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  • 20th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    This week's Monday Preview is a look at the full rulebook for the upcoming cooperative board game Darkness Comes Rattling.
  • Gen Con 2015

    Teaser Paragraph:
    Wyrd is going to be at GenCon! GenCon runs from July 30 - August 2. We'll be easy to find, just look for the giant Whiskey Golem! Failing that, we'll be in Booth 923.

    Available at Gencon
    We will have all the releases up through September along with some extra pre-releases (which will be released at a later date).

    We also have two special sets of models available during GenCon: The Dark Carnival, a Nightmare Edition Colette crew, and an alternative Wastrel called Miss Anne Thrope. See below for details!

    Anything available during GenCon will be available from our webstore during the same period of time.
  • 13th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    This week's Monday Preview is a look at the upcoming Brotherhood of the Rat Story Encounter and Adventure Box. This box includes Rat Catchers, Rat Kings, and Malifaux Rats!
  • Tales of Malifaux 8

    Teaser Paragraph:

    Tales of Malifaux 8 is now available, beginning Book 2, Rising Powers.
  • 6th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    Today's Monday Preview is a look at the two Henchmen from the Two Player Starter set releasing soon. These are two brand new models that will help shake up the game and provide new options for new and old players alike.


  • 20th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    This week's Monday Preview is a look at the full rulebook for the upcoming cooperative board game Darkness Comes Rattling.
  • Gen Con 2015

    Teaser Paragraph:
    Wyrd is going to be at GenCon! GenCon runs from July 30 - August 2. We'll be easy to find, just look for the giant Whiskey Golem! Failing that, we'll be in Booth 923.

    Available at Gencon
    We will have all the releases up through September along with some extra pre-releases (which will be released at a later date).

    We also have two special sets of models available during GenCon: The Dark Carnival, a Nightmare Edition Colette crew, and an alternative Wastrel called Miss Anne Thrope. See below for details!

    Anything available during GenCon will be available from our webstore during the same period of time.
  • 13th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    This week's Monday Preview is a look at the upcoming Brotherhood of the Rat Story Encounter and Adventure Box. This box includes Rat Catchers, Rat Kings, and Malifaux Rats!
  • Tales of Malifaux 8

    Teaser Paragraph:

    Tales of Malifaux 8 is now available, beginning Book 2, Rising Powers.
  • 6th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    Today's Monday Preview is a look at the two Henchmen from the Two Player Starter set releasing soon. These are two brand new models that will help shake up the game and provide new options for new and old players alike.


  • 20th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    This week's Monday Preview is a look at the full rulebook for the upcoming cooperative board game Darkness Comes Rattling.
  • Gen Con 2015

    Teaser Paragraph:
    Wyrd is going to be at GenCon! GenCon runs from July 30 - August 2. We'll be easy to find, just look for the giant Whiskey Golem! Failing that, we'll be in Booth 923.

    Available at Gencon
    We will have all the releases up through September along with some extra pre-releases (which will be released at a later date).

    We also have two special sets of models available during GenCon: The Dark Carnival, a Nightmare Edition Colette crew, and an alternative Wastrel called Miss Anne Thrope. See below for details!

    Anything available during GenCon will be available from our webstore during the same period of time.
  • 13th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    This week's Monday Preview is a look at the upcoming Brotherhood of the Rat Story Encounter and Adventure Box. This box includes Rat Catchers, Rat Kings, and Malifaux Rats!
  • Tales of Malifaux 8

    Teaser Paragraph:

    Tales of Malifaux 8 is now available, beginning Book 2, Rising Powers.
  • 6th July - Monday Preview

    Teaser Paragraph:
    Today's Monday Preview is a look at the two Henchmen from the Two Player Starter set releasing soon. These are two brand new models that will help shake up the game and provide new options for new and old players alike.

New Webstore

  • SaleIcon.jpg
    We are launching the new (and hopefully improved) Wyrd webstore today. This time, with 100% fewer Gremlins in the works!

    We're going to be straight with you. X-Cart was messed up. Seriously messed up. Orders disappeared into the aether, shipping was all messed up, and it was all around rife with headaches. You hated it, and so did we.

    So we've spent the time to look at another option, and today we're presenting you with that option. But we need your help (and we want your money, if the url didn't give it away).

[color=#ff8c00][size=5][b]New Webstore[/b][/size][/color]

We are launching the new (and hopefully improved) Wyrd webstore today. This time, with 100% fewer Gremlins in the works!
We mean 100% by loose definitions of 100%. Like how some people use literally to mean 'not literally.'

We're going to be straight with you. X-Cart was messed up. Seriously messed up. Orders disappeared into the aether, shipping was all messed up, and it was all around rife with headaches. You hated it, and so did we.

So we've spent the time to look at another option, and today we're presenting you with that option. But we need your help (and we want your money, if the url didn't give it away).

[color=#ff8c00][size=5][b]What can you do for us?[/b][/size][/color]

You can log into the webstore and look for issues. It's not that far off to GenCon, and no one wants to see GenCon with a buggy shopping cart ("Oh, you ordered Brewmaster? Guess you're order was lost, hehehe"). For that, we need people to shop. Even if you don't buy anything, please login to the webstore and check it out. Create an account. Poke around.

If you find something that's visually a mistake, we want to know. If you see a description that is wrong or missing a portion, we want to know. And if you find a legitimate functional bug, we want to know. We want this thing humming along like a Gremlin unaware of the gator two steps ahead.

Because we want your help, we're offering three incentives from today (the re-launch of the site) until sometime on Monday, May 18th.

[*]First, we are putting many of our Special Edition models back on sale.
[*]Second, we are offering (for the first time ever, and likely last) a 15% discount on products purchased. This will be redeemable through a coupon code (we also want to test that feature).
[b][color=#ff8c00]COUPON CODE:[/color] [color=#ffffff]Give-it-a-Whirl[/color][/b]
[*]Third, the first person to find and report a legitimate functional bug with the store will, if they place an order, get additional goodies included in their order. Only available once per bug.
[/list]Obviously we'd love for you to spend money (Aaron needs a new pair of shoes), but you can be really helpful just by logging in. Do it for the children. The creepy Malifaux children.

Please submit any issues or comments you have on our forum [url="http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/108452-new-webstore-issues/"]here[/url].

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

I think it works great. The only issues I have are: 1) I think the books, decks and especially the faction arsenal decks should have the tags for the factions so they come up when a new player hits that tag in the drop down menu. 2) I could not find the shopping cart without adding an item. Now, I am on my phone and this may just be clever marketing on your part. But I like having the opportunity to check my cart without adding an item. I shop on my phone. So it should be there.

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I think it looks fantastic also. I am on my laptop and could find the shopping cart without adding items. I only noticed a few minor points.


When I made an account and my computer auto-filled in my details it changed some of the entry box colours. Not really an issue, but thought I'd mention it.


Personally I'd like a way to be able to return to this website from the store. It might be that I didn't find the link, but it'd be nice to have in a fairly obvious spot (top left of the page or something) just in case you went on the store by accident, or just general ease of use. 


But overall I think it is looking great.

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Looks good to me, and registration went without a hitch. I did notice a number of products had a 'Sold Out' label - I'd suggest changing that to 'Out of Stock' unless you're really planning not to make any more Viktorias, for example!

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Beautiful new look, everyone.  After poking around in the store, I think this is much better.

I have one teensy thing - it's not a glitch, just a note:  The "Flame Insert and Accessories" would it be possible to add a description with the size of base the insert is meant to fill?  It looks like 30mm to me, but it would be helpful to have that stated on the page.

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When will we get confirmation of being the first to report a bug? I've sent in several, and waited to know about the bonus before I make a final order, but the 15% sale is going to be over by that time :(

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