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Posts posted by ergman

  1. Hi all

    I'm very pleased to present what after some years of thinking and several months of hard work has become in my personal line of miniatures.

    Mad puppet miniatures will have four categories, and the idea is trying to do interesting and diferent things to experiment, on sculpting terms (my part), and for painting (yours ^-^).


    Clasic fantasy in 30mm



    Sci-fi Post Apocalyptic

    in 30mm too, lots of things on mind for this range :)




    (the "tail" of the weapon is just for moulds)



    Busts & miscellanea

    Taking advantadge of the freedom that personal lines allow, i probably would do figures that don't belong to any other category, so this is the category for them


    50mm from base to top of the head


    The craziest of the four ranges, quite concept minis, for painters who like painting different things :), around 54mm size miniatures (not in scale necessarilly)



    If everything goes fine, the web and the miniatures will be available on march 15th

    the website will be the next (under construction though)


    That's what i can tell at the momment, more news soon! :D

    Oh, btw, you may recognize 3 miniatures that i did for Sacredblade, actually SB gently let me producing them

    Greetings and hope you like them


  2. Hi all,

    it's been a while since the last time i showed the Joker juegos miniatures here, so here is an update:

    8 minis are going to be released on the first batch, but i only have pics of 7, the 8th is a female elf catcher

    they will be on sale on march as late, the will be preparing a website that i'll be posting here when it's done.

    the greens (sorry for some blurry pics :$) :







    Joker Referee



    Ork Blizter





    Human thrower 54mm wip pics, for painters and collectors.




    Hope you like them :)

  3. hey,

    @malebolgia & supervike

    the joker sculpts are being casted now, but no idea when are going to be released, i'll keep you informed as soon as i know dates. i know they will do their own website with online store and those things.

    @ mlavanish

    yeah, the broken link is one of the things to fix, shouldnt be any link there.

    Thanks for the comments ^^

  4. hey Anders,

    that looks awesome, i lke the colour scheme and the atmosphere , dark atmosphere too, but with a different feel, amazing job :rockon:

    btw, want to see the freehand of the coat, as I didn't realized at first sight, before reading nathan's comment, so when you have the time just a quick shot of the coat would be great:D

  5. hey maya, curious, I always thought that plastic was easier to convert, i 've never made conversions in resin so, no idea, i prefer plastic for conversions mostly, it happens the same to me but with plastic, I injure myself less with plastic...although I tend to get injured with every sharp object I touch XD.

    some people told me that plastic figures look more like toys, may be it's for the weight

  6. Hi all

    this is a question which i'm used to speak with a friend, because the forums he is used to be, there are people that don't like the gw plastic minis, some prefer them instead of the metal ones, and we have too the forgeworld, fenryll and ilyad ones, that are in resin, so in which material do you prefer the miniatures? and why?

    metal, plastic or resin?

  7. Hey Eric

    I didn't understand at all when you said the fisrt time the limited pallette (with the first pics), i understood in general, but I didn't realized of this-> "The skin is a mix of all 4",

    when you said you used 4 colors I thought you used black , white, grey and skin color (with the diferent tonalities of it)

    more than amazing job on the skin :hail:

  8. just one curiosity....on the guardian beast....his right wing doesn't exist, is a photoshop fake, copy the left wing, resize and paste it it :vb_tongue, the black marks are exactly the same and the perspective of the right one doesn't fit.

    I like it anyway, very well sculpted, very very clean, the mage is pretty good too, and the sasquasth although i'm agree with FF about the legs.

  9. mmm, it's hard to say imo...I would speak of the experiences I know,i think there are lots of reasons...may be some are stupid...or logical...it depends..for example..a friend of mine, seems to be a bit superstitious..and doesn't show his minis before the GD, other friend, likes showing me the things he does and asking for advices,.

    about stealing the idea...well, If I steal an idea..and I win something...personally I wouldn't feel winner...

    may be some want to preserve the "surprise factor", although is quite stupid...when there are more than a hundred entries on a GD i think...

    If I were going to take part on a GD...I probably wouldn't show or speak to anyone, but not for superstitions..not for idea stealing or surprise factor, just because, and may be is just another stupid reason to add to the list..because I would take the mini as a personal challenge,I say, don't want advices although i'm wrong, after the contest I'll see the mistakes... it's me and the mini. hope you get the idea :).

    in conclusion...do whatever you think better..if you think you need advices...show it...if not..not...but don't steal...stealing..bad...thinking your own...good..jaja

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