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Swamp Board


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Here are some pics of a swamp board I made and have been using. I wanted something modular, so it can be re-arranged for more playability, so it's nine pieces each one foot square. The basic design follows a step-by-step for a swamp board in an old issue of Ancible magazine -- I could track it down if anyone is interested. It works pretty well. If I was going to do it again (which I'm not! So, really, for anyone else who is interested in making something like this), I'd make it with more solid ground and less swamp: not because there's too much height-zero, severe terrain (I think that's a fine thing to have, you just have to make sure everyone knows in advance so they can pick a crew with it in mind), but because there isn't really enough room to put as much blocking and/or scatter terrain down as I would like to have. Any questions welcome.


EDIT: The instructions I followed were in The Ancible Issue #8, in an article by Pat Ohta of Senji Studios. Senji Studio's website suggests downloading that issue here: http://www.senjistudios.com/4x4-swamp-board-tutorial-for-malifaux-or-warmachine.html for the modest price of $1.51 (currently). Pat's board is less modular, and much prettier. :)
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Thanks! Swamp foliage to block LoS is a good idea -- any ideas or suggestions on what it could/should look like? Tall swamp grass, maybe, maybe could use some bamboo-style pieces for that? Other thoughts?

Nice modular build.  For vegitation, most swamps have lots of trees.  Many growing right out of the water so that would be a good place to start.  Google swamp images and you should get some good hits.

Snitchy sends.

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Very nice trees. I've already got a few (smaller than that) single trees that I use on that board -- they're good for cover, but don't block LoS much (being, basically, too narrow). I wonder if anyone has ideas for similarly in-theme pieces that could both (a) stand in the 'swamp water' areas, sensibly/aesthetically, and (B) block LoS a bit more than a narrow tree will? I'm thinking out loud, and have no idea how to make them, but something like a stand of mangroves (Ht 3), or a thicket of tall marsh grass (Ht 2)?

I've also just got a kitset shipwreck in the mail from Renaissance Miniatures that I think might be a good option. I'll add some photos and feedback once it's put together, but anyone with any other ideas or suggestions, please chime in.

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one thing that makes good swamp trees that block a bit more LOS is GW's trees with old man's beard lichen attached to them to give them a swampy feeling. I've got the trees and lichen to do this, but it's still in the to do queue.   


Something like this....



EDIT: please do track down the article you used to build this, I'm sure it could be very helpful.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Here's an example of the trees I've made...



My method for building these things is a bit involved, but if you aren't making lots of them, they make for some good center piece type terrain features.


The trees pictured are wire armatures coated with a layer of air-dry clay.  I used GW large flying bases because I had a bunch lying around at the time...  Currently looking at other options as I've run out of them.  Then I sealed the clay with white glue, primed and painted it and added leaves using woodland scenics clump foliage.  I put some magnetic sheeting on the bottom of the base to help secure them on the terrain piece but also allowing their removal to simplify moving mini's and measuring.


Lessons learned:

-Top heavy/tipping problems: I started incorporating fishing weights inside the tree trunks to counter this, plus the magnets.  Stronger magnets would probably also help counter this.  Another potential fix, is keeping the canopy smaller and/or increasing the size/weight of the base.


-Clay crumbling and flaking off the armature: If the armature is too flexible and/or the clay too thin, it comes apart if a limb gets bent/flexed.  I have since started using heavier gauge wire for the main trunk and branches.  And I'm testing out a polymer oven cure clay.  My first test of this combo is still in work, so the jury is still out on this fix.  The wire was an improvement, but the cured clay has not yet been tested.


-Reel in the size: When I first made these, they were supposed to be very large old trees so I made the big ones to be about 11-12" tall.  This is overkill to the extreme.  Case in point:  The pic below shows a GW dreadnought (approx. 2.25" tall) next to the first two trees I ever made.  Top-down, these things covered so much area that only one of these fit into the envelope of the forest terrain pieces they were part of.  One big one and one small one were all it took to cover a half sqft of table space.  A dense forest they do not make.  But I guess you could fill a whole table with just 18 of them.


My current tree 2.0 project, has the large trees in the 7-9" range, which is plenty big enough for a game where the tallest mini's are under 3.5" tall.  And they have a much smaller diameter on the canopy.  It'll have the same general look, but won't take over the table like the old ones.


After my 2.0 test case is done I'll post the results along side the older trees and provide a tutorial.



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  • 3 weeks later...

That's a nice idea, though that particular float is a bit medieval- or ancient-world-looking rather than Victorian. I got a shipwreck from these guys that looks pretty good in the swamp:


(Scroll way down the page for the shipwreck. And I noticed on AWP that they've done a Malifaux-specific board for Connecticon that looks pretty fabulous, though the other things of theirs I have are noticeably 28mm rather than Mailfaux's 32mm scale -- even a Guild Lawyer has to duck and squeeze sideways to get through a doorway, etc.).

Maybe a Gremlin-themed, or Steampunk-esque version of a float/raft, though, that would be pretty cool.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep thinking....

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