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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I'm not a huge fan of Alphonse sculpts but it would be immensely better if he was properly big and not "somewhat tall human" size. He looks very lackluster on his 50mm base.
  2. It's the very end of M2e but the one-wheeled Whiskey Gamin just has no detail on the underside of his arms - the barrels just turn inexplicably flat and it's on the render as well.
  3. Here's Alphonse, btw: (Note that his base is quite a bit thicker than Assistant's.)
  4. McTavish. McTavish has a gun but it doesn't make him worth his points. Still, if you can give him Focus it's a fine gun. McTavish has a massive melee attack but his durability leaves something to be desired. He is somewhat surprisingly mobile, though, which helps. Toss in the Mud is a good Action no doubt but using Henchman AP for it is always a bit of a bummer. Kinda wish it had a juicy Trigger or two. Still, certainly a thing. Finally, Gator Snack and Swampscreen provide all sorts of utility but nothing earth shattering. All in all McTavish feels a bit "too fair", in a sense (unless you can pump him full of Focus somehow). What do you think of the ol' alligator wrangler? Do you take him often and into what sorts of situations?
  5. Alphonse is also way too small and all in all a super lackluster mini. Most likely the worst Bayou model there is, actually.
  6. They can mess with all Markers, not just Scheme Markers so consider them against Marker heavy crews. Though of course The Emissary is fierce competition. They can also naturally do stuff with Pianos and Pit Traps and such. Their main problem is that they kinda want to activate both early (for Shielded) and late (for messing up opponent's Markers) in the turn so it's a trade off. All in all they aren't bad as such after the errata but probably not essential, either.
  7. Ooh, I like those pyre tokens - they look very functional which is fantastic!
  8. Unfortunately all the forum attachment links were broken a month or two ago and no longer work. I have nine piano markers which has been enough so far but it has been a close call at least once so I guess I would suggest making 9-12 markers.
  9. I must've hallucinated a "to a minimum of 0" into that Poison lowering thingy. Yeah, you are correct. Fair enough - it's just that Sober Up requires a seven and you likely want to do it on the Gamin and there's always good uses for crows in Tri-Chi but all that said, I could actually see it in this crew since there aren't all that many crows needed on the first turn.
  10. Sorry, I was thinking that you'd want to give some poison to the Gamin as well (counted them in the "Cooper Jones" package but that was unclear - apologies). Also, can't you reduce the damage by five making a full health Gamin? I'm not saying that's necessarily a good idea and three is likely the optimum, but just making sure I'm not overlooking something? Finally, isn't Akaname hitting just one Poison unless you manage to flip crows? And it gives Cooper Slow as well? I have to admit that I never considered hitting my own models with an Akaname so maybe again I'm missing something?
  11. I feel that you might not have enough Poison generation to support both Brewmaster and Cooper Jones in the list. I do like the theme, though.
  12. I thought they said that they'll be toning down on the errata and only doing it for essentially game-breaking stuff? Maybe I misunderstood. Hopefully I did.
  13. But isn't that kinda difficult to pull off in practice? I mean, you have to activate Sparks to give the bombs to a Gremlin. Sparks doesn't like being in the front lines so you probably need to activate the Gremlin to get him to an advantageous position (or Toss him with Lenny or whatever). And then you need to activate Somer to blow him up. What's to stop the opponent from killing the Gremlin before Somer has a chance to blow him up? And Somer usually likes activating pretty early to get his auras active. Have you successfully pulled it off? Or maybe I'm missing something obvious (I am not very experienced with Somer at all).
  14. I painted an old-school Joss Johan. The eyes didn't quite go as planned but I spent way long on them and decided to leave it be.
  15. Thank you for the kind words! The bases on these are just Micro Art Mystic bases. I really like the mystical ruins theme for Malifaux.
  16. I feel that goes somewhat without saying but yeah, naturally. Seamus is indeed an extreme case as he can one-shot like 90% of the Bayou non-SS users. My response was more to the position that Roosters should never be taken in Public Enemies as they are too fragile, which I disagree with. But yeah, definitely take into account the opposing Master before loading up on Roosters.
  17. Brilliant work! The face on Hoffman is fantastic! And the varied metals look so good. The only thing I could think of to offer as a suggestion would be to make some other element to the bases as they are quite plain now. Maybe some workshop trash stuff or something?
  18. I too think that Roosters are fine for Public Enemies. The best defense is being outside of the threat range of the enemy and Roosters excel at that. With their hefty amount of wounds, the enemy is quite unlikely to kill them if you keep them well back enough such that the enemy can only get one or two hits in.
  19. Surely both Wizzbang and Tri-Chi are weaker? As for the question - Dreamer is one of the worst matchups for Bayou as they really lack the tools to deal with him efficiently. You can outplay the opponent but if you are on even footing skill-wise, it's going to be a very, very difficult match, unfortunately.
  20. Lovely work on the metals and the lenses! And the fabric really contrasts super nicely with the way you've done the metals. Superb stuff!
  21. Expect this to be very sporadic. I painted an Akaname and a Tanuki.
  22. You're thinking M2e, not 1e, I believe. I don't think that Voodoo Doll transferred Conditions back in 1e and Wisps were definitely 2e, right?
  23. I don't think she was very hated in 1st edition, though naturally Obey was good back then as well. She had the ability to transform into a raven and relocate vast distances which made her difficult to pin down and often gave her the ability to come up with Scheme VP on the final turn all of a sudden which certainly made her tricky. Also, she was able to hire any model with Wp 4 or less which meant that she had access to some very weird synergies.
  24. How do you feel about ordering from Sweden? Alphaspel have two in stock: https://alphaspel.se/963-neverborn/
  25. These sorts of comments make conversing with you a bit taxing. Do you honestly believe that The change suggested would mean that the game would slide into "dopplegangers of each other abilities"? Or That anyone in this thread would want the game to slide into "dopplegangers of each other abilities"? That sort of stuff just doesn't accomplish anything. As for your actual content - as I said, this isn't a matter of being overpowered. Thoon should probably get buffed. To pick a ridiculous example in order to illustrate the point, a model that would have an Action "Shuffle your deck and then flip a card which cannot be cheated. If it is a Joker, you win the game, otherwise you lose the game" wouldn't be overpowered but it would be a horrible design as the effect of the ability is way too powerful. So arguing that the ability is fine because Thoon sucks or arguing that the ability is fine because altering it would lead to doppelgangers are both IMO weak arguments. That said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking the ability and considering it good design. I think that it is such a powerful effect that there should be more degense available for really expensive models against it and it all in all kinda goes against the general design direction of the game's current version but it is OK to disagree with those assessments as they are very subjective. Back in first edition Hamelin (who wasn't a Master back then) had flutes that would move you towards the closest table edge and if you hit the edge, you were out of the game no questions asked. Some people thought that was OK, some didn't.
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