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Posts posted by Superskull666

  1. 35 SS game diagnal deployment in das bog. The terrain that wasn't severe was hazerdous (we set up Forrest and placed these really cool carniverous plant resin models the store has in the center of them) claim stake was the scenario I took kidnap a second claim stake and eye for an eye as my others.

    The lists were


    Mature neph


    5x terror tots

    His list.


    The chick?


    Sabertooth bighead


    I got the go ahead and moved hamlin up then made two of my tots obey for the extra charge movement.

    He activates marcus and tunnels a mole in BtB.

    The rest of the turn is me flinging my tots up with sprint and the mature neph carrying lylith then transporting a that move 28' with herself and dropping a Forrest.

    So much went on this game I will try my best to describe it. The majority of the turns were marcus moving up and howling and me baiting his nasties with tots. Once I drew them out of howl range I would either A.transport them near a table edge and bounce them off via pipers lure or B. switch out what ever model he had on the claim with a tot and then brood another into the claim when the first one died, then slaughtering that model with Lilith or the mature neph.

    It was a blood bath I played really well and got a red joker on the damage flip when I walked Lilith into combat with marcus splat.

    It was a complete rout winning 10-0 but he promised I would be seeing a lot more perdita/bishop from now on.

  2. Add a Doppleganger to that crew for an extra casting and further frustrate your opponent.

    The Doppleganger could also copy liiths companion ability if need be to give you a fourth model to use before your opponent gets to activate a model.

  3. Awesome then. I remember reading a thread about Mortimers corpse token generating spell and people being adiment about not being able to cheat on the flip as you need a double suit for the number to go off.

    I can now buy some models I was iffy about purchasing before.

  4. So you can't cheat on the grow flip to put a mask it the casting? I am confused as we have been cheating on these sort of flips as the book say you can only cheat in duels but spells like these are considered self duels. I wouldn't be too disappointed if this was the case as it would considerably tone down the ortegas ram suit jerkfest.

  5. Yeah I want to steal as many players from the "other games" as I can. A lot of the whiners are 40k vets who kick the the hell out my boyz and 3 month of expirience. I play cryx and I guess finding the nasty stuff and being dirty come naturally to me but yeah. I don't wan to scare away the new guys so gremlins it is!

  6. I have only played war games for the last 18 months my main game was WM but I have recently jumped ship to malifaux as the new rules changes are too much to bare.

    I have played Vampire the Eternal Struggle for the last 10 years I own around 20k cards for it. It ISA wonderful game that has made me a better player in any game I pick up due to it's complexity and combo driven brutality.

  7. Ok so I got my rule book yesterday and was wondering how to get an insane amount of mindless zombies on the table. I was considering the lab assistant the grave digger and nicodem. This way toucan generate 2 a turn on top of what ever othertoken fodder you bring. The cheaper the better. Ideas?

    Ps is there's limit to the amount of mindless nico van generate with tokens a turn? I am at work without my book.

  8. Yeah tang I ran this last night didn't go to bed till around 3am the primordial magic totem is pretty key to having extra big cards to play when your targets resist. Then it perpetuates it's self as you draw 2 everytime you bounce a model off the table it gives you a better hand to try it a secondand third time.

  9. No I just got my book yesterday and I am trying to abuse the rules as much as feasable. I have a very new group along with another guy we are trying to get a very firm grip on the rules so we can start running events in another month or so.

  10. Yeah I can tone it down a bit. But angle got the gist of the post. I am still begining my self but have found that sitting on your cards is a no no. The other players still have a hard time burning their cards to cheat and get past -fate and such. Thanks guys.

  11. Ok so a freind and I have created a decent buzz about this game and have nabbed a decent size play group in the process. Most of them being veteran 40k and WM players. I run lylith and as many terror tots as SS level will allow. Barring my pal who runs perdita and raspy the rest of the group grumbles everytime I plop her on the table.

    Their biggest complaint is the mass card cycling I can manage and speed of my disposable heavy hitting babies, and the lack of dice. They still have not realized that the card system is far less fickle than dice and when you need something to happen you can actually almost insure it does with fate cheating and burning SS.

    I As a veteran V:tes player I know how strong the ability to be able to dial a hand can be i.e primordial magic and doppleganger. I guess this boils down to my question. Besides what I am doing with my own army how do I show these gentlemen the virtue of card cycleing? They clutch their cards like retired factory workers clutch dollars. If they don't use them they will lose but they are terriied to do so. It's really starting to bug me as I burn through mine like a rockstar burns 100 dollar bills.

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