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Unlocking mei feng


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Hi so im pretty new and had my first 50ss game recently and i keep finding that im not getting as much work done as i feel may be possible from mei feng.


Can someome walk me through the order of operations to get the maximum number of attacks off?


I guess there would be one answer vs a bunch of targets and then another answer for just one target. 


Obviously this is assuming i have the seismic claws upgrade but if there is another uograde which helps me get more attacks that woukd be helpful.


Lastly i feel like im always going with straight flips to hit and then negative flips on damage. 


Is there some secret tech that helps her hit or damage other than target on fire?

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I've written quite a bit here.

The short version, you want to be going up against weak, low def targets that can't move, since she can blenderize them. She's not for taking on heavy weights. Fire isn't generally worth it past a little- I've not found it's worth pursuing particularly, definitely not building a list as a focus, since there are masters like Kaeris or Sonnia who do it way better.

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I have had great luck using wings of wind and Sensei Yu with her. The pushes will help to set up better rail walks.  She is also really good at ruining the opponents placement of models for strategies like recon, turf war, and squatters rights.  Remember she doesn't need to kill the enemies to get them out of scoring position.

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Wings of Wind seems almost like an auto-include with her, besides the really good (0) action it gives her, the push at the end of the turn is really good for being the final link to getting a good railwalk chain off.

Besides that, I've experimented with all her upgrades a little and Seimic Claws is very good as is the ever reliable Recalled Training for that one turn of martial arts glory.

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I agree with the above: Wings of Wind + Sensei Yu with wandering river style. 

My usual crew is a komainu summon spam list, with the emberling shooting off scrap, which toshiro makes komainu, and the wastrel heals. Mei runs off on her own being annoying while the rest get stuff done : 

Mei, wings, seismic, hard worker

Yu, river style

Toshiro, command the graves

2 metal gamin, wastrel, illuminated, emberling



Edited by mattbird
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Why the Illumiated and not something like sniper or archer to soften things up for the others? I'm thinking that rather than having the one heavy hitting minion, plinking off some damage makes it easier for the rest of the crew to get work done. 

The list I posted isn't about killing things, more about scoring and denying VP. The illuminated, laying back waiting to countercharge, is just an effective deterrent.

If it's a kill stuff game, the list I posted wouldn't work, as all the summoned komainu (and hopefully ashigaru) come in with just 3 wounds. For killing strats I usually take Lynch. 

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Why the Illumiated and not something like sniper or archer to soften things up for the others? I'm thinking that rather than having the one heavy hitting minion, plinking off some damage makes it easier for the rest of the crew to get work done. 

The list I posted isn't about killing things, more about scoring and denying VP. The illuminated, laying back waiting to countercharge, is just an effective deterrent.

If it's a kill stuff game, the list I posted wouldn't work, as all the summoned komainu (and hopefully ashigaru) come in with just 3 wounds. For killing strats I usually take Lynch. 

Ah got it, that makes sense.

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mattbird, I like that list. I've definitely made similar-feeling ones, htough I've usually run with Toshiro Kang instead. I'm very curious how Yu runs in it.

Turn 1 usually drop a bunch of scheme markers, then use Yu to push models upfield along with the markers to where they need to go. After that he pulls models and markers in and out where needed with the 3 pushes, usually making someone fast in the process. 

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not sure I see Sparks fitting in, but maybe I am missing something? 

Sparks has a nifty way of making non-constructs on your crew into Constructs for a turn.  A tad gimmicky, but if done right, can be pretty helpful.  With the new errata for the Shadow Emissary's Conflux of Combat upgrade, it gives the scrap marker put out by the Emissary a secondary use.  At the cost of a (0) action on both models, you could, in theory give someone Armor +1 (and Fast, if you get the right trigger to take a second (0) action).  First model that comes to mind: Kang. ;)

That said, he's also good for countering crews and factions that work off model to model synergy.   Quite a few Outcast crews use model to model synergy a lot (Viks, Levi, and Hamelin come to mind pretty quickly), so if you suspect an opponent's crew to do this, Sparks can put an end to that quickly.  I haven't used him myself yet, but I do have a legal proxie for him, and once I have a couple of Mechanized Porkchops made, I'd like to give them a test run.

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I've yet to run Toshiro with Mei Feng, mostly because I'm usually bringing Kang with "Blot the Sky" and at least 1 Thunder Archer.  For some reason, I tend to favor ranged attacks from Minions when playing with Mei Feng.  Sparks' ability to make models into Constructs may not be the best way to get someone Armor +1, but it does utilize a Scrap Marker that may otherwise go unused (in this case, when not used with Toshiro).  Sensei Yu, while amazing, still needs his "Wandering River Style" upgrade, which adds up to 11 ss for him, while Sparks is 7 ss flat, and has his ability built in.  I guess at this point, it's more about point management, and what your crew can afford to take, in conjunction with the rest of your list.  His "Hostile Work Environment" ability is very situational, but in scenarios like "Turf War" or "Reconnoiter" where models may be forced to cluster together, it could prove helpful.

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Mechanical Porkchops = Komainu?


I don't know if I'd say the Mech Porkchops are comparable to the Komainu.  At 2 more ss, they quite a bit more to support Mei Feng and her movement rate (Wk 6 on a 50mm base covers a lot more ground than some might think). 

Sparks I don't think has an equivalent, but if I were to draw one, he'd be to Mei Feng as Yamaziko would be to Misaki.  Great support piece for most schemes and strategies, and at the same point cost.

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