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Seamus v Reva, When and Why?


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Though Reva usually outshines him as a source of raw damage, some scheme pools or boards really encourage a Seamus pick. If it's a packed city with tonnes of buildings he'll have a much easier time than her getting around and making his damage count.

For denying points, he's a pretty safe master when the pool contains Tail 'Em, Eliminate the Leader and to a lesser extent Accusation. For scoring points, Undercover Entourage is very easy for him to score and even easier for him to fake.

Sinister Rep tends to be the more common of his limited upgrades, and it does wonders for powering up your WP attacks or Terrifying abilities, but Bag of Tools can make him very efficient at Dig their Graves and Set Up, and somewhat 'ok' at Search the Ruins and Hidden Trap. 

He's still a niche pick imo. I usually have to see some combination of Tail 'Em, Eliminate the Leader, Undercover Entourage etc before I start thinking about taking Seamus, and then I want to see lots of blocking impassable terrain before I lock him in.

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You pick Seamus over Reva when:

  1. Your collection doesn't include Reva
  2. You're demo-ing the game
  3. Your terrain is all literally Ht 3+, blocking, and impassable on top
  4. You're running belle spam

In more seriousness, I'd pick Seamus over Reva based on match up choices. I prefer Seamus to capitalize against certain factions because of their vulnerability to Wp duels, so basically specific Neverborn and TT masters. Alternatively, in GG 2017's high activation favoring scheme/strat line up, I prefer Seamus where the pool requires having higher activation counts and/or I can't rely on Reva to gain activation advantage via killing stuff. 

Seamus also tends to run independently of his crew moreso than Reva and will usually be more reliable to pin 6 VP on. 

While the above are true, I have found few situations where the benefits were large enough to warrant the decision--Seamus is preferable in certain match ups--but he's not the anti-faction master of my choice, and generally doesn't make the cut over Reva on merits as opposed to flavor pick.

Belle Spam 2018 when that new hench model from the new book releases. #MakeBellesGr8Again.

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