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About SuperDudeMan64

  • Birthday 02/03/1989

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  1. I've been away from my gaming group the last two months and I've got a few weeks until I'll be able to run a game with them. I was wondering if anyone had any good moments from the game to share to help me get my fix before I can get my group together.
  2. I didn't even think of that. That would have been a great paint scheme. Thanks for the comments. This is my first time posting any pics of my models, so it feels kind of good to hear some positive feed back. Sorry the photos are so blurry. I'll try to take some new ones before too long.
  3. I could understand it well enough. If you do decided to put up a more straight forward one I think it would work best as a short summary.
  4. Some of the first Malifuax models I've painted. Comments are welcome.
  5. That was really good! I hope you'll put up more of these in the future.
  6. As I've mentioned in other posts, I just picked up my Lilith box set. I'm really excited to start painting her but I thought I would ask you guys for some tips. For her skin I'm aiming for the GW blueish/purple skin like the daemonette skin. Her hair I want to have bright orange. The tots skin I'm thinking the same thin as Lilith, but pink rather than blue. I've never done skin like this before and I've never painted hair. So any tips or links would be most appreciated.
  7. http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Slate+Ridge+Mauler That should have a decent amount of info for you. What crew are you planning on using it with?
  8. Sweet deal! Thanks you guys. I won't be able to make it out tomorrow night, a buddy and I are helping set up for a big Apoc game this weekend, but I'll defiantly come by next week. @Jonas Albrecht I'd be up for that. Do you guys post games on the forums anywhere?
  9. I live just outside Champaign/Urbana and I'm looking for some more people to play against. I'm not opposed to driving out to Peoria or Bloomington for a game.
  10. Don't be afraid of using your Gaiman as walking bombs. I've been known to pop my own with Decembers curse when they are in a good cluster. Cheat their defense down so Raspy get a sever and BAM! You can three explosions going at once! (Gaiman's "shatter" and Raspy's two bursts)
  11. I honestly have a dozen characters kicking around in my head right now. One I really want to do would be a character like Francis Wayland Thurston. Just a scholar that slowly gets swept into this big Arcanist plot.
  12. I may have laughed too hard at that. Plus they are using ABS plastics, so I won't have to worry so much about bending limbs of the models. I thought I had snapped the arm off one of my gaiman and I about **** a brick.
  13. @i_was_like_you I don't think I've ever seen a list like that before. Have you had success with odd ball builds like this in the past?
  14. Noted. For Lilith I've only really seen grow lists, so that's what I built this for. Would it be a better idea to drop the tots and the mercs and run Lelu, Lilitu, and Tuco?
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