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What would you play against Nellie in that encounter?

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Guys, I desperately need your help in crew composition and scheme selection. The parameters of the encounter are following:

Points: 45
Deployment: Corner Deployment
Strategy: Guard the Stash
Schemes: Claim Jump, Frame for Murder, Accusation, Show of Force, Hunting Party.

My opponent will most likely play Embedded Nellie with the mix of the following: Burt, McTavish, Taelor, Hannah, Phiona, Envy and/or others. As you can tell he will certainly play Show of Force and Hunting Party or Frame.

My first idea was to pick Reva, since Decaying Aura is pretty good counter to any henchman-heavy crew, and Reva is pretty good Decaying Aura's holder. But then I realize that this way I will give him easy full points for Hunting Party (Zombies + Candles), and since I most probably won't be able to contest his Show of Force, I'm going to draw at best.

So my second idea was to play Yan Lo. He can safely farm Chi on turn one. He can mess with opposing crew's positioning, possibly contesting both strategy and Show of Force. I can make opponent's Hunting Party more challenging by hiding Soul Porter in my deployment zone. Having mostly Enforcers and Henchman I could try score Show of Force too – or just bluff it (probably better idea). But I don't feel comfortable with Yan Lo, to be honest (only four games played with him).

So, what would you do if you were me?

Btw. other masters I have are Molly, Seamus and Tara.

Thanks in advance!

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I would have suggested McMourning, as I'm coming to like him and think he may become my favourite master, but you don't have him as an option, and if they're going to bunch up for Show Of Force, poison bombing seems like the appropriate response.

How familiar are you with Tara? I think the ability to hand out slow from Void Wretches would somewhat hamper the crew's ability to do much.

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Molly. I'd play the hell out of Molly, with a side of Heyreddin and Anna Lovelace thrown in. Let Nellie cheat damage all she wants, it won't do her any good vs Slice & Dice Punk Zombies with Black Blood, and Anna shooting into engagements with min damage 3. Throw in Heyreddin with Unnerving Aura to gum up the works (but keep Molly at the least out of his aura) and have all your damage flips on positives (even Anna's gun, which means it's even easier to get moderate/severe for summoning in mindless zombies or seishen for more black blood speed bumps if they are within Mollies aura. Use her attacks to debuff key enemies, etc. Add in some Necropunks for solid, self-healing, self-reliant scheme runners (or summon a drowned for a quick scheme marker away from enemies for quick markers). That's of course with Sybelle and a Belle for some much needed lures and added pain (or a Doxy for last moment pushes of the doxy and a friend/enemy into/out of the scoring zones as needed).


That would be my go to master for that set up anyway.


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22 hours ago, Freman said:

How familiar are you with Tara? I think the ability to hand out slow from Void Wretches would somewhat hamper the crew's ability to do much.

Similarily as with Yan Lo - I had three games with her. I really enjoyed playing her, but she seems to shine in more AP requiring scheme pools than this particular one (Show of Force is passive, Frame is passive, Hunting Party is semi-passive, you do what would you do otherwise). I will consider her, but I am afraid of two things: his Melee beaters might pummel Tara into a fine mist; second, Tara's crew apply Slow, but Nellie applies Fast, so it evens out.

2 hours ago, asrian said:


You're right, she seems to be correct choice in that set up. I didn't considered her initially because I used to play her a lot and recently get tired of her. Nonetheless, I will definitely consider Molly. But I'm not going to play Hayreddin with her, no way ;) I have tried him several times with very little or no success. I don't even want to imagine how quickly will he die surrounded by several Ml 6/7 min damage 3 henchmen. Kudos for you for having balls to field him. Moreover, I don't like Anna, I use her only as a anti-TT anti-Pandora tech. But, again, that's my personal preference.

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2 hours ago, asrian said:

summoning in mindless zombies or seishen for more black blood speed bumps if they are within Mollies aura

on a side note, zombies don't get black blood unless they are also in Carrion's Emissary aura granted by Conflux of Horror, and Seishin are immune to auras.

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Kirai is my choice.


Ikiryo is enforcer so easy for her to get hunting party.


Her crew is normally upgrade heavy with take back the night, spirit whispers on datsue, and my little helper on practically everything.


Seishin are impossible to kill near kirai due to spirit beacon so hunting party is not trivial to get for them.


Also guild is heavy on damage from attacks so ikiryo will come out constantly. 

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