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Posts posted by Genetic

  1. Which totem? I know I saw a few last week.

    Also I need some fresh blo.......erm um :whistle: would love to have another opponent to play the game with. :angel:

    SO I'm not good enough to play against you no?? I already said i wouldn't alp bomb you again :P

    And Hansel the totems you need are "The Purifying Flame" for Sonnia, and "Scales of Justice" for JADY J

  2. Im going to be at GameStorm this year, IM going to be helping run a booth for Red Castle Games, and I will also have my Malifaux stuff with me... So if any one is going to be there and is Interested In Getting a Demo run for them, or interested in getting a game in, I will be available for that... Just come find me in the Dealer area, and I Should be at the Red Castle Booth....


  3. Ratty is right. You can't just build a crew to counter the Alp bomb unless your opponent tells you he is going to be playing the Alp bomb, just like you can't place terrain to totally benefit you after you chosen a side.

    And even if you play to counter the Alp Bomb your opponent might decide not to drop it and play his game holding it as a threat which will give him massive table control because he will control more than half the table with the threat alone.

    A smart player is not gong to pop it if he knows you are ready to counter it with a baited model. Also less experienced players will most likely not be able to pull off the Alp Bomb due to its need for exact need for model activation and first turn setup. Unfortunately it almost doesn't matter what you do, the mistake is all in the Dreamer's court.

    Lol I've played a game where i had 8 alps+ and an insidious madness and after reading them to drop,, I never did.... i played the hole game with LCB+ the dreamer and 3 daydreams.. and still won, it was so funny..

    My opponent was so scared of the drop he forgot all about his objectives.

  4. :gurney:No GameStorm malifaux tourney :gurney:

    Its really sad, talked to some one at Gamestorm and they said yes I could run a tournament, then when we went to turn in the info they said nope sorry past deadline, even thou the guy on the phone the night before said it wasnt an issue and sure you can run one.. oh well I'll still be running something in the near future..

  5. They ignore the phases when buried, aka the closing phase.. so any effects on them stay.... So like i said you prime the bomb then BANG... there are ways to deal with this... so heres the deal sandwich.. sure you can have a ranged army... but here lies the problem.. your shot an alp in melee, with defensive stance, with there normal ability that make them hard to hit from farther than 6"... sure you can shoot your own models and hope you hit it, bit your still shooting in melee so you have to flip to see who you hit.. it you do hit your modles with something that does blast.. ALPS ARE DEAD... but odds are on my favor with the alp bomb.. its all math and numbers and stuff... Thus is why i dont use it very often its not fun to play against if used right....

  6. umm you start the game with the alps in play,,, put them and the insidious madness in defensive stance, and use there auras to mess with WP.. then use the dreamer's 0 ability to give them terrifying.. then bury them.. the bomb has now been primed....

  7. The key to the alp bomb is timing, and using terrain to your advantage... ( and having an opponent that clumps together helps too).

    Lucky I've got the movement shenanigans down wit the army so i hit people with it and most people don't see it coming.. or you just use the alp bomb as a deterrent and scare the other player with it... I also like using alps for objectives, a 3ss model that is NOT insignificant... and gets a bonus againt getting shot at from far away... Ummm yes please...

    from my experience they are worth the points much more than the stitched but like every thing you need to know how to make the most out of your models.. anyway thats just my 2 cents...

  8. Hansel, have you had a chance to play malifaux yet? If not i can run a demo for you if you want to try the game out... what faction/ Crew where you interested in?

    I got some bad news guys.. Turns out there is no room for me to run a event at game storm,, BUT i will be there helping Red Castle Games out and i plan on bringing some terrain, and my Malifaux stuff so if anyone id interested in a game or to hit me up I'll most likely be in the dealers area at the Red Castle Games Booth...

    Also how may people are interested in a painting night or a terrain night?

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