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Posts posted by Werecat

  1. One thing: arcing screen is an aura, so Ramos himself can't benefit from it. Nice spell for the brass aracnid or mobile toolkit to cast though.

    I'd agree with most other things said. He does a bit of a few different things. He's a bit of a summoner(construct spider, electrical creation), a bit of a direct damager(electrical fire, controlled detonation), and a bit of a buffer(arcing screen, combat mechanic). Sadly, he has "Jack-of-all-trades" syndrome. He doesn't do any of his roles spectacularly. But if you can strike a balance, he can reasonably handle most situations. At first, I thought he was a relatively boring master. But I think there's a lot more to him. I'm looking forward to playing him more. I think he's a master that you need to put some effort into, but you get proportionate rewards for your time.

  2. Druchi is correct. A ton of Malifaux players are also current or former Warmachine players, so the term stuck.

    I'm still a relatively new 'Tina player, but I almost never use gamin for ice mirror. Silent ones, on the other hand, I definitely do. I have one Gamin sit back and activates bite of winter, and a silent one casting north wind. Then my second silent one ranges forward a bit for the ice mirror arc, and to trow out a few freezes.

  3. My friend uses this list, and it's been giving me fits:



    Ashes and Dust

    4 SPA's

    Such a tough list. First turn the SPA's turbo up the board with their little drag and pop the dosolation engine in my face, followed closely by A&D. I just don't have the hitting power to deal with both soon enough. And even if I can get a few notches out of the engine, it just munches one of my guys and heals up.

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