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How to make swamp bases


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First of all, you will need Blue Stuff Mold, a brush that has a rounded handle end of a suitable diameter and hot water. You may get wants and needs meet and make yourself a cup of hot tee. But that’s for enthusiasts who do not mind immersing their Blue Stuff in tea.


After the Blue Stuff had turned soft in the hot water (or tea, if that was your choice), I spread it on an even surface and pressed out several small holes in it using the rounded end of the brush handle. After Blue Stuff had cooled and turned solid, I poured Vallejo Still Water in the resulting molds.


When I was done with my tea, I airbrushed bases brown and blew out several green blots here and there.



At this point you will need the following types of grass flock by Army Painter: grass tufts (Swamp Tuft Pack Shot), static grass (Grass Green Flock) and grass that looks like painted sawdust (Moss Green Flock). Besides you will need long grass that looks like strands of hair (Schilfgras-Sortiment by NOCH, Germany). Choose the color you like. If you take greener grass, you will get a bright and fresh marsh. If the grass is brown, it will be a slimy bog. You may also plant some flowers on your swamp. (For example, Green Stuff World may have such). Personally I decided not to. Such idea is good for elves, but I was making the bases for gremlins.


First, I applied some super glue on those parts of the bases where I planned to make the surface look more or less solid, and covered the parts with static grass.


After that I covered the borderline between the solid surface and the mire with the grass that looked like sawdust.


Then I drilled a couple of holes in the base to place bunches of long grass.


I used d crotchet hook to pull the grass through the holes and fixed it with super glue on the base bottom.


At this point I placed the tufts of grass on the base.


After that I had to wait for a long time until Vallejo Still Water dried in the molds.


I cut off all the scrap and glued the bubbles on the mire-to-be.


Then I applied Vallejo Still Water with the brush on top of them to create the mire as such.


That’s almost all. You may pour a drop of any brown wash at the roots of dry grass to make it look sludgy. And paint edges of your bases.


And here are a couple of bases close up.



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