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Posts posted by Genetic

  1. *takes the mag out from under the pillow, and swings it around, giggling* i do love new toys! ooh and how do you know im crazy?? maybe YOUR the crazy one??? hrmmm???? did you ever think about that?? *ponders*

    *Sneaks up behind her swinging around the gun, and hits her up side the head with a frying pan* Stupid Neverborn! I'm not the crazy one... Oh look at the cute teddy bear *Picks the teddy off the floor and rips its head off and throws it down next to the unconscious girl*

    Now that that is threw with, I really hope we don't have to wait for to much longer for the terrain...

  2. so is anyone planning on running molly with levi? i think it would be a good pair. i mean levi with a 6" walk. and her casting his spells.. to me it just seems like a bad ass pairing.. sure she is expensive but i think shes worth it, what do you all think??

  3. I never realized before electrical creations are unique.. I ended up buying 3 of them before i noticed. once i found out I sold one to one of my friends and told him about them being unique, and he and another player still believe you can run more than one of them at a time. Arent you allowed only 1 of any unique model? and if you have 1 in play and summon another doesn't the other one disappear?

  4. I love my warmachine, but i havent played it in like 6 months, to buzy playing malifaux. and I still believe Infinity is lame. most of the gamers in my area wont touch it because the rules suck. and alot of them have sold there armies.. but the minis are great looking if you want to pay GW like prices..

  5. thanks everyone for the comments. I wanted to do something different for LCB but didnt know what. I was watching "Aliens" while I was painting him. It got towards the end of the movie where the aliens start bursting threw the floor and ceiling and the idea popped into my head about having him burst threw the floor.

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