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Things I Hate About Malifaux

Kael Hate

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1. The Trump Cards aka Red and Black Joker.

These cards are cool but the rules allow them to trump flips when they shouldn't. I think they would be better played as 14 and 0 respectively and be cheatable. At this time a :-fate:-fate:-fate is better than a :-fate:-fate flip (and inverse for :+fate) because the extra flip possibly generating a joker reverses the whole balance of the flip. I Hate that.

2. The Bury Mechanic

This mechanic doesn't make sense even in the mad world of Malifaux. Why is a model excluded from its own personal resolution? I think that Buried should mean active somewhere else from the table. At this time Somehow when buried it isn't even present with itself. As I used elsewhere, its possible to put a Burning judge in a pine box, walk him around for a few turns then let him out still burning. I Hate that.

3. The Blast Mechanic dealing Damage

Why does a weaker Target make an adjacent Strong target more susceptable. Really I think models should be affected on their own merits. At this time it is easier to wound a Teddy by shooting Levi beside him than it is to shoot the Teddy. I Hate that.

These are the 3 things bothering me most. Will it stop me playing the game? Likely not. Would I like Eric and Co. to consider these things during Revision? Yes I would.

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Masters who can get across the entire board and attack turn 1.

Faction to faction balance. New players often pick a master and not a facton. So many models cross faction lines it would be nice to play some thing like swamp faction for zorada, grimlins and marcus or some thing like that.

Blast rules. I have lost 2 players over how blast rules work. Any model effected shold get the same savw.

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Masters who can get across the entire board and attack turn 1.

Faction to faction balance. New players often pick a master and not a facton. So many models cross faction lines it would be nice to play some thing like swamp faction for zorada, grimlins and marcus or some thing like that.

Blast rules. I have lost 2 players over how blast rules work. Any model effected shold get the same savw.

it'd be nice if blasts were resolved like spells with multiple targets... However i dont find it particularly overpowering as blasts dont tend to be super high on a the damage scale/wide accessible

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There's nothing, mechanicwise that I dislike to the degree that I'd call it "hate". Most things, I just accept as part of the ruleset. I play the game and accept the rules. That's for the basic rule set. I can agree that there might be some need for balancing/tweaking, model wise, but the rules are great as they are.

To be honest, It'd probably more constructive to do a "Things I believe could use improvement, and suggestions as to how to improve it" as opposed to a bland "I hate this" list. Aside from leading to the dark side, just plain hating ain't going to result in much improvements.

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I'm not really a fan of the faction-based system, for two reasons: there isn't any faction where I actually like more than two of the available Masters or Henchmen, and it encourages a rock-paper-scissors design mentality that makes for games that are either repetitive or unbalanced. The Book 2 leaders mostly avoid this, so it's not really that much of a problem.

I don't like that so many of the Masters have terrible models in their normal crews. Pandora is awesome, but Candy is ugh. Perdita is awesome, but every other Ortega is ugh. Lady Justice is awesome, but the Death Marshals are ugh. The newer sculpts are generally great, though, so it's not really a problem any more.

I don't like that whenever I take a proper look at a new crew's rules and synergies, I want to own them. :/

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The fact I bought a new Von Schill box a few weeks ago and it came with V1 cards is an annoyance. As theres no download available and I'm unwilling to pay & ship new cards from America, not much can be done about it.

I don't think there are any V2 cards for anything outside of book 1.

I don't recall there being any mistakes on them either so you should be fine.

But to remain on topic

I don't like the bury mechanic. I can cope with them being in stasis, but it leads to far too much work on How good can I make this model with effects that shouldn't last. On a related note I like the alternating activation, but it does put alot of pressure on winning iniative on some turns related to getting defence up and running before you are attacked.

Edited by Adran
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The Cover and Elevation rules. The whole measuring only horizontally thing and only counting cover when within 1" of it (but not if the other person is as well)...

they are massively counter intuitive.

It should be simplified down to "Is the line from your base to theirs obscured by anything? They get cover. Is the thing covering them hard? They get armour"

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I don't think there are any V2 cards for anything outside of book 1.

I don't recall there being any mistakes on them either so you should be fine.

Snow Storm had an edit and V2 card, so I think theres probably V2 for other book 2 minis.

Anyone know if there a definitive list or something?

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Things I hate about Malifaux:

My uncontrollable addiction to Wyrd minis.

No, seriously. I started playing Malifaux after I bought the Lady Justice set, and haven't wanted to paint minis from any other company since. There's some awesome minis out there, but they hold little to no interest for me. I'm scared of what's going to happen when I run out of Wyrd minis to buy...

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I'll come out and say it:

I hate the Rules Marshal system and having to come to the forums to find a ruling, only to find several contradictory ones by different RMs based on different models involved in similar, if not the same, situations. So many of the rulings are counter-intuitive and take away the innovative aspect of mixing and matching models to get cool combos off. We try to explain how the rules work to new players, and we end up sounding crazy because the rulings sound nothing at all like what's been printed in the rules anywhere.

Going along with that, I also hate the supposedly Resolved Rules section, where, after going through several pages of threads, I hadn't found very many resolved rulings at all, and the ones that were resolved hadn't been edited in a way that we could just click on the thread, see the resolution / final verdict, and then scroll through the rest of the thread to see some of the how's and why's and other examples of situations to see if what we were looking up in the first place had any relevance.

As far as the Jokers and positive or negative flips, I think they should stay the same. If you don't want to randomly flip the Black Joker, try playing reverse Old Maid with it, keeping it in your hand so it can't jump out and surprise you at the worst possible time. Playing models with card drawing abilities and triggers also helps to mitigate this drawback. Cast a spell with the Surge trigger, ditch a card, draw a card. Kill a model with the Vikies, draw a card. Failing that, as in not getting unlucky enough to draw it in your starting hand or with other card draw, try to get your flips to even up so that you only flip one card for damage. You still get to cheat in Moderate or Severe, if you want, and you don't have to have your flip end up looking like Severe, Severe, Severe, Black Joker.

Between our Control Hands and Soulstone Pool, Malifaux is a game of resource management. Card drawing and Soulstone production, while not necessarily winning strategies on their own, can drastically change outcomes from mediocre to amazing. Same goes for the opposite: Making your opponent burn through Cards and SS can certainly hamstring them later on. Our number of models, as in, being able to out activate your opponent, is another way of taking advantage of those resources. If we can throw a ton of mediocre models, that we make for little to no cost, at our opponents, we can whittle down their key models all the while setting up our better models to swoop in for the kill.

Edited by i_was_like_you
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I love Malifaux. Although this game sometimes drives me bananas, I tremendously respect how Wyrd has stuck to their vision with their rules, and how much character the models have. I also really appreciate how the game is still a "skirmish" style game, even after three books of releases (which may have prompted other companies to start thinking bigger.)

That said...

I absolutely hate the balance (or lack thereof) of a number of the Book 2 models. Some of the Minions are over the top in terms of abilities/power relative to their cost, and some of the Henchmen are a little potent (with one being kinda impotent.)

My biggest gripe, though, is how much the Book 2 Masters overshadow the Book 1 Masters. All of the Book 2 Masters have really strong synergy with their crews, and they have Minions that complement their game plan very well. The end results are Masters that are a league all of their own.

Not that you can't win with Book 1 Masters, and not that there aren't still some very powerful ones in that bunch. But the disparity between the two books feels pretty large, and its always a niggling frustration when I play the game.

When Wyrd decides to revisit the model rules (which I think needs to happen at some point,) I really hope they address how above-the-curve the Book 2 Masters are.

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My only issue is an easily house-ruled one. I've never liked, in any TTG, no pre-measuring. There's nothing more frustrating than having a game go completely to crap because of a relatively arbitrary out of game skill.

Especially when you see the resulting shenanigans used to get around it. Some legitimate, like having one model measure to an enemy for no real purpose, and then using that as a ranging for the model you want to actually use. Or using an opponent's measuring to you, to determine your ability to affect him.

Example, at a Fantasy tournament (over a decade ago), I saw a player with a melee formation require his opponent with a shooting formation accurately measure range, when they were approximately 8" apart, even though the shooting formation had a range of 24".

Just much better to allow free measurement, in my opinion, or if you're really against it, for slowing down the game, allow a minor replacement effect. ie, I try to have a model shoot. I'm short by a 1/4". I can spend an unused movement action to move forward before actually shooting. If the model couldn't do it (no movement possible), it can change to a more useable action. Obviously harder to do for a Tournament rules set, but I'm sure it could be done.

Also, there's the issue with the Terraclix maps. No premeasuring, on boards that have a 1" grid on it, seems kind of contradictory.

Morgan Vening

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First off i'll also say, i love Malifaux, even alot of the mechanics that bug some people (blasts, burying etc) i quite enjoy and actually prefer to other systems equivalents

The jokers regardless of :+fate or :-fate i enjoy too, the idea of an otherwise really tricky shot that barely hit actually causing some pretty critical damage eg nicking an artery or causing a chain reaction in a Flamenwerfer's fuel tanks or a solid shot ending up dud or deflected adds to the feel of the game... and sure it's a pain when it goes against you but it feels great when it swings in your favour and leads to some really memorable moments

The faction balance is one thing that does bug me a little... i know that if i pick Outcasts (which for me is only Freikorps) one of my regular opponents will not in their right mind pick 2 of his 3 main masters as he runs Sonnia, Raspy and Lady J and the blast immunity really hampers 2 of them... It's a nice thing in some ways as it means you get masters capable of excelling in different areas but a bad thing in others where people starting out may only want 1 master from a particular faction

The only other bugbear is with the packs, normal blisters... now £9-£12 for 3 minis is a pretty good deal, but for something where you only want 1 (eg i wanted 1 Moleman not 3, or only 2 Crooked men etc) it can be a real pain trying to find others to split a pack down with, though the trading forum helps no end

Now again, i can understand that in terms of stocking a bricks & mortar shop it'd be rough breaking it down into more packs, but it certainly stopped me from picking up certain things as quickly as i otherwise would have

Pretty minor gripes really

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Anything that Bothers you counts. We the community or Wyrd may be able to help and then you won't hate it.

Have you tried the Online Store from Wyrd?

I have, it still takes a lot longer than it has any right to, in my opinion. I'm not sure if their production facilities simply aren't up to snuff or what is going on. I also don't like that the models are almost never shaped right. Generally speaking I have to all but cut off the piece underneath their feat

I do think the bury mechanic needs to be worked on some more. I think limiting them to being buried/unburied once a turn (total) would help with that quite a bit, or something similar.

I also find Hamelin the Plagued and LCB to be unnecessarily difficult to beat by default. They aren't unbeatable, but it's still a pain to fight them.

I think the mercenaries could do with some semblance of synergy, as it stands all I've really got going for me is that everything I use either hits really hard, or can heal me, and that makes my force relatively speaking boring.

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I wouldn't say there's anything I -hate- about Malifaux. I dislike that "December Releases" come out in the last 3rd of the month. I dislike the disparity in power levels of book 1 and book 2 minions/masters (on average), though I feel that book 3 did a very, very good job of avoiding power creep (eg there are good book 3 minions, but they're not auto-includes on the level of Lelu/Lilitu, Stitched, Soulstone Miner[to a lesser extent], etc). I appreciate the effort Wyrd has put into its rule system, and while I understand that they're primarily a miniatures company, I'd hazard a guess that the majority of their customers play the game the minis go with, not just hobby with them, so any efforts to streamline rules is great.

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