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Everything posted by waghorn41

  1. Nice mini but I think the blue is a little strong and doesn't allow the pink to dominate as it should, the very gloss finish is picking up reflections which don't help.
  2. Very amusing little scene, well painted.
  3. Love this little scene, wish the photos enlarged a bit bigger to show the mini better.
  4. Nicely constructed scene, looks well for theme.
  5. Very nice, I particularly like the freehand spiders on the bottom of her dress.
  6. Love the paint work on this and the base sets it off really well.
  7. Nice entry Twixxie, the pinks are nice. What would really make that horse pop is if you were to blend the shading on the skin a little and add some shading to the mane and tail to make the vivid pink more, well vivid. You might find some tutorials over on wampforum.com they're a really friendly bunch of painters (just tell Darklord the wag sent you )
  8. Nicely done, captures the theme well.
  9. Nice work Nick, I gathered that it was skin when I saw the behind shot. Gives it a certain gruesomeness - but still pretty.
  10. Lovely work, especially the yes, and very cute too.
  11. Looks good, a lot of work there. Slightly spoilt by some of it being out of focus. But hey, all those models in a short time - well done.
  12. Nice, I like the way the blue sets off the pink.
  13. That is so definitely pretty in pink.
  14. That's.................................gorgeous.
  15. Really nice and I suspect it's even better than you photo shows.
  16. I'd like to see this if you get to finish it the way you wanted to, good basis for an entry though.
  17. waghorn41


    Lovely clean crisp colours and shading, well done.
  18. Very nice - but the reflections caused by your lighting, particularly on the green tend to distract from what looks like a nice paint job.
  19. Well constructed diorama, very amusing.
  20. Nice textures on the pink skin. A couple of the shots seem a little out of focus but overall a nice entry.
  21. Very pretty in pink but I feel that it would have been better if her bikini was as bright and noticable as the building.
  22. waghorn41


    Nicely done, made me laugh - you're almost as mad as me.
  23. A fun piece, he's certainly in amongst some pretty pink 'shrooms.
  24. Unusual take on the theme, the pink is very subdued which does impart a certain prettiness to the machine. Well done.
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