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Posts posted by Keltheos

  1. Do you really want to be aggressive and then followed it up by stating that something that isn't an Attack Flip will still get the same modifiers as something that is an Attack Flip?

    Do you mean this?

    Modifiers that affect melee or ranged attacks affect these Spells as well.
    (p. 50)

    While I can see some people not reading that as "Attack Flip = Casting Flip for ranged attack Spells" it is there.

  2. There's a responsibility here on both the customer and the store owner as well. Customers should be willing to let their store know they're going to Gen Con and may/will be buying items there. It's a courtesy a regular should give their local shop. And, store owners should know their customer base. If those 15 copies of the book are mainly going to the 'regulars' who play Malifaux and a few of those regulars are going to the con, odds are most/all of the regulars will have bought the book there. Ask and adjust initial order numbers accordingly.

    When players are intimidated about communicating with their LGS, and the LGS doesn't bother to poll its regulars then there is going to be some stock collecting dust post-Gen Con. That'll happen whether or not Gen Con vendors adjust their plans or not.

  3. The only joker argument I can really see making is the one OldManMyke said in his podcast. To paraphrase, he said it seems a bit wrong that the Red Joker on a negative flip produces the exact same result as the red joker on a positive flip. Whether or not the designers want to add one extra rule to remember is up to them, but the point is solid.

    Honestly I don't think it would be hard to remember a clean positive/negative joker flip rule. The hard stuff to remember is all the little minutia rules about cover and terrain and falling and morale, in my opinion.

    You mean like how the Black Joker on a negative flip is the same as the Black Joker on a positive flip? This designer feels that the Jokers should be the bookends of the spectrum.

  4. For every negative triple flip I've had to make in search of that ever-elusive Red Joker uberswing that came up with 12/13/2 I would beg to differ.

    Another simple fact about gaming is that some players are simply 'luckier' than others. The odds fall in their favor more than in other players' favors. It happens. There isn't an 'infinite' number of times you, or I will play a game of Malifaux. So within the limited set of flips a person can be 'lucky'.

    And as Ratty points out, one of the strengths of H2W isn't just the additional chance of a low card coming up, but the removal of your option to Cheat Fate. Sure, you may get that elusive Red Joker out, but when it doesn't you're left staring at possible high cards in your hand you can't use.

    So, there's more to consider when it comes to H2W than just how it interacts with the Fate Deck. The Hand is also affected. The Jokers should be both ends of the Fate spectrum. Black Joker shuts you down. Red Joker makes your day. I very much do not agree with the camp that believes the Red Joker should be a wild 14 and that's it. Want to talk about anticlimactic?

    Also, don't forget that a game of Malifaux can swing back to your advantage just as quickly as the devastating blow a player just handed you with the evil Red Joker wrecked it for you.

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