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Faction allies


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This is pure fancy, nothing serious, just a topic of discussion. If there was rules for allies within the factions, whom would ally with who? Again, before the usual suspects pop in with snide comments, I am not looking for ally rules in the game. Just wondering what factions do you think would work with each other if they had to. 

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Do you mean entire factions or individual themes? 

I think most of them would have trouble teaming up but individual themes would work well. Outcasts are a prime example where mercs obviously ally with people but then we have a tyrant and his rats in the mix.

Humans and gremlins might unite against a common foe so arcanists/guild/thunders/gremlins could probably work together if the alternative was being eaten by nephilim or zombies. Individual masters might be too stubborn even for that. A resser that managed to stay undercover could probably join in, people in malifaux seem to be pretty bad at spotting undead. ;)

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Your premise doesn't make sense to me. If they have to they have to, so, everyone in every combination, with no exceptions? 

I'm not sure I understand the context of the question or topic.

If you're asking who would honestly and truthfully ally with another group to avert some deleterious event that could not possibly be looked at as beneficial for anyone, including madmen or nihilists, then no one. There isn't a single organized group in Malifaux that wouldn't look to skew for personal advantage or betray their ernstwhile allies as soon as or even during cooperative efforts. The game world is setup as a place where there are no real good guys.

Maybe on an individual level you'd get more honest cooperation. But only the further apart the interests of individuals are and even then I'd expect it only to be an alligence of convenience that would fall apart pretty rapidly.

So possibly Lady J and Colette, since their interests are pretty divergent, but a lasting Alligence would be pretty far fetched to me.

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Rereading it it seems like the question was within the factions? Kind of like playing two masterstogether in that story encounter? 

In that case Molly and Kirai obviously ;) Pretty sur McMourning and Nico know of each other and McMourning have worked with both Marcus and Lucius in the stories. Maybe not close enough to be considered allies. Hoffman and LJ should get along, Sonnia could probably join them. 

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No, the question was faction allying with faction. It would be fluff wise more than anything. Like the fact neverborn would never ally with ressers, maybe if the world was ending. Just a topic to talk about to talk about more than anything. I understand some masters would not, but more the ideas of the factions as a whole allying with other factions.

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1 hour ago, LordZombie said:

No, the question was faction allying with faction. It would be fluff wise more than anything. Like the fact neverborn would never ally with ressers, maybe if the world was ending. Just a topic to talk about to talk about more than anything. I understand some masters would not, but more the ideas of the factions as a whole allying with other factions.

Your premise is invalid.  None of the factions in the game exist as single political entities that would or could ally with each other.  For instance, who would you talk to if you wanted to ally with "Ressurectionists"?  At best, the different factions represent one or several different political entities.  For instance, Neverborn are several different groups, one of which are essentially necromancers.  (There's an upgrade to make Naverborn models undead, and there are undead neverborn, after all.)

On the other hand, if you actually read the background material the individuals who make up each of the factions have cooperated with each other across faction lines for all sorts of reasons.  For that matter, the individuals in each faction have fought with the other individuals in their faction for all sorts of reasons.

As an exercise for the reader, discuss whether the events of Broken Promises constitutes the Arcanists allying with the Guild.

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