and want the new options that aren't available outside of the new plastic crew boxes. Their stock does fluctuate but they are currently showing Lenny, The Lovely Assistant, Mancha Roja, and the Skeeters as available. I didn't list the Lightning Bugs because you can already get them separately. I have purchased from them before and always had a great experience.
  17. Well the wiki was a volunteer effort. Volunteer work is not the best method of keeping the site up to date, reliable, or complete. This is the main reason I would like to see wyrd take full control, expanding the faction and master spotlight pages they already have.
  18. Not sure I agree that Corn Husks is not a must have (though I would phrase it more as should have unless there is a very good reason not to), particularly if Ulix is planning on running Wild Boars (who can gain extra movement via their 0 action from Scheme Markers) or Summoning War Pigs (which requires 3 friendly scheme markers to do). Piglets don't have a competing 0 AP action so providing all of the Piglets in LOS of Old Major one is worth every bit of 2 SS (especially if you can pull out a War Pig or two in the early turns).
  19. Due to a scheduling conflict with a few MtG events we have extended the League Signups about a week (to this Friday Jan 20) and shifted the regular days back to Friday nights. To compensate the loss of the week we have also extended the event to Feb 17. Apologize for any issues this may have caused, we will try to coordinate events a bit better in the future. @JoeCL Sorry to hear. We might be able to arrange something for the 21st. With the shift in dates it might be at a different venue in the area though. Perhaps @Slapdrone can chime in if that venue has Malifaux scheduled for that night. If not I am sure we can locate someone that will shift nights to play a game against you.
  20. While a lot of the advice in here is good I do agree that TtB has some issues with character progression. From reading your posts it would appear that your players are feeling as if they are not really the major players in Malifaux that they want to be despite having played through a number of sessions. In other words no matter how long they play they don't really feel like "Masters" of Malifaux. One thing you might try (aside from many of the other suggestions above) is to introduce a randomizer into the static resolution system of the non-fated. This can make the characters less potent at the low end and more potent in the upper end of the non-fated ranks. There have been a number of good suggestions on how to do this without obtrusively altering the core system. As for economy, the best thing I can offer for that is to give your players opportunities for greater power and the commensurate responsibilities that go with it. Let them try and run one of the settlement cities and manage the local economy through tarrifs and such. One big thing is to not become adversarial to your players, if they want more give them more. Let those additional gifts, though, come with long strings or uncomfortable allegiances or new adversaries. The last thing I will offer is to remember that TtB Fated characters are designed for obsolescence. The game was never really intended to go on for ever. While this doesn't mean the characters die, it does mean they should be graduating into unplayable NPC's at some point (though I contend this occurs a bit earlier than it really should). Also it might be worth taking a look at an interview conducted with the original TtB designer to gain some insights into why he chose to do certain things with the system (not all of which were well received by the Kickstarter backer play testers). Interview link here. TtB is a very different RPG than most I have encountered, it is not for everyone; however don't be afraid to alter things to suit your group. "House Ruling" is usually a requirement of all RPG's. I have yet to play one that didn't benefit from some tinkering.
  21. Less than a week until the start of the league event. Please let me know if you will be unable to attend the first day so arrangements can be made to generate your starting locations. Hope to see you there.
  22. Som'er would be a good step in expanding into the faction. He can run pigs nearly as well as Ulix. He does it in a different way which provides interest. Som'er gets a lot of good press because he is our most versatile Master. Sure he can run a summon factory but he can also run pigs, an elite build, super solo, support, denial, movement shenanigans, etc. He is the Master that can bring any of our Weapons to the fight and squeeze the best out of them.
  23. Just about two weeks away from the first league of the year at Warzone Matrix. Hope to see you there.
  24. I agree it is unfortunate that the "gremlin" offering for Shifting Loyalties ends up feeling more like a Mei Feng offering.
  25. You can also use him for additional Piglet Summoning if you attach his upgrade. Wasn't really a fan of Lenny in Ulix lists so don't miss the auto- . Lenny losing the ability to provide that to Masters likely has more to do with Thinking Luck than anything else. The community likely would have had less issues if Som'er and Ophelia had retained Dumb Luck instead. I don't think Bushwhackers are that bad only a SS over costed. We pay a premium for Playin' Possum which is increasingly a sieve defense (i.e. one which is easy to get around or ignore completely). Moon Shinobi need either a way to self heal, a method of gaining their own modifiers, or perhaps a damage modifier based on the enemies Poison Condition value. As written currently they just don't perform for their cost. I actually like where Survivors are currently, however I think the issue with them has more to do with Sparks than anything else. Sparks just doesn't really do anything other than buff a single Construct each turn (somewhat decent with the Pigapult but just adds expense to an already expensive combination). If he received an upgrade that allowed him to summon Survivors similar to Som'er's Get Your Bro (i.e. need a Bayou Gremlin to summon a Survivor) or a Mechanized Porkchop, then the Survivors (and Mechanized Porkchop for that matter) would seem like less of a "meh" addition. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am just glad they didn't go after the Slop Haulers. Too many people don't understand that their healing is what makes our faction really function.
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