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Posts posted by Genetic

  1. Ok when i was taught how to play malifuax a few years back, i was told that if at the beginning of each turn.. If a player has more models than the other players, the player with the lower model count get a number of passes equal to the difference between the model counts.. then you can use those passes instead of activating a model...

    I was playing a game today and told the other player that he had passes and he looked at me like what the heck are you smoking.. I explained to him and he told me he never heard that rule before.. so i told him id find it in the rule book,, after a brief look i found nothing.. and i was like WHAT!!!!

    Is there such a rule, and do i now need to kill the guy who taught me how to play the game?? Id like to think I know most of the rules so this was a shock to me..

  2. Id probably use green stuff personally. but thats just me.. Im going to try a few things later on tonight.. i have a few ideas about using static grass and bits of sand for an insect swarm.. static grass being small might look like the legs of insects when painted and then put some sand pebbles on top along with some green stuff centipedes...

  3. I was thinking of using the micro arts 30mm skull bases for my Hamlin army.. I figured it would be different and most people would probably use the sewer bases from Wyrd.

    I think the skulls will work well, mainly because if you have read the story in book 2, when Hamlin got turned into Hamlin the plagued he was in a sort of under ground ancient crypt so i figured the skulls would fit that? what are your guys ideas?


  4. well im a local henchman, so if you show up at red castle i can help you with getting the v2 cards..

    as far as the table tand terrain goes the shop has 2 4x6 gaming tables, and and 3 or 4 boards to throw down on other tables if need be, there is a variety of terrain, the shop is still new so they are still in the process of building terrain..

    I will be running some games this saturday your more than welcome to come down and get your game on... if you have any questions shoot me a line.

  5. This Saturday March 12, 2011 at 6:30pm

    at Red castle Games in Portland Oregon . http://redcastlegames.com/

    I will be running a 4 player king of the hill game..

    This will be a 4 way free for all 25ss scrap..

    There will be no schemes, the only objective is to take the hill and throw everyone else off the hill..

    The game will run 6 turns with a random event happening at the end of every turn.

    Each player will be deployed in a randomly determined corner and flip for Initiative as normal.

    Any movement up the hill counts as severe.

    This is meant to be a fun game to finish off our 6 week league at Red Castle but all are welcome, Since I only have 1 hill table the first 4 people to show will play first, if more people are interested in playing they can hang out and watch, or play a game of Malifaux while they wait..

    Red Castle Games carries the full line of Wyrd miniatures

    so you can also pick up any needed miniatures..

    If there are any question please send me a P.M

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