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The beginning of a new war : armies in prep


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Box came in the mail 2 weeks ago. Started on it the same night, and I'm now done with glueing them all ("Puppet Wars, Got to glue 'em all!"... that reminds me of something...).


Then I started digging in my wife's sewing stuff, among which I found a bag full o' buttons. O glory...


Tonight, I get back to painting Misaki's Torakage. Geez, if only I could sleep less.

EDIT : By the way, I had to mention an annoying, albeit very minor problem. I already filled the form on the main website, but got no answer as of yet if it has been received. Here's the problem. All came perfectly wrapped and in mint condition, but on 2 of the sprues, the final piece of the Rattler's tail was not completely injected. I'll try to take a picture tonight, but the result is a shortened tail for two out of the three. Nothing that would stop me building them, as I did improvise a solution that works OK, but they're still not as they should be.

Again, a minor annoyance among a beautiful package, but I thought it was worth mentioning, espacially since two were amputated. It might affect their stats, who knows ? :D

Edited by sproutchu
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Yup, just mounted all the puppets on the bases yesterday. Decided I didn't want to wait until everything was painted to play, so I'll paint them when I have some spare time. Since I'm also preparing some terrain for Malifaux and only dispose of 1-2 hrs a day (at most), part of which I use to do nothing (on purpose :D) with my beloved wife, the progress is quite slow, but steady.

I'll take some pics tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hehe ! Thanks ;)


50 cents each at Walmart, all the colors you want, many sizes. The board being quite dark, I found it difficult to see the impassable terrain markers. Same goes with the neutral work benches, I'll figure something out.


Have laser cut wood hexes coming too (150), because the board won't fit in the case. It might be easier to see the work benches on the paler wood. Worst case scenario, I'll just paint some hexes with a bench symbol and use only the colored tokens when a team appropriates itself one of them.

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