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About Nemi

  • Birthday 06/11/1990

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    Albany, New York
  • Interests
    Malifaux, D&D, Assorted Nerdery, Writing, Drawin'

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  1. But you already died, Lizzy. It's why you're a rezzer! So brush-licking should be just fine.
  2. Got it. It didn't feel right because I'm used to most 'summons' coming in without the ability to do much of anything, so I assumed there was some kind of generic summon rule I was missing. Good to know!
  3. So last night I played against my Rezzer friend (she knows who she is), pretty standard Lilith vs. Horror Molly. Crews were more or less as follows: Lilith with Beckon, Living Blade, etc., Cherub, Nekima holding her Grow-related upgrades (It was a fighty scheme and strategy combo, so I figured I'd try and benefit from the killing that'd assuredly happen), Graves, Doppelganger, a Black Blood Shaman, and a single Tot. Molly had Madam Sybelle, a Flesh Construct in reserve as a summon, Yin, Valedictorian, a doxy, and a handful of other models (Croolies, I think?). Strategy was Squatter's Rights, schemes included Assassinate, Bodyguard, Make Them Suffer, and was just generally a super killy setup. Anyway, long story short, Lilith and the gang murdered the shit out of Molly's crew. Molly started off summoning a Flesh construct that got eaten by Nekima right off, causing the Tot to Grow. On the same turn, Yin got mulched and the new Young turned into a Mature without ever activating. Aside from being a horrible display of bad luck on Molly's part and heavy soulstone expenditure on mine, I was left not feeling particularly good about things because I am also a pretty new Lilith player, having had only one previous game under my belt. The question I'm having involves the kills counting for Grow mechanics. Now, Nekima's upgrades let her kills count for Grow, and the Shaman also can transfer kill credit on. There's nothing about whether or not a freshly evolved Young can evolve on the same turn, though Nekima's ability to summon a Tot after getting a Black Blood kill specifies that they can't Grow that turn. From what cards we had in front of us, the sequential Growing into a Mature Nephilim was entirely following the rules, and it is fairly circumstantial in that you're not going to get a kill chain that crazy in all games, but I can't feel comfortable having popped that thing out on turn 1. It doesn't 'feel' right, speaking as someone who's been playing, if not this crew, for about four months. Thoughts from those more well-versed or experienced than I? Did I do this right?
  4. I made that error on my very first match. It's something I need to catch myself on because it's really easy to make :/ At least I'm not playing the Vikies, this is easy to keep track of compared to all their buffs
  5. It's all coming together. My bank account hurts, but so will your faces! Even if you beat me in our only match together!
  6. I had no idea who the Miss-es were but Miss Ery is adorable and I think I want it now. Because I'm gonna get Teddy anyway given my newfound love for Neverborn, so why not?
  7. Funnily enough, I was strongly thinking of getting Lilith's box anyway, so soon as I get some more spare monies, I think that's exactly what I'll do.
  8. Noooo don't give her actual advice that'll work
  9. Sounds like I've got a Graves in my future. Thanks much for the thoughts, everyone.
  10. Because I have no self control whatsoever I'm looking to dig into a Jakob Lynch crew, mostly going Neverborn route, and I'm wondering what first buys I should be picking up. I've got his own box, a Doppelganger, and Beckoners on the way already- should I look into Mr Graves? Maybe some Tots for scheme running? I'm effectively just starting out but I'd be going into 50 SS games with fairly varied opponent crews, and I'm not 100% on the capabilities of the Lynch crew other than that Graves and the Doppel can give you some fun mobility tricks that work together nicely.
  11. I think that'd require Lizzy to put Molly up in the reach of my admittedly pretty scary crew. I mean, doable, but the Accomplice range isn't very far.
  12. I'm almost 90% certain that our spectator actually is some kind of luck leech because you do SO much better when he's not around, like when you brawled Snowy and Friends to a standstill at the coffeeshop, but man :\
  13. After playing two games with Lizzy where she was trying the Killjoy Bomb, I'm thinking that the Bomb requires a lot of really careful timing. For reference, I'm mostly playing Von Schill Outcasts or Mei Feng Arcanists, and each time Lizzy's tried the Bomb she's placed Killjoy right out in the open when my masters have yet to activate. Within charge range. Which, I understand with Killjoy's activation thing forcing him to charge anything in reach, but since it comes on the turn right before I activate.. Killjoy's been murdered in a single turn each time, between Mei's stupid damage output or Von Schill just flipping well. Anecdotal evidence maybe especially since Lizzy can't flip at all but it didn't work well for her at all. She's gonna keep trying it, I think, to see if it can't be finessed (maybe by pulling one of my high-value models into position before the Bomb, RIP Librarian) but so far it hasn't worked. On the other hand, Lizzy's flip luck is such that most things don't work, sooo.
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