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"Wyrd' question about Ophelia :D


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I like Ophelia most among the Gremlins and I want to get her as a funny alternative for my main faction - Outcasts.

I'm not planning to grab another Gremlin master in the nearest future so my question is: would you recommend her as a all rounded master who can manage in most of the strategies and schemes?

My plan is to add to her core box this: Sammy, Merris, Trixie (gonna be proxied with Young LaCroix girl with the gun :D), 2 Bayou Gremlins and Burt so I have a pretty decent crew.

What do you think? 

I have to make a decision today so any comments and suggestions are more than welcome.



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She can tackle any Strategy/Scheme. She is fast and extremely killy at range. If there's a problem, killing opposing models usually gets things done.

I would really suggest adding Slop Haulers into the mix of additions, though. They give good healing and are relatively cheap. And their debuff is amazing with Ophelia's crew.

Lenny is pretty great as well: he makes Young LaCroix fearsome and can toss Ophelia but he is a bit more difficult to get since he is only available in the Somer box unless you can find the old metal one or someone is selling him as a single (which is possible due to the existence of the metal model).

But yeah, other than those two, I think you'd be set for life.

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4 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

Thanks Math. I think in nearest future I'll expand it for Slop Haulers, Pigapult (I must have this model...) and Rooster Riders (don't even ask... they are awesome...).

Those are all solid choices for expansion.

And you can most certainly get to playing with your original selection of models. Slop Haulers are great but not mandatory (and mine tend to die due to Trappers or Austringers in the first two rounds).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you can afford it, jut buy the box and put the rest aside for a rainy day? Never hurts to have extras around if you ever feel like running them.

But remember, one of the Bushwhackers has a birdhat. Everyone needs a Gremlin with a birdhat. So you'll be buying it for two models :lol:

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5 hours ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

I'm using the huge girl with the pistol young lacroix as trixie and a random gremlin as one of my young lacroixes (or however you'd spell that). Seriously, she and the mooning one are absolutely huge. Like, taller than people huge, considering they're s'posed to be smaller than regular gremlins.

I hacked up girl gremlin both above and below the knees which REALLY took some height off her...  she's more "teenage" now then monstrous.   You'd need to shorten up the dress though afterwards; it looks like a ball gown with a train otherwise.


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