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Everything posted by waghorn41

  1. I get an idea and throw it together - just one look at the lack of quality should make it obvious. Seriously though I gathered the bits for the base and got on with that while the Orc was being stripped then moved on to the Orc, surgery, primer, paint. The 'hardest' part was making the guitar - and it's only got 4 strings (well it is for an Orc)
  2. Well there could only be one answer to this theme
  3. What's small? the entry or the photo? If photo, select then right click, select view image then click again to enlarge (there's a magnifying glass sign with a + in it)
  4. As PraetorDragon has said, but an interesting entry.
  5. That mini looks familiar! Great job and well painted.
  6. omg that is just awesomely gorgeous!
  7. waghorn41


    Very Japanese, love the freehand.
  8. waghorn41


    Nice collection of figures, the eyes are very well done.
  9. Excellent piece, well constructed action.
  10. Nice take on theme, very Japan.
  11. Nice diorama but the figures are almost hidden by the tree because of the angle, an extra view would have been great.
  12. Nice work on these even if the theme link is not easily seen.
  13. Good idea and well constructed and painted.
  14. Just love it, well done!
  15. I like the decay on the figures compared to the freshness of the foliage of the base, nice entry.
  16. Only in Japan! Great idea and nicely made diorama.
  17. waghorn41

    Round 4

    Nice model, the weathering is well done.
  18. I'm not up on Vash so I'll bow to those in the know. Not finished? well I look forward to seeiing it when it is, there's some solid work there.
  19. Like the choice of colours, some shading on the cloth and highlights on the cloth and hair would make this really stand out.
  20. Lovely work, beautiful little diorama.
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