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The webstore is still down

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Thanks. It just seems odd that they would take down their entire ordering system while back orders are processed. I'd think a simple "Orders may take longer than usual to process due to a substantial back log" message on the orders page would suffice while keeping the previous catalog as-is without the new models. In this way, I could still order a Hired Swords box or Latigo Posse from them. I can understand wanting to take care of current orders first, but in the gaming industry where most gamers have a plethora of choices, if you can't buy from company A then you'll just click over to the next game and buy from company B as most gamers are quick to spend their disposeable income. That's just my two cents.


I'd still like to know if the folks at Wyrd are going to do any price restructuring to help mitigate the costs of all the mold problems and manufacturer shipping issues. I wouldn't be upset if $50 was the new MSRP for all crew boxes, which seems implied by the new kits from Gencon.

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We keep it closed to keep the bellyaching to a minimum. Even if we post 'bear with us through the back log,' we'll still get folks screaming that it was a birthday present, how we deprived their loving spouses of their needed goodies, or just how we plain ol' suck because we didn't bother to rent out the TV for running ads continuously on the air stating that there will be delays ...


I'm being a touch facetious of course, but more often than not, someone pulls a harpy and just makes life that tiny bit less worth living. 

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