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Flowers and Showers 2021

Flowers and Showers Rules 2021


Miniatures can be submitted any time during the contest, though none will be showcased until the day voting begins. Submissions will be accepted from now until midnight EST (UTC -5) on May 25th, 2021. We encourage you to submit your entries early as no submission will be accepted after the cutoff, no exceptions. If you need to make any changes to your upload prior to May 25th at midnight EST (UTC -5), please contact @Hobby Wyrd via PM on the Wyrd forum. 


Models must meet at least one (1) of the follow criteria:
-Incorporate rain into the model (water drips, wet clothing, puddles, etc)
-Incorporate flowers into the model in a festive manner (please don’t just throw a tiny flower on it and call it done)

We have two (2) categories this year for this contest- Single Model and Diorama. Participants may submit one (1) entry per category.

Prizes - Each category will have the following prizes:

1st Place: $75 in Wyrd webstore credit
2nd Place: $50 in Wyrd webstore credit
3rd Place: $25 in Wyrd webstore credit  

Best of Awards - The Wyrd Staff will take a look at all the categories and vote to determine the winner for each of the following:

 Best of Rotten Harvest: $100 USD cash prize (via PayPal) - Voted on by Wyrd Staff
 Best of Wyrd Miniature Entry: One (1) Nightmare Box of winner's choice (from a list of available Nightmare sets) - Voted on by Wyrd Staff

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