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Posts posted by jbeckett

  1. So last night I put together the Marcus boxed set. Now I'm not an expert modeler by any means but I thought I'd share what I've done thus far.

    In a different game, I was making green stuff filled bases for one of the factions (Menoth cracked earth) so I thought it would be a good way to provide a nice, rough base for these beastie dudes/dudettes.

    Miranda - Clean. Place green stuff on base. Press through. Done. One piece figures are easy!

    Marcus - Same first three steps, but then it got a little interesting. Big ole shillelagh attached to itty-bitty arm. Well, green stuff and super glue worked it's magic and nothing fell off... for now. It probably helped that I drilled small holes (too small for pins) into both sides. More gap filling, green stuff please!

    Anyway, when going with the arm choice I went with the flame and that took some propping-up but it worked out. Never did source lighting on a fig before, and may not start now either. And I then added the machete on his back, just for fun.

    Razorspine Rattler - Here's the figure that gave me fits. The clean up process to remove the flash really made me nervous that a spine would snap. Then the tail was lower that the rest of the body, so some slow bending was in order - again making me nervous that something would snap along the way.

    However, I made sure to bulk up a little extra on the green stuff, resulting in the ability to push that tail into the base a little more. End result, Rattler complete.

    Sabertooth Cerberus - Easy peasy after dealing with the Rattler, except for one dumb item - I put him on the base off center. Guess I need to put a little extra decoration on the base to make up for my foolishness. Should be cool for when I have the figure prowling in a mix-up.

    So, only 90 minutes to get all four cleaned (enough) and based and ready to go. Still a bit nervous about Marcus not losing an arm, or two, but I think the rest will hold well. Dunno how the Rattler will turn out when painted. But a fun project.

    Recommendations - When doing the dry fit for the Rattler, make sure to find a way to make it taller on the base so that there isn't much bending involved. And pinning Marcus' arms is a really good idea Or at least put holes on both sides for green stuff to fill in and help seal the joint.

  2. I had to go with Marcus, as when I took him for a spin playtesting he was too cool for school. The Razorspine Rattler rocks the free world.

    Rasputina is also cool (ha!) and it's the hat that beckons the paint brush and wallet to do their thing.

  3. So I've been slowly making my way through the Malifaux rulebook and I have to say, this is quite possibly the best rulebook layout I've ever read.

    Most miniature game rule books that I've read (and I'll admit it's not all of them) have a standard format of fluff-rules-stats. This makes for some amazingly dry rules reading.

    Placing the background to Malifaux through out the book, and of different lengths, just makes the whole book shine. But the big eye catch for me was the use of the two page art for the story "Into the Breach" p26-30. I was already enjoying the heck out of the story pages that floated around, but using the art in such a way... good stuff, Maynard.

    Mad props to Nathan, Eric Johns, and Casey Jones (and everyone else involved) for bringing together a book that is beautiful to look at, a joy to read and worth more than the cover price for certain.

    Thank you.

    Note: For a reference point, the book "Surviving on the Edge The Player's Guide to On the Edge" by Atlas Games for their long dead CCG On The Edge is the only competition in my mind for a similiar quality book. And they had the advantage of an entire roleplaying world to back them up.

  4. Gremlins are officially part of the Outcasts though they will be useable by Zoraida and her bunch rather easily, particularly with their background and overall chaotic manner.

    Sorry to be late to the thread, but by the quote above, it is implied that Outcasts are an actual faction. From my initial fluff readings, I thought they were just a mercenary type group that occasionally sides with on or the other. Is that the case?

    And in the good/evil/both vein - which way do the Arcanists lean? Initially, I thought the Guild was the "bad guys" but after reading some of the stories from the Wyrd Chronicles, they actually aren't horrible. The Arcanists have that same kind of background, but I cannot tell which way they are supposed to go.

    Yeah, I get kind of fluffy when it comes to picking factions.

    Thanks much!

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