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Everything posted by trikk

  1. I don't think so Being treated as less than half of maximum health means just that. They are not treated as having 2 health or 1 health. Just abilities that trigger if you have less than half of maximum health would trigger.
  2. I think in GU he can have: Steward (which synergizes with Pearl dropping enemy scheme marker) Peacekeeper (which can Trail of Gore off the scheme marker) LLC Sly Six Shots (You can put 4 markers near him to draw 4 cards) In ES he can abuse Flush with Cash to get extra cards and stones from dead traps etc. I didn't see him in ES much to be honest but maybe because a lot of people who liked him played him in GU before ES actually released
  3. You have to remove the 'www' from the link for it to work
  4. I feel Wall might see some play in Raid as he has the stun Daze but I feel his redesign/nerf (while deserved) missed the mark hard. He used to be a protector so the extra shielded triggers mattered. Confident Stance is a very mediocre defensive tech and his Df7, Armor, and Shielded don't mean much as there is basically 0 incentive to attack him. Watson also deserved a nerf as 7SS was wayyyyyy too cheap but I feel 8 Wds with psuedo HtW for a 9SS frontliner isn't very good so basically you pay 11 for him to have LLC. He still is decent but I feel HtK/9th Wound would make him way more fair.
  5. I don't know what changed but the new models look WAY better than the previous ones. The artists and whoevere coordinated them did a great job. NOW GIVE ME DOCTOR OCTOPUS
  6. Hi Patryk Polish community has its discord: https://discord.gg/JjyRJ6nA
  7. The order is: Resolve obey (model will make action) Resolve trigger Obey action is resolved Now model does the generated action So for Colette: Red Herring is before her action and for Obey you can use the focus on the generated action
  8. They can move through but they can't end their move in them
  9. I tried various Guild masters into Nexkids. Results vary from 1-2 loss to 5-6 loss
  10. It wouldnt cause you can't Duet as it's not a minion But if you start with a Desolation engine and its killed and replaced by an abomination that abomination can score. If it would replace into a Desolation Engije again it would not be eligible again
  11. The sheer amount of free wounds, healing and parasite debuffs are just way out of line
  12. Wait, there's no book announced? 😮 WYR23330 Untold Tales $35.00 online only Unless that's the book Also, do the Iconic lines have mini-versions like Sonnia?
  13. trikk

    Bandido buff?

    I initially don't like the fix. I would just prefer for 4-6SS models to require more effort to kill
  14. I think it does transfer and until it's faqed it's how it should be played. I think it's another loophole in Replace into/from multiple models but I can't find a rule argument against it.
  15. LJ, Dita, Basse, Hoffman, Ironsides, Colette are all generally good
  16. trikk

    TOS app bugs

    My Guild Mage card works. Did you check updates?
  17. I think it's a matter of Mad Dog being too good and not Alyce being bad 😜
  18. I find that Alyce plays in almost 100% Levi games and I think the only reason Ashes doesn't is that OC have great versatiles and Amalgam has very good minions.
  19. I think Levi is super strong and probably isnt as popular cause Von Schill+ Yannic and Tara exist. The few games I played with him oost errata he still evaporates stuff pretty fast and I usually manage to get 1-2 leaps off
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