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Everything posted by waghorn41

  1. Love the striking colours you've used, yellow against the purple. The only thing I would pick out for improving would be the shading on the dress/skirt - I think you could have pushed a few darker areas there for depth. Lovely work - and congrats on the new addition to the family.
  2. Nice little dio but would benefit from the bases of the minis matching the scenic base they're on.
  3. Nicely created scene, love the stonework.
  4. Very nice, especially like the work on the building.
  5. Great entry so much detail - she just doesn't seem wicked somehow.
  6. Lovely work on the ram and the scenery, have to admit I was puzzled as to the 'wicked' part as the ram seemed quite benign - until I scrolled down and saw the human cowering.
  7. I like this, the colour choices work well but to be honest the base looks better than the mini which appears a little flat.
  8. Lovely work as always Victoria, unfortunately I was lost as to theme not knowing the Malifaux game.
  9. Lovely work in this piece, the floating book and the glowing emblem on the floor really enhance the atmosphere.
  10. Beautiful work on this little scene. Not knowing the minis I assume the one in blue is the 'wicked' of the theme?
  11. Thanks Vikey, much appreciated. Pity the judges didn't think much of it theme wise.
  12. Improving! I did this in a few rushed hours, just opened the pots and threw them at the minis - and it shows. But I guess that's what real orcs look like...
  13. That's because there hasn't been an IP for a long time
  14. Lovely work - as always from you. Great conversion.
  15. Better photo size here: http://www.wampforum.com/gallery/image.php?f=3666&p=1&photoid=3666&wat=
  16. waghorn41

    Wag's work

    painted miniatures
  17. waghorn41


    From the album: Wag's work

    Tiriel by Hasslefree - attempted freckles...
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