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Malifaux Art Nouveau deck spread, with link to further information

Here rendered at last is a final mockup of the Malifaux Art Nouveau deck. All 54 cards lovingly rendered, with all their damage indicators subtly aligned (top right of each card), all 'royals' depicted with faction-appropriate renders, and custom-made jokers echoing the feel one has upon pulling them. For the first time shown online, a new back more in line with poker decks intrigues the eye with many art nouveau arabesques, and also some creepy elements.

This deck is intentionally designed to be immediately useful to Malifaux players, and also to function as a viable deck for any other card game involving a 54-card poker deck. The light texturing of the card's "paper" is meant to suggest a paper making process that is perhaps not quite as refined as ours.

Similarly, the deck itself is intended to be an "In-World" deck; one that any resident of Malifaux, or Terra in the Wyrd universe would be able to go into a store, purchase, crack open, and start gambling or passing the time with. Vote this deck, and you too could go into a store to purchase it!

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