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  1. Where: The Geek Room 1215 S 180th St, Omaha, NE 68130 When: April 30th Time: Registration starts at 10:30am Fee: $10 There are certainties in life. Death, taxes, and other things. Join the Fauxmaha community for an event like no other. Declare your faction, and then pick the path you want to follow. Will it be death, taxes, or other things? No matter what you choose, you gain a special marker for the event that will grant a model new abilities. There will also be lots of prizes, wooden spoon, raffle store credit, and prize for the top player in each path. The podium will also get trophies. And best of all, the event will use the Gaining Grounds All feature from the app! That is right, there could be season 0 strategies with season 2 schemes. There might even be one of the seasonal schemes in there. Be ready for anything. Player packet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aXUqr4UiWclNx1GJQix-6ZR5TmDYGjp6IaKAuSKGAD0/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Buenas a todos, os traigo la III Liga de Malifaux en Generacion X Alcalá. NIVEL: Medio. INSCRIPCIÓN: 6€ TAMAÑO DE BANDAS: 50SS, lideradas por Máster. FACCIONES A DECLARAR: 2 LISTA DE MISIONES: Escenarios concretos o GG2018, aun por determinar Nº DE PARTICIPANTES: Sin Limite Establecido FECHA DE INSCRIPCION: Hasta el día 3 de Noviembre (Sábado) LUGAR: Inscripción en persona en Generación X Alcalá (Calle Pescadería 21, Alcalá de Henares), partidas a conveniencia de los jugadores. El formato de la liga consistirá en DOS FASES. Clasificación y Playoffs, las cuales durarán más o menos dependiendo del número de jugadores de la liga. Fase de clasificación: se jugará un numero X de jornadas (1 jornada = 2 semanas). En cada jornada se enfrentaran dos jugadores en emparejamiento fijo y se tendrán en cuenta todos los resultados para la clasificación final. Los jugadores serán responsables de ponerse en contacto entre sí para jugar la partida, pero si no han podido jugar se asignará un resultado de 0/-10/0 a ambos jugadores a efectos de conteo final. Se podrá disputar más adelante pasada la jornada, pudiendo actualizar el resultado de cara al final de la fase. Si pasadas la jornada se determina una voluntad manifiesta por no jugar por parte de un jugador, el otro jugador podrá jugar contra un sparring pudiendo ser dicho rival la organización o algún voluntario de buena fe. Un jugador que no juegue 3 jornadas consecutivas, podrá ser reemplazado por un jugador suplente y perderá su plaza en la liga así como toda opción a premios y sorteos finales. Fase de Playoffs: en función del numero de jugadores, se determinará el número de partidas de playoffs. Cuya primera ronda se determinará aleatoriamente. En esta fase, los jugadores que pierdan su partida dejarán de jugar y quedarán a espera de resultado final. Si un jugador declara no poder jugar su partida de playoff, su rival se clasificará automáticamente. Si la partida de playoff acaba en empate, se usará para desempatar la diferencia de puntos recabados durante sus anteriores encuentros. En cuanto al numero de participantes: Una vez cerrado el periodo de inscripción, se harán particiones en grupos para la fase clasificatoria. A su vez, en función del numero de participantes se escogerán a los que hayan obtenido mejores resultados y pasarán a la fase de playoffs. Tras cerrarse el plazo de inscripción los jugadores que deseen apuntarse, serán considerados suplentes para posibles reemplazos durante la liga. Pintura: al final de la liga se darán premios a la miniatura y banda más espectacularmente pintada. Para este asunto se creará un jurado imparcial desde la organización. Ambos premios no podrán ser ganados por el mismo jugador/pintor, ni por miniaturas premiadas anteriormente. Disponibilidad: cada participante debe tener en cuenta que por horarios de los jugadores la mayoría de las partidas se podrían disputar en fin de semana. Por favor, valorad vuestra disponibilidad antes de apuntaros. Sorteo y bonificaciones: Al terminar el periodo de inscripción, se hará un cálculo para saber las dimensiones del sorteo final. Notas: El uso de proxies está permitido si no supera el 20% de los componentes de la banda, o si no existe miniatura oficial. Se espera en todo momento un trato respetuoso y deportivo de todos los jugadores, pudiendo ser expulsado de la liga aquel jugador que falte al respeto a sus compañeros. IMPORTANTE: La organización se reserva el derecho de hacer las modificaciones necesarias a las bases una vez empezada la liga para garantizar su correcto funcionamiento.
  3. Este viernes 13 se celebrará un pequeño evento en Generación X , Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. con horario de 17:00 hasta las 21.30. El escenario es inventado (no aparece en ningún libro) con motivo de tan señalada fecha, conocida por el cine de terror. Dejo la descripción aquí mismo. El numero de participantes puede variar, pudiendo ser 1vs1, 1,vs2, 1vs3, 1vs4 o 1vs5. Habiendo mas interesados se podrían arreglar varios turnos. Os esperamos! ------------------------------------------------------------ DESCRIPCIÓN VIERNES 13 Escenario para 2-6 jugadores Un ser sobrenatural ha sido despertado en Malifaux, poseyendo a un individuo, al cual ha dotado de capacidades sobrehumanas (además de las que ya tuviera) y de una sed de sangre sin fin. Un grupo de despistados lugareños se ha cruzado en su punto de mira y solo pueden evitar el horror, expulsando a la entidad de este mundo, o al menos alejándolo durante un tiempo... Setup : · Elegid cazador y lugareños · Cazador coloca 6 Marcadores de Sello de Ritual de 30mm a al menos 6” entre si y de cualquier borde del tablero. · Los lugareños despliegan en un radio máximo de 6” del punto central del tablero · Cazador despliega en contacto con cualquier borde del tablero · La mano de los jugadores será máximo 4 cartas · Toda acción que invoque otro modelo fallará automáticamente. Fallando esta y sus triggers. · El bando que puntúe 5PV gana el encuentro. Cazador: · Cualquier modelo-no master (0 puntos equivalen a 10) con un total de 13 mejoras incluidas. · Gana: Sed de Sangre: Después de matar a un enemigo, gana la condición de Reactivar. . Gana: Imparable: No puede sufrir daño durante su activación. · Gana: (0) “Justo detrás de ti!” (Ca: 6 / TN: 11 / Rg: -): Esta acción solo puede tomarse si ningún enemigo tiene LoS con este modelo.Coloca este modelo completamente dentro de 10” de su posición actual y quedando a 1” de un elemento de escenografía que bloquee la visión. Este modelo no podrá tomar acciones de Carga para el resto de su activación. · En el momento que el Cazador mate a un enemigo, gana 1 PV. O si los lugareños mueren por cualquier otra causa. Lugareños: · Se escogen 5 modelos no master sin importar facción con un coste total de hasta 35 SS incluidas mejoras. Uno de ellos será designado líder, teniendo en cuenta restricciones normales. · Todos los escoltas perderán sus acciones de Ataque para todo el encuentro. · Podrán gastar una acción de interactuar a 1” de un Marcador de Sello de Ritual para ganar 1PV. Si lo hace, el Cazador podrá si asi lo desea, colocarse en contacto de peana con el Marcador de Sello de Ritual, antes de retirar del juego este marcador.
  4. Buenas a todos, os traigo la II Liga de Malifaux en Generacion X Alcalá. Seguimos creciendo como comunidad y aprendiendo como jugadores. Esta liga es de carácter competitivo sin dejar de lado la idea de que los jugadores de la comunidad aun llevan poco tiempo jugando y no tienen en general un control avanzado de las reglas o sus bandas. Cualquier jugador que tenga en mente estos datos, y quiera venir a pasarlo bien en un ambiente desenfadado es bienvenido. Un saludo! NIVEL: Principiante - Medio. INSCRIPCIÓN: 8€ TAMAÑO DE BANDAS: 50SS, lideradas por Máster. FACCIONES A DECLARAR: 1 LISTA DE MISIONES: GG2018 Nº DE PARTICIPANTES: Sin Limite Establecido FECHA DE INSCRIPCION: Hasta el día 10 de Marzo (Sábado) LUGAR: Inscripción y partidas, en persona en Generación X Alcalá (Calle Pescadería 21, Alcalá de Henares) El formato de la liga consistirá en DOS FASES. Clasificación y Playoffs, las cuales durarán más o menos dependiendo del número de jugadores de la liga. Fase de clasificación: se jugará un numero X de jornadas (1 jornada = 2 semanas). En cada jornada se enfrentaran dos jugadores en emparejamiento fijo y se tendrán en cuenta todos los resultados para la clasificación final. Los jugadores serán responsables de ponerse en contacto entre sí para jugar la partida, pero si no han podido jugar se asignará un resultado de 0/-10/0 a ambos jugadores a efectos de conteo final. Se podrá disputar más adelante pasada la jornada, pudiendo actualizar el resultado de cara al final de la fase. Si pasadas la jornada se determina una voluntad manifiesta por no jugar por parte de un jugador, el otro jugador podrá jugar contra un sparring pudiendo ser dicho rival la organización o algún voluntario de buena fe. Un jugador que no juegue 3 jornadas consecutivas, podrá ser reemplazado por un jugador suplente y perderá su plaza en la liga así como toda opción a premios y sorteos finales. Fase de Playoffs: en función del numero de jugadores, se determinará el número de partidas de playoffs. Cuya primera ronda se determinará aleatoriamente. En esta fase, los jugadores que pierdan su partida dejarán de jugar y quedarán a espera de resultado final. Si un jugador declara no poder jugar su partida de playoff, su rival se clasificará automáticamente. Si la partida de playoff acaba en empate, se usará para desempatar la diferencia de puntos recabados durante sus anteriores encuentros. En cuanto al numero de participantes: Una vez cerrado el periodo de inscripción, se harán particiones en grupos para la fase clasificatoria. A su vez, en función del numero de participantes se escogerán a los que hayan obtenido mejores resultados y pasarán a la fase de playoffs. Tras cerrarse el plazo de inscripción los jugadores que deseen apuntarse, serán considerados suplentes para posibles reemplazos durante la liga. Pintura: al final de la liga se darán premios a la miniatura y banda más espectacularmente pintada.Para este asunto se creará un jurado imparcial desde la organización. Ambos premios no podrán ser ganados por el mismo jugador/pintor. Disponibilidad: cada participante debe tener en cuenta que por horarios de los jugadores la mayoría de las partidas se podrían disputar los viernes por la tarde o sábados. Por favor, valorad vuestra disponibilidad antes de apuntaros, tened en cuenta que si sólo podéis jugar entre semana por la mañana podríais tener muchos problemas para quedar. Localización: Las partidas deberán disputarse en solamente Generación X Alcalá. Sorteo y bonificaciones: Al terminar el periodo de inscripción, se hará un cálculo para saber las dimensiones del sorteo final. Adicionalmente, determinará un sistema de méritos que añadirán posibilidades en el sorteo final, así si un jugador ha recabado más méritos durante la liga, su nombre estará más veces en la lista de posibles premiados. Jugar al menos 4 partidas con todas las miniaturas pintadas = +1 (pruebas mediante foto) Jugar al menos 2 partidas sin repetir ningún perfil de miniatura contratada = +1 (pruebas mediante foto) Ganar al rival con una diferencia de 6 PV o más durante la fase de clasificación = +1 Comprar una nueva caja de máster, pintarla y jugar con dicha banda durante la liga, todo por el mismo jugador = +2 Notas: El uso de proxies está permitido si no supera el 20% de los componentes de la banda, o si no existe miniatura oficial. Se espera en todo momento un trato respetuoso y deportivo de todos los jugadores, pudiendo ser expulsado de la liga aquel jugador que falte al respeto a sus compañeros. IMPORTANTE: La organización se reserva el derecho de hacer las modificaciones necesarias a las bases una vez empezada la liga para garantizar su correcto funcionamiento.
  5. Come and join us for our monthly Malifaux event here at Sanctuary, get your points on the board that go towards the Hall Of Fame event in September. Welcome to our monthly Malifaux event Soul Stones: 50 3 Rounds lasting 2 hours, time will start once all players are at their table. Players must bring the following with them, •Models for their Crew(s) •Rulebooks and official Wyrd Stat Cards •A Fate Deck (one with Malifaux Suits) •Measuring tape •Appropriate Counters/Markers/Tokens PAINTING Models do not have to be painted but is strongly encouraged! Schedule 10.00am Doors open for registration and caffeine fix 10:30-12.30 Round 1 12.30-13:30 Break for lunch 13:30-15:30 Round 2 15.45-17:45 Round 3 Schemes and Strategies Available on the day Entry into this event is £15 on the day. Please book in advance if at all possible! You can purchase tickets in store or by sending a PayPal payment to sanctuarygamingcentre@outlook.com. If you are paying via PayPal please leave a note with your name and which event you are attending. PRIZEPOOL 1st Place and Wooden spoon– Trophy Store credit will be distributed accordingly. If there are 20 or more players then there will be a 20% discount in the store.
  6. What is the Fame Of Fame Championship? Here at Sanctuary we run monthly Malifaux events, if you enter an event your score will go towards the Hall Of Fame standings. Over the course of the year all of your scores are added together to form a league table, the top 32 players from that table get the chance to enter the Hall Of Fame in September. What can you win? You will be crowned as Sanctuary's Malifaux champion, you will get a trophy to take home and show off to your friends. You will get your name etched onto our shield trophy that sits in our cabinet in the store and you will get free entry into all of our Malifaux events until the next Hall Of Fame event. The player who finishes at the top of the table will get free entry into the Hall Of Fame, players that finish outside of this table will get the chance to enter if they finish 1st or 2nd in the UnderDogs event which will be held in August. The table so far.
  7. Come and join us for our monthly Malifaux event here at Sanctuary, get your points on the board that go towards the Hall Of Fame event in September. Welcome to our monthly Malifaux event Soul Stones: 50 3 Rounds lasting 2 hours, time will start once all players are at their table. Players must bring the following with them, •Models for their Crew(s) •Rulebooks and official Wyrd Stat Cards •A Fate Deck (one with Malifaux Suits) •Measuring tape •Appropriate Counters/Markers/Tokens PAINTING Models do not have to be painted but is strongly encouraged! Schedule 10.00am Doors open for registration and caffeine fix 10:30-12.30 Round 1 12.30-13:30 Break for lunch 13:30-15:30 Round 2 15.45-17:45 Round 3 Schemes and Strategies Available on the day Entry into this event is £15 on the day. Please book in advance if at all possible! You can purchase tickets in store or by sending a PayPal payment to sanctuarygamingcentre@outlook.com. If you are paying via PayPal please leave a note with your name and which event you are attending. PRIZEPOOL 1st Place and Wooden spoon– Trophy Store credit will be distributed accordingly. If there are 20 or more players then there will be a 20% discount in the store.
  8. Come join in an Enforcer Brawl on August 18th at War Room Games! Game starts at 7pm. Standard Enforcer Brawl Format rules. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! War Room Games 2560 E. Sunset Rd Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89120 (702) 685-6445
  9. Hello everyone we will be having our first story encounter tournament at the silver dragon tavern & games on August 6. The story encounter will be 3 rounds of a good team vs a evil team. Each round will pit good players vs evil players in a story driven mission. At the end of the day we'll have winning players and a winning team. The winning players will get prize support from the entry fees, while the winning team will get a small prize for having won the story encounter together. If you're not already part of our local group and wish to join just please let me know you will be joining us down bellow because I will be making special terrain pieces for each round and need to know if I must make more. Details: Location: Silver dragon tavern & games. 13754 N Kendall Dr, Miami, FL 33186 Date and time: Aug/06/2017 Sign up:11:00am Starting time:12:00am
  10. Hey everyone so we'll be hosting a story encounter tournament at my lgs. I need help coming up with something fun, that's the entire idea of this tournament. I need help with ideas and maybe experiences that you've guys had. We're not doing the rule book story encounters or anything that comes in boxes since it's they're pretty lack luster. My ideaIs to have an ongoing story throughout the rounds to have people interested in the story. Round 1: Jailbreak, two crews have infiltrated the malifaux city prison and received plans for the next big heist your goal is to extract your informant who was captured after passing on the plans Round 2: The heist, two crews have found and planned a big heist on a giant soul stones stash, your crew needs to steal the most stones before the guards are alerted. Round 3: get getaway, the Malifaux train is taking off and the guards are hot on your trail and the train is leaving get on the train and escape. This is the idea I have I'm open to other ideas as long as they're fun and thematic. The plan is to release comic book style advertisement for the event and heist blueprints.
  11. Join us for a 50 Soul Stone Malifaux event. Hall Of Fame Championship. Every time you enter one of our Malifaux events at Sanctuary your results will be combined, at the end of the year the top 24 players with the best overall scores will quilify for the Hall Of Fame Championship in October. Rulespack-The rulespack will be coming soon, the 3 rounds of this event will be the same as the last 3 rounds of the Scottish GT for players to get some practise. To buy tickets simple pay in-store or to pay using Pay-pal please send payment to sanctuarygamingcentre@outlook.com and leave your details. Attending 1. James Doxey - PAID
  12. I'm looking at applying to be a henchman. There are currently no stores in my town that sell Malifaux models. We have a local bar that has weekly game nights and they are open to miniatures games. We have a local game store as well. Would it be possible to get credit for running events at both?
  13. Hi, we are looking to begin running a month long Malifaux league event at The Deep Comics & Games in Huntsville, AL. There are two days available every week to fit players schedules. We will meet at 6pm on Wednesdays and at 1pm on Saturdays. All players are welcome and the first game will be 20ss with no restrictions.
  14. Hi to all! So, I wanted you to know, we're performing demos of Malifaux almost every Saturday in La Cueva del Enano! So, if you're in Buenos Aires and you want to meet the local community or you're just starting with the game and want to learn more, please drop by! Send me a message and we'll meet! We're there from noon until 8pm playing, chatting and having a great time. See you soon!!!
  15. I will be hosting a 32 player tournament at Southampton Sluggaz (St Denys Community Centre, Portswood, Southampton SO17 2JZ). 3 rounds of classic Malifaux action. £15 per person payable in advance by paypal to southamptonsluggaz@gmail.com (any money left after venue costs and prize support etc will be donated to charity) ensure your put your name in message so we know who has paid and that its for Oktoberfaux ? 50ss games chosen from a 150ss pool (inc upgrades, 2 master limit). Schemes and Strategies will be drawn before the event from the Gaining Grounds 2016 document. Full rules pack will be posted later. Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. 1st place and participation Guilders will also be given out. There will be a prize for best Sportsman and best painted as well as various other spot (mystery box) prizes. What charity tournament would be complete without a raffle as well (more details to follow so watch this space ?) Max 32 places, reserve your place now. There are no lunch facilities on site but we do have a fridge and a microwave if you want to bring anything. We do have a small tuck shop serving chocolate bars, Tea, Coffee, Coke and Water in the hall (all priced at 50p each). Shops and town centre are a 5-10min drive from centre. There is a pub opposite who serves food as well. We are looking at other facilities and will update if anything changes. (N.b. reserve places are if we have cancellations we can then contact you to step in. Of course no money is payable until you get a full place, unless you want to donate it to the charity anyway.) Places confirmed 1: Michael Curry (paid) 2: Stuart Snares (paid) 3: Tom Wilson (paid) 4: Tobias Dracup (paid) 5: Ben Sime (paid) 6: Keith Robinson (paid) 7: Troy Ashdown (paid) 8: Paul Dean (paid) 9: Michael Asquith (paid) 10: Connor Truby (paid) 11: George Hollingdale (paid) 12: Jan Proudley (paid) 13: Alex Hill (paid) 14: Daniel Mitchel (not paid☆☆☆) 15: John Jordan (not paid) 16: Daniel Foster (paid) 17: Daniel Willis (paid) 18: James Leeves (paid) 19: Jerry Powis ( paid) 20: Cerri Love ( paid) 21: James Varney (paid) 22: Alex Barbor (paid) 23: Sarah Foster (paid) 24: Elliot House (paid) 25: Matt Lewin (paid) 26: Tom Thorpe (paid) 27: Shaunie Red (paid) 28: Chris Gibbs (paid) 29: [Dumb Luck] Dominic Westerland (paid) 30: Ben Leslie (paid) 31: Maria Wieland (paid) 32: Joshua Leak (paid) (Reserve 1: ) (Reserve 2: )
  16. Sanctuary Gaming Centre is hosting a Wyrd Official Enforcer Brawl Format tournament, this event will run over the course of an evening.There will be 4 players on each group competing to get through to the next stage of the tournament, the top 2 from each group will progress to the knock out stages.The bottom 2 from each group will play off and the top 2 will progress.Entry is £5Register for the event here-http://challonge.com/malifauxnforcerbrawlPrizes will go to 1st, 2nd and 3rd and the wooden spoon. Rules Each player selects one Enforcer and attaches up to one Upgrade to it. The Upgrade must be something the Enforcer could have attached at the start of a normal game considering its Faction(s). (Leader only Upgrades may not be selected, for example.) The Enforcer must be one with a Cost which may be hired (no Coryphee Duets, for example). The game is played on a standard table. Each player flips a card to determine deployment order; the player who flips highest deploys first, followed by the second highest, etc., until each player has deployed their Enforcer. If two or more players are tied, they reflip amongst themselves. Models may be deployed anywhere on the table which is more than 6” from another model. Play proceeds for 6 rounds. Each round, all players flip for initiative; the player who flips highest must go first, followed by the second highest, etc. until all players have gone. If two or more players are tied, they reflip amongst themselves. If a model receives Reactivate, it receives a second Activation at initiative -1 (if multiple models Reactivate, they flip to determine which goes first). Before the game, assign a suit (R, t, etc.) to each table edge. On a player’s initiative, if they have no models in play or buried, they must flip a card which may not be cheated (reflipping jokers). The player places a new copy of the model they chose at the start of the Brawl (including its Upgrade) within 6” of the board edge corresponding to the suit flipped and then proceeds with their Activation as normal.. Restrictions The Enforcer Brawl has the following restrictions/rules: • Players have a hand of 4 cards, instead of the usual 6. • Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model). • When a model is buried, it may choose to be sacrificed instead (in which case it counts as sacrificed by the model which forced it to become buried). Scoring At the end of 6 Turns, the player with the highest Victory Points wins. Players score VP in the following manner: • 3 VP for each opposing model killed or sacrificed. A player scores 4 VP instead if the model they killed or sacrificed had a higher Soulstone Cost (including the cost of Upgrades) than their model did. • 1 VP for dealing 1 or more damage to an undamaged enemy (this may stack with killing the model). A player scores 2 VP instead if the model they damaged had a higher Soulstone Cost (including the cost of Upgrades) than their model did. • -3 VP for each time the player’s model was killed or sacrificed. • Points can also be gained using Schemes that will be generated on the day. If a player scores 5 or more piont in one turn they can attach a legal upgrade to there miniature. These are the base rules, have fun with them!
  17. Why so long faces, people? Let`s have some fun and competition. A new Malifaux event will be held on June 30. Let`s call it "Malifaux olympics" Why "olympics"? Well, this one will be different. This time you`ll have to dace some dangers of beyond-the-breach enviroment before you run into opposing bands. You`ll have to overcome these dangers with an athletic perseverance. You`ll have to survive 3 encounters. Going through with wit and vigor will stash you some extra VPs from them. Remember - you`ll have to survive this obsacles course before you can proceed to beating your opponents. Tournament will be held on June 30 12:00 MSK in "Bumazhniy Soldat" boardgame club. Rules: M2E and Gaining Ground 2016 Encounter set + 3 round Round duration: 2 hours Band size: 50SS Unpainted bands are allowed, but keep in mind that it`s considered a non sportsmanlike conduct Official fate deck only Proxy models are prohibited Printed stat and upgrade cards are allowed Admission fee: 250 RUR P.S. Dope and other stimulators are welcome
  18. Join us for our monthly Malifaux event, this event will be 50ss and 3 games over the course of the day! Interested Folk: 1. Steve Wilson (Paid) 2. Connor Barker (Paid) 3. Maria Weiland (Paid) 4. Rob Hallam (Paid) 5. Michael "Matthew" Ross (paid) 6. Dan Haslam (paid) 7. Martin Jones (paid) 8. Craig Johnson (paid) 9. Ross Hill (paid) 10. James Doxey (Paid) 11. Peter Sidaway (Paid) 12. Ross Clarke (Paid) 13. David Thompson (Paid) 14. Nathan Chenery (Paid) 15. Brooks Martin (Paid) 16. Ant Hoult (Paid) 17. Tim Brown (paid) 18. Phillip Milns 19. Huw Jenkins 20. Nick Pratt 21. David Wigley Entry Price Early bird (30 days in advance) £8 Standard (Within 30 days of event) £10 Pay on the day £15 To make a card payment over the phone please call 01623 232418 or send a PayPal payment to sanctuarygamingcentre@outlook.com It'd also very much help me keep the list of entrants updated if you also posted here with your full name once you have paid! The Rulespack can be found >>here<< We will also be using Gaining Grounds 2016 Schemes! Address for those coming from far away: St’Michaels and all Angels Church St’Michaels Street Sutton In Ashfield Nottinghamshire NG17 4GP . As always, any questions can be posted here and I will answer them as soon as I possibly can!
  19. So its that time of year again ladies and gents. Saturday January 30th 2016 @ Firestorm Games in lovely Cardiff will see the second Here Be Dragons. 16 players, 4 rounds and something a bit different this time. The tournament will follow a fixed three Master ‘Infiltrator’ format. You must nominate a chosen faction as normal and choose two Masters from this faction. However, you may choose your third Master from a different faction if you choose to do so (all hires will be from this Master’s faction as normal and not from the chosen faction of your two ‘main’ Masters). You can find the rules pack attached. Here-Be-Dragons-2016.docx Entry will be £15 including a lunch. Any questions you can message me here or on Twitter @Rargleblarg I look forward to seeing old faces and new ones. Neil Harrison Jon McCarthy Michael Rees Liam Coupland Richard Walters Will Lewis Kevin David Davies Dom (Hobbit) Westerland Jamie Armstrong Dafydd Williams Richard Bream James Henchly Robert Tozer
  20. Hey everyone! I'm hosting my first Malifaux Demonstration on Sunday January 24 at Forbes Hobbies in Cambridge, Ontario. I'm aiming to have at least 3 tables setup with masters from 10T, Guild, Ressers and Gremlins. We're working to build up the Malifaux Community in the Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge area and already begun hosting regular game nights every Monday at Forbes Hobbies. We will have games setup for both experienced and inexperienced Wargamers. I hope I get a chance to meet some of you in the area interested in playing! For more details on the event you can find it located here.. https://www.facebook.com/events/1867795006780077/ For the KWC Malifaux group, you can find it here.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/KWCMalifaux/
  21. A Christmas themed event will be running at common ground games in Stirling Sunday 13th December The Facebook event here contains the full details https://www.facebook.com/events/419624651571903/permalink/420534891480879/ This will be a 50ss fixed faction event with a x-mas twist to it Please contact me for any further details or join the event on Facebook
  22. Spooky nights are on their way, leading up to a grand finale on Halloween! To celebrate this wonderous event, I will be hosting a specially themed Halloween Malifaux game date with custom Scenarios and even a special Fate Deck for each participant. Here is the relevant information: Battlefield BerlinGneisenaustr. 4310961 Berlin Tel: 030-45088708 The event starts at 10:30 a.m. on the 31st of October. What you will need are the regular items and miniatures needed for a game of Malifaux.Crews will need a limited build: 30SS 1 Master/Henchman (upgrades as normal)1 Henchman/Enforcer (upgrades as normal)X Minions/Peons (X stands for any number) Each game played during the event will gain one bonus scheme: 'Dress Up' At the Start if the game, if the scheming player is dressed up in a Halloween costume, she will gain 1 VP. Should the scheming player be dressed up as a Malifaux character for Halloween, she will instead gain 3 VP. I hope to see you there! <3 Matt / EBM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gruselige Nächte kommen auf uns zu und führen zu einem schaurigen Finale an Halloween! Um dieses wundervolle Ereignis zu feiern, leite ich ein spezielles Malifauxevent mit Halloween-Thematik. Es gibt selbstgemachte Szenarios und sogar ein kostenloses Fate Deck für jeden Teilnehmer! Hier sind die relevanten Informationen: Battlefield BerlinGneisenaustr. 4310961 Berlin Tel: 030-45088708 Das Event startet um 10:30 Uhr am 31. Oktober. Alles was Du benötigst dine die üblichen Sachen für ein Malifauxspiel. Crews werden folgendermaßen eingeschränkt: 30SS 1 Master/Henchman (upgrades ganz normal)1 Henchman/Enforcer (upgrades ganz normal)X Minions/Peons (X steht für eine beliebige Nummer) Jedes Spiel hat zusätzlich folgender Scheme: 'Dress Up' At the Start if the game, if the scheming player is dressed up in a Halloween costume, she will gain 1 VP. Should the scheming player be dressed up as a Malifaux character for Halloween, she will instead gain 3 VP. Ich hoffe ich sehe Euch da! <3 Matt / EBM
  23. A event will be happening on Saturday 7th November at 6s2hit (20-22 Bread Street, EH3 9AF Edinburgh, United Kingdom) in Edinburgh. Registration from 10 to 10:30 with a view to the 1st round kicking of 10:453 rounds 50SS schemes and strategies will be announced on the day. This is intended to be a relaxed and fun day with more emphasis put on having fun games than being competitive. So you will be able to pick and faction or master each roundalways wanted to try that new master but never had the chance....now you can,wanted to try some new crazy list that shouldn't but might just work...Just do itPrice for the day will be £10 as part of that cost you will have lunch included (panini with one filling (extra fillings 50p), can of juice and a sweet) Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/1793095627584002/
  24. COME ONE COME ALL, to Regncon in Bergen, Norway! These two days, two WHOLE DAYS, I'm going to run demos in both Malifaux and Puppet Wars! The doors for the Convention opens at 17.00/5 PM on Friday, and I'll be running these demos from 18.00 until we're kicked out. Friday there will be Malifaux demos, using the Malifaux Two Player Starter Set, while on Saturday there will be Puppet-Wars: Unstitched, the board game where dolls rip the stuffing out of eachother! Fun fun fun! So to recap: Location: St. Paul Skole, Bergen. If you're unsure where it is, give me a shout and I'll gladly help! Malifaux Date: 9th of October Time: 18.00 - 23.00 Puppet-Wars: Unstitched Date: 10th of October Time: 10.00 - 15.00 Hope to see you there!
  25. From the album: Nythera Battles Calabozo Criollo Venezuela

    Lucius Battling the Teddy Bear at the gates of Debtors Delve
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