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Scorpius...? So-close-ius more like


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In theory a core Poison-themed-crew model that...

  1. isn't immune to Poison itself
  2. that needs to be in the thick of the action but only has 6 wounds (OK, armour 1...but still)
  3. has a pretty half-hearted expunge when surely this should be it's "thing"...
  4. ...and the expunge can only be used once a turn as it's a zero action
  5. ... and even though the expunge only can do two damage, it still only has a rather feeble range of 1" 
  6. ... and even though the expunge has a built in trigger to Paralyze, this really will only work if the Sorpius is in place for 2 consecutive turns to take advantage of the auto-slow (see point  2)


I suppose the upside is that Wyrd have got a large choice of things to fix one to make it a better model! 



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I doubt we will see much of a change any time soon because of Marcus and McMourning.  Marcus has access to a decent amount of poison options, the latest is an upgrade, Venomancy.  McMourning though *so ya a Resser or Guild* is the one that likely can get the most out of him with his new upgrade that lets him hire any beast.  With the amount of poison he likes to throw around, Catalyst from McMourning and Sebastian, plus possible Induction on Sebastian makes its aura and poison meaner.  Also Resser McMourning has access to slow from Belles making its trigger on its (0) have more use.  Resser McMourning also has access to Little Gassers that can spread poison without a resist *also McMourning's totem can* making it more likely to proc the slow condition from the aura.

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Yes, it is way better with McMourning than it is in Arcanists. Set up your auras correctly and it can become an AP sponge, models becoming poisoned, activating within catalyst range, and becoming slow. Very hard to do anything with only 1AP. Of course McMourning and his crew wreck poisoned models too.

I can see the weaknesses in Arcanists though. Gaining slow at the end of the turn, if Scorpius is still alive, hardly seems worth the effort when you can take one of the newly cheapened beasts and just eat a model instead.

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It works "okay" with Ramos and Joss buff and debuff build but its competing for a place with another large arachnid or a swarm.

Entertaining once in a while but by no means a regular take for Ramos.

Makes sense since the fluff suggested he gave up on the experiment and sent it to Marcus.

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As a McMourning player I feel it is too slow to keep up with Doc and will block Sebastian's aura more than it will help. It has a super short range and is a big block of no LoS that Sebastian really doesn't want near him. An opponent used to Sebastian will not give you an oportunity to use the two in optimal circumstances. Seems like you would often be trading slow on one model for a lot of damage on other models.

Looks like a decent flanker to me. Attack a scheme runner to make sure it is dlow the next turn. Can heal and do more damage or leave the slow sucker and push back towards friendlies to get something useful done. More of a book 1 6ss than book 5 6ss though 

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At least the Scorpius looks awesome alongside other construct models, particularly the Arachnids. I think it'd also look good among some Poison Gamin. And it looks enough like an actual scorpion to be halfway thematic with the other beasts in a Marcus crew. Especially if a player uses metallic paint effects on their Razorspine Rattler.


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